Starve the Doubts

Portland Doughnuts, Standing Out & Dealing with Tragedy with Chase Reeves

October 30, 2014 Jared Easley
Chase ReevesIn today’s episode, Starve the Doubts host Jared Easley is joined by Jody Maberry from, as they interview Chase Reeves, a weird mix of business, design, marketing, and tomfoolery. He is a blogger, podcaster, and entrepreneur through his work on Fizzle Co. Based in Portland, Oregon with his lovely wife and son, Chase helps entrepreneurs find their creative habit while avoiding burnout. He seeks to serve independent entrepreneurs create tools and resources to help guide them through their unique journey.If you’re looking for some energy boost, listening to this episode should do it for you! Chase is ten times the power of caffeine with his witty, whimsical, and supercharged persona. Plus, find out about the one donut that made him want to be a better man!In this episode, you’ll learn about:His favorite iOS calendar app - it’s just what he has dreamt of!Standing out from the crowdThe importance of studying screenwritingHow screenwriting applies to copywriting and connecting with peopleWhy Chase switched his podcasting host to SoundCloudWriting emails to his five-year old boy every monthOvercoming a tragedy in your life Items mentioned:The power of learning screenwritingChase’s book recommendation: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald MillerAbout how the author learned the elements of story to turn his real life story into something that makes sense on screenWhy Chase loves movies and screenwriting so muchWhat does it mean to be humanWhat are we looking to achieveWhat do we want this to be likeHow do we make sense of the things that happen to usWhy Chase likes SoundCloudWhy he created a Gmail account for his sonDealing with a loss of a loved oneNot getting into any new, huge project where you can vent your anger/emotions atAllowing yourself to just be in that moment to let the grief wash over youHaving people around that you can talk toConnect with Chase at to check out the blogs, podcast, etc.Chase’s final thoughts for the listeners:“We’re all gonna die so enjoy yourselves.”

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