Starve the Doubts

Kary Oberbrunner - FREE Day Job to Dream Job Training

April 29, 2014 Jared Easley
DREAM JOBBER – QUICK START PRODUCT LAUNCH by Kary Oberbrunner (, without a product you’re toast. Maybe not—but your chances of passive income go way down. So… How do you sell a product quickly…before you even create it? How do you market this product without an email list? How can you create a product that provides video, audio, and community? How do you do this for free?Follow the Dream Jobber Quick Start Product Launch:1 Pick a Snag. Your product will offer the solution. And you will provide the service.2 Set up a free account with Make sure to take off the annoying chimes (entry/exit tones). Also hide the amount of callers and the name of callers. Do this under preferences. This will make you look smarter and better.3 Set up a free PayPal account.4 Set up a free Vimeo account.5 List your free call in Eventbrite. (Under your event click “Manage. Then go to “Order Confirmation.” Copy and paste your call/skype instructions so your attendees get this information immediately when they register. FreeConferencing provides you with this.) Advertise this call everywhere (email signature, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)6 If you have a Facebook fan page, create an event and tie it back to Eventbrite.7 Create another paid event for your new product in Eventbrite. (Connect your PayPal account to Eventbrite. This will allow you to collect payments for your future product.)8 Create an affiliate program if you need access to more people. Offer a generous affiliate commission (suggested 20-45%). Do this in Eventbrite under Manage / Invite & Promote / Affiliate Programs.9 Create a private Facebook group for your tribe. (This will be the “community” element for your future product.)10 Offer your listeners a 25% off coupon code if they sign up for your future product within 24 hours. (This is done within Eventbrite under: Manage/Promotions.)11 Create a password protected web page on your Website. Your clients will access your future project here. Make this page part of your menu bar. Name it “Products” or “Members.”12 Record a welcome video on your smart phone or camera. Tell your clients how excited you are to be working with them. Tell them that the details for the first week of content will be emailed to them in 7 days. Upload this video to Vimeo and make sure to password protect it. Place this video and those details in the “Order Confirmation” email message within your paid event in Eventbrite.13 Have your free call through FreeConferencing. Record it. On this free call you will offer incredible value (50% of the call) and then you will explain your product (the other 50% of the call).14 After inviting them to join you on the journey then announce the code. Tell them about the 24-hour expiration. Thank them for joining you on the call.15 In Eventbrite, email a recording of your call to your all your Eventbrite sign-ups (about 25-50% won’t make the call.) Tell them about the 24-hour expiration of the code and the call (FreeConferencing will let you do this).16 Build the rest of your program on a weekly basis. Write a short guide and upload it on your password protected website page. Conduct your calls (FreeConferencing) and post the recorded version on your web page. Record your videos, upload them to Vimeo and password protect them. Post the Vimeo links or embed them on your password protected web page.That’s it Dream Jobber. You can sell a product th

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