Making Shift Happen - 180 Seconds @ a Time

It's Time to Re-imagine Performance Evaluation

September 10, 2020 Brad Smith & Kristy Braden Season 1 Episode 36
It's Time to Re-imagine Performance Evaluation
Making Shift Happen - 180 Seconds @ a Time
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Making Shift Happen - 180 Seconds @ a Time
It's Time to Re-imagine Performance Evaluation
Sep 10, 2020 Season 1 Episode 36
Brad Smith & Kristy Braden

It's almost the favorite time of year for leaders and individual contributors alike - annual performance evaluations!  Okay, let's not feign enthusiasm for a process that most of us dread.  How should organizations approach evaluating performance for a year that has been filled with so much disruptive change?

In this episode, Kristy Braden and Brad Smith of Inflection Point Leadership, Inc. discuss the potential inequities of "merit-based" performance evaluations, and how for 2020 in particular, it's time to re-imagine both the intent and process of how we evaluate individual and collective success.

To learn more about leading disruption and Inflection Point Leadership, visit our website at or contact Kristy at or Brad at

Show Notes

It's almost the favorite time of year for leaders and individual contributors alike - annual performance evaluations!  Okay, let's not feign enthusiasm for a process that most of us dread.  How should organizations approach evaluating performance for a year that has been filled with so much disruptive change?

In this episode, Kristy Braden and Brad Smith of Inflection Point Leadership, Inc. discuss the potential inequities of "merit-based" performance evaluations, and how for 2020 in particular, it's time to re-imagine both the intent and process of how we evaluate individual and collective success.

To learn more about leading disruption and Inflection Point Leadership, visit our website at or contact Kristy at or Brad at