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SNM160: Use Simple Surveys to Double your Business

Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger

Start chasing that ball too early and you're business will never be profitable; wait too long and you're leaving money on the table. How can you manage this balancing act?

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you simple surveys to double your business on today's episode. Today's episode is brought to you by thrive themes, blazingly fast WordPress templates and plug ins built to get more traffic, more subscribers, more clients and more customers to you. To find out how thrive themes can turn your blogger Web site into a money making work of art, go to serve no master dot com Backslash Drive Themes Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host. We've both seen those really cool and fun quizzes online. Which character you from your favorite TV show or movie? Take this quick quiz to find out your I Q. For the past 20 years, these surveys have been one of most effective ways to get someone's email address a long time ago. Way back in college in the late nineties, I took one of my Q tests. Answer all the questions at the end. It says You want to get your results were processing them. Give us your email address. We'll send them as soon as you're ready and people do it. It's a great way to capture an email address. It's a great way to form that connection with someone, and it allows you to give a stronger result. When you go through a survey, the technology now can react to your answers if you go through one of my service, and I'm doing more and more of these to give a better experience. For example, if you take one of the surveys to see your current fate level or to see how you are on the Depression spectrum or any of the questions I'm trying to develop in surveys, your results will change the emails. You guys would change how I communicate with you. For example, Let's say you take one of my quizzes with the Depression book and we find out you're really struggling with depression really strong level. Well, then I'm gonna send you more e mails and more encouragement to deal with that problem. I'm gonna really focus on helping you overcome that. But if it turns out you only have the lightest of touches your only a little bit curious about depression. But it's not affecting your life in any way. Then those same emails would be wasted. They wouldn't be well targeted. You can use surveys to find out what people want and then give it to them. I used several different types of surveys in order to improve your experience. You're my customer. You're my tribe member. You're my follower. It's very important to me to really give you an amazing experience. So the first type of survey I use is a simple one question survey. There's a service called Poll Daddy, which is owned by WordPress. I used the free version will pay anything, and I tend to with my pole daddy stuff. Be very simple. So the two most recent surveys I didn't using whole daddy one was which book covered you like for control your fate and I had the six or seven designs I said. Everyone on the email list a chance to look at the designs. You just click which one you like and click. This is my favorite. Yes. After the first round of results, I used a second batch of designs based on the survey results and write. A second survey was interesting is that the answers were almost perfectly evenly split. Three people like number 13 people like number two or three like number four. So the percentages were almost perfectly evenly split. So sometimes you don't get the perfect data. In that case, I found a couple that nobody liked, but there were a lot that were very evenly split. The second survey I recently ran was Which product should I work on? Next? It had a list of four product ideas and then the other. And again the split was almost perfectly even. Sometimes you're gonna get that data, and that tells me that there's equal interest in all the ideas, and that's OK. That's a useful piece of data that tells me that I'm not on the wrong path that help me, that all of my ideas are equally good. Some people interested in blogging somewhat interested in copyrighting. Some were interested in some of my more advanced writing techniques and all of those results. Tell me, Okay, none of these is a really bad one. Sometimes you'll have 45 ideas and only one of them people like people, like four of them. And hate the 5th 1 that tells you. Okay, you're working, whichever one you want, but not this one. That's really good data. A more sophisticated survey is the one I've been working on, which is the career assessment quiz. In fact, the quiz is done. I ran into some technology problems that I have since fixed. I set up my survey software on a brand new domain because having it on the main serve no master site, it was running the tech problems because there's so many different things running at once. So that survey will be live very soon, hopefully by time. Listen that now. That's where we ask some questions to determine what's the best path for you. A large percentage. My audience really wants to be writer, but that's not everything. Some people want to write one book that's their flagship book about their career, their life, their vision and experience with one of their parents. Something very important. They have a specific message or they have a specific path there on. That's one type of writer. Some writers are really just looking to make money as a writer. They want to quit their job and make a living as a writer. So both people are learning right, but they're slightly from motivations. I have other people and the email me a lot. Get a live emails from people who say I love your stuff, but I don't want to be a writer. Some people are destined to be copywriters if you want to do programming. Some people have specific skills and other areas, whether it's networking or sales and what my survey does, what my new assessment does. I've been working on this assessment for almost six months out. To make it perfect is determined which path is right for you, whether it's podcasting or blogging or networking. And once we figure out the right path for you than those of the e mails, you start to get those air the podcast and blocking episodes I start to recommend to you. So through my e mails, I could be responsive to your needs. I can see Oh, this is what works for you. This is the best information for you. So a simple survey will tell him. Your simple assessment helps you to figure out what the best tool is for you. The best resource is our for you and that when you start to get a better experience, you start to get a more customized experience. Instead of getting the same e mails as everyone, you start to get their emails that really meet you where you are. There are certain segment of people who find me because they're struggling with different emotional problems. I have a new group of people who find me because they do searches for how to deal with depression, Amazon and now some. My book start to show, even serve. No master shows up because I talk about depression a little bit. That book I talk about in my other books I've dealt with it, and supreme is podcast episodes. Some people find me that way, and that's the content that's very important to them. So they need to start hearing the content about how I dealt with that. So for the best thing for them to hear about, it might be my podcast episode about my simple system for dealing with depression, the best book for me to recommend. It's my new book about overcoming depression. Those aren't the best things for someone who finds me and just wants to write a book, or it's just interested in starting a podcast. So when you have a survey on your Web site, you can use it to figure out what people need to use it, to figure out what the best products are to make for people. And you can use it to give people what they want to customize your messaging service. They're also very effective because there are a great way to capture email addresses. And there's two big ways to do that. The first is the viral Quest. This is a quiz you put on social media that people really respond to. Which Harry Potter character are you? That quiz went viral about a year and 1/2 ago, and over a 1,000,000 people gave some of their e mail addresses trying to find out what your character from Harry Potter there are. And this is the type of twins that anyone can put together. You could do it on any TV show or movie getting about any different area. Are you a vampire zombie? Are you aware? Well, for a zombie? Are you vampire aware wolf? You could just keep running different ideas and post them on social media, and people will get interested if you make it fun. As long as your quiz results are a bit fun or interesting, people really respond on social media. You could start to get it viral build, which means people begin to join. Join, join your mailing list because the quiz is so fun. These types of quizzes that go viral tend to be less informative and more fun was on Facebook or Twitter. People usually just looking to have a bit of fun and always looking to do homework or find out something deep about themselves. Sometimes you can have one of those quizzes that really digs deep, but there's a balance they could do okay, but if you want one of those quizzes, it just goes absolutely crazy and millions of people are taking. That's where the viral fun element of a quiz goes, and I can't tell you what quiz will go viral next. You can't always predict the future and Of course, if I could, then that would be the next was im ing the second we quizzes and assessments, and these surveys are very effective at gathering A list is using them as your league capture element you can compare. You could have a survey or free gift. Those the two main ways to get email addresses and lately, over the last year, surveys of outperformed free gifts very consistent. This is why I've been building my survey, and only because the survey was running slow. Have I not launched it? So I have to remake the whole thing from scratch in my new website. In order, have it run really fast work every time? But when I switched that, probably the number of people who entered the addresses will go up. And the information I could get for people awake and communicate with them would be more effective because when you run a survey quiz, we run a survey often, and you get the email address at the end of the survey. You then know more about the person, and you could be more effective in your communication. You give them more value. It's really important to people my procrastination quiz. When I first launched the book, procrastination had a glitch in it, and the quiz was only working about 40 50% of the time. Not everyone who clicked the button saw the quiz. Sometimes they'd see these three flashing dots. That meant for some reason the quiz was loading right, and one lady wrote me a really mean email about it. She said, How dare you? Some of that was never emailed me again. It didn't work, and she was really mad at you. Every right to me. If I do something wrong or make a mistake in your upset, it's okay to tell me I don't feel good about it. I feel bad about it. I've been working on fixing the problem, and I talked to Tech support a bunch. And, you know, I do all the tack myself, and I've isolated the problem. I've got what I had to do. I'm like, Okay, I have to build a whole new website just for my assessment. So there's nothing there to slow down the assessments where now I'm rebuilding my quizzes and rebuilding my survey so that I could be better and give a better experience to my customers who have better experience to everyone, and my email captures will go up in the e mails, I said you were more effective. It's a win for everyone. The other thing to think about is that coming up with three gifts and making free gifts, it's hard for a year and 1/2 now. The main free gift on the Circle Master website was the Escape. The 9 to 5 boot camp, which is really a Siri's of seven e mails that help you figure out the right path to make get you ready to start setting up your revenue stream so that you can quit your job where you can have a back of revenue stream. That's effective and will protect you in case you lose your job. But all the people who've seen that and never enter their email address, I have to show him something else to keep them interested. One thing that I've done, it's great, different free gifts, and there's one for networking. There's one for copyrighting, so as you are interested in different things, different free gifts show up different value, which is great. It's really helpful for you. But again, creating a new free gift for each different idea. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. It's actually less work for you, and you give a better experience your customers. When you build a quiz, rebuild a survey. It could take you an afternoon where is coming up with an idea and finding out if people like it and making a free gift that could take a lot of work. It can take you days or even weeks to write something, trying to write a great PdF. First you have to write the text, and you have to add the images and make it look graphically nice and look professional. Then you have to make a image cover for it, so it looks like a three D book. Convert it all into a PdF, and that could be hard. That's a technical thing that takes a while to learn. So there's a creative in the technical element, and that could take you a while to make that free gift. I recommend doing it, of course, but now people respond more to service. They're more likely to give you the email address. You learn more about them, and you give him a better instant value that, Oh, this is the best path for me. I learned something about myself today. It's less work. Talk about a triple win. That's what I love about surveys. And I'm gonna be doing more and more of them now that I've overcome my little tack hurdle. Now, as far a survey software, there's a couple of options out there. I happen to use the thrive themes, quizzes they called Dr Quizzes. As you know, if you follow me for a long time, all of my tools are built around five. My designers thrive teams for getting reviews and testimonials. I used Dr Ovation. All the two leaders are part of Dr teams. I pay once a year a secret flat feet, and it gives me about 15 different tools by them that I use that all really well designed work quickly and give you great user experience. I love them. I used to use a different platform, but I switched to thrive last year when I ran into some glitches and my website crashed. There are some competitors out there that are purely quiz based software, but they all are far more expensive. For a long time I was e mailing thrives. And guys, I wish you had a quisling wish you had a serving type of software. Then they launched it. I was so excited. The competitors are Some of them are $100 a month. Some of them are a couple $100 a month. A lot of the competitors charge you. Her survey filled out. So if you have a really successful when you could end up hanging huge amount of money, of course you'll make your money back because you're building a massive list. But not everyone is ready to start out spending $100 a month. Just really run quizzes. You do simple surveys with Pol Daddy and the other tool I use. That's free. And I do recommend starting there you can't do is sophisticated stuff, but it's a great place to start. So if you have no budget, we're starting from scratch. It's fine. Pole Daddy works. I've used it for some of my stuff. I use it for two poles. This here what I like about thrive on. The reason I was dr quizzes is that I could have dynamic response is based on your answer to question one I can send you. It's a different question, too. And then I continue different question three. So, for example, maybe you're in the fitness space and your first question can be Are you male or female? Some visits website you're teaching about, You know, talk about yoga locks. I do yoga almost every day and you say, Are you male or female? That's all my male, male and female people of men and women. They have different fitness needs. Most guys who were overweight. We're worried about our big Tom Toms, right? But a woman was overweight. The weight might be somewhere else on her body. The way she feels about it, different exercises she needs to do are different. And so, asking different questions, you can find out why they're there. Your second question could be about age. So then you could have different buckets or different groups of people you deal with in a different way. Maybe have one set of e mails for women under the age of 40 and another for women over 40 and the same ferments. And I have four sets of e mails or you figure out OK, this is how I need to communicate people differently. They have different problems. It's easier to lose weight when you're younger, as you know your body and it gets older. It's more effort, more work. You have to be even more dedicated for me now. I just came back from a little trip and my weight shot back up and exercise for five days and my weight went back up. I've been back for two days now, and I'm on a super strict diet. Exercising like crazy to really get my metabolism backward needs to be. But it's so much harder than when I was trying to lose weight in 17. I wish that had been dedicated to fitness of 17 so I didn't have to fight so hard now. But what can you do? You can't change the past crying over spilled milk. It's just reality. So that means you can offer different types of training, different types of advice to people based on their gender, their age, their health experience. Whatever space you're in, you could do more dynamic quizzes and more dynamic surveys when you're using thrive, you know, a big proponent of thrive themes, and thrive leads there. One of the big advertisers on this podcast. That's because I used the tool. It's one of my primary tools. You cannot visit my website without experiencing Life Team, since the design is by them all the surveys or buy them every time I ask for an email address, it's a thrive tool. You could build surveys several different ways. You could have just pure questions. You could have questions with images. I like using images of my cuisine. I think it looks cool, but I think it's a better user experience. But not every quiz answer lends itself to an image. If you're asking people about their age and you have a picture of a young, beautiful person or old person with a cane that everyone's gonna enjoy that not everyone appreciates that imagery. So you don't always need imagery with your quizzes in your surveys. When you're thinking about using her serving qu'est, perhaps you're circling back to the fact that at the start of this episode I talked about growing your business. So let's talk about how service don't be financially. The first is that you're often rates will increase even with a book, and I've been working on this technology for a while. I don't have any software right now that can show a quiz within a Kindle device. Unfortunately, what I have to do right now is capturing email address and then send someone a link the next time they're on their computer phone so they could take the quiz because of the way my quit software is dynamic and its advanced. I can't do it within a kid. I wish I could. I wish I could make you take the survey just inside of your Kindle device. But the technology is not there yet, And it's very unlikely that any company that's building Quest software will make something just for kindles. Even I wish they would. It's too small a second in the market. Maybe I'm the only person the world that wants it. It increases the percentage of Optimus more people give their email address for people interested in that larger email list, the more money we're gonna make. If you have a list of 1000 people and making $1000 a month, that's great. If your list was 10 dozen people making $10,000 a month so you can look at what you're making right now with your lips, eyes and realize if I double a double, I make trouble in triple time. That's wonderful. So you definitely want to really focus on list growth the second way it helps you grow your business to make more money is that you give better and more customized communication to your audience. If you send people the wrong, e mails will only open them a few times if someone finds me and they're really struggle with depression. I sent a bunch of emails about becoming a writer there eventually gonna stop reading my messages even if on Day seven I switch. So the 1st 6 emails are all about being a writer. Day seven, I talked about depression. It might be too late. They might not open that. So having more effective, more targeted communication means they're more likely to open emails. They're more likely to look at the right things. It's easier for me to say to someone after two days. Hey, it looks like you're really struggling with this. Here's a podcast episode of depression. Here's another book about depression. There's another technique for dealing with that issue. Same thing for a procrastination. You're really struggled. Procrastination. I'd better not wait a week to send you emails because you're not gonna read any emails after this one because you're a procrastinator. Let me give you an answer effectively, really fast. So you're getting more email addresses. You're emailing them more effectively. And that means that you'll make more money as an affiliate or is a sales person. When you start a relationship with someone, be email when you begin to have someone in your email. Listen, you're communicating with them. You only get so many chances. If you recommend the wrong thing for five times, you're gonna lose that relationship. They're going to stop listening to the quality of your VIPs. The mount they respect you goes down. Let's say we were best friends and I recommend a movie to you movies. Terrible. You hate it. Next week, I recommend a movie you again. It's not the time to move You like it all. I recommend a horror movie to you, but I should know you don't like horror movies. The third week I recommend a Children's movie to you. It doesn't make any sense you don't have any kids, Why would you wanna watch a Children's movie wait for you might not even asked my opinion, even though those movies were right for some people, they're not right for you. You'll stop opening my emails. You'll stop quickly by legs. Our relationship will start to slide down the hill. But when you have a more targeted list when instead of just being ever visited your website or anyone who's interested in any of your books when it becomes really specific about what they're interested in, the topics and the ideas that matter to them, you could build a stronger relationship. You can have more respected advice because the things you recommend, it makes sense to them. When someone recommends information, training tools, block posts, podcast episode, social media posts that are valuable, you start to listen to their advice more. If that same best friend recommends four movies in a row that are awesome. Week five. You're waiting for that email. You're chomping at the bit to find out their next movie recommendation. Good recommendations Raise your credibility just like bad recommendations lowered, and this is how you can give people better and better. and better advice, better and better, better content, better and better. Better recommendations. So as you look to growing your business, whatever market you're in, whether in business to business, whether you're in business to consumer, whether your advice whether entertainments surveys, quizzes, assessments, they can help you grow your business. That could help you form strong relationships. Give people better advice no matter what Mark. You're in surveys when effectively use double your business. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe, so you never miss another episode. We'll be back tomorrow with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to serve no master dot com forward slash podcasts Now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you tomorrow. Thank you for listening to the serve. No master podcast. Make sure to subscribe so that together we can achieve true freedom