Looking Up Sheffield

Looking Up Sheffield Season 2, Episode 1: Cities of Dust

Loz Harvey Season 2 Episode 1

We finally got our podcast chops in gear for season two of the popular peoples' podcast (note the apostrophe placing) and what a cracker it is. While we pretend to look after our respective children, Loz and Nic talk positively about other people's rubbish and what might become of John Lewis. We introduce a new feature, Building Of The Month, with the fantastic Heritage Sheffield, where he talks about his love of the White Building in Fitzalan Square (like the Beatles' White Album if that too was a building, all to a relaxing ambient backdrop). 

And our interview is with Martin Dust on his new book Brutal Sheffield. Exploring the hitherto unexplored link between punk and concrete, Martin explains how we're not as brutal as we once were, but how it might hold the key to Sheffield's creative recovery from the pandemic. 

And on the subject of recovery, that will be an inevitable recurring theme in S02 as we explore how the city reemerges triumphantly in 2021. Much like this podcast then.