Art Chat with Linda Riesenberg Fisler

Investigating the Creative Process with Wayne Johnson

June 21, 2012 lfisler

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Grammy Award Winning Musician Wayne Johnson will be joining us on this show to discuss the creative process. We'll examine the process that musicians use to create music and compare notes (get it?) with the creative process we artists use. Just how similar is it? When in painting we use the word melody, just how similar is it to creating the melody of a song? What about notes--color notes, musical notes--how many--how few? The harmony of the song--does it hold the song together like the color harmony of a painting? How does a musician become inspired? How many artists listen to music while we paint? Why do we listen to music when we paint? Just how much cross-pollination occurs between the musician's creative process and the artist's creative process? We'll also talk to Wayne about the music compositions he created for Kevin Macpherson's Reflections On A Pond. Wayne also created our show music, "Everybody's Painting Pictures:. We'll talk to Wayne about that and so many other things! Join us for the this jammed packed hour of discussion! (Like this show? Want to know about upcoming shows? Go to and sign up for our free newsletter (upper right hand corner of the website). The newsletter contains information on upcoming shows! Thank you!)

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