Making Shift Happen - 180 Seconds @ a Time

Leading During a Shift Show

November 16, 2020 Brad Smith & Kristy Braden Season 1 Episode 39

We are about 2 weeks past Election Day in the U.S., and while some things remain uncertain, one thing has become clear - we are in the midst of a "shift show," and we'll likely continue to be swirling in shifts for at least the next year.

In this episode, Brad Smith and Kristy Braden discuss the characteristics that differentiate leaders who are adept at "leading up" during such shifts (moving toward an upward trend of an inflection point), versus those that are known for "leading down" (turning an inflection point to negative results).  We also discuss three things that you can do as a leader to get yourself and other through times of significant shifts.

o learn more about equipping organizations, teams, and leaders at all levels to make shift happen, visit our website at or contact Kristy at or Brad at