Looking Up Sheffield

Looking Up Sheffield Episode One: Two Rivers

Chris from Two Rivers, Heritage Sheffield Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to a new podcast about Sheffield buildings, heritage and people!

Our first episode is set, as all first episodes should be, in a former toilet. Not just any toilet, but the public conveniences on the very spot where Sheffield was formed!

The former Blonk Street conveniences are at the very point where the river Sheaf meets the river Don and where the Sheaf Field was, which gave Sheffield its name.

We're pioneers that way.

In our first podcast, we look at

  • what it takes to turn a pissoir into a pub
  • learn about Sheffield's former castle, home to Mary Queen of Scots no less
  • muse about the similarities between Sheffield and Norway
  • celebrate Heritage Sheffield's most popular insta post ever
  • music from the Recroots!