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SNM168: Double Your Income With Coupons

Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 3

Double your income with coupons in today's episode of Serve No Master Podcast.

Coupons are a powerful part of your marketing strike. You can make a lot more money if you know how to use them.

I use coupons all the time, even as a consumer if the website offers a coupon code I can instantly save five, ten dollars on a sale.

Businesses can use coupons to promote products, raise their sales or to grab people's attention and they are a great way to boost your sales. People will spend a lot of money to save a small amount. Coupons make customers feel special.

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double your income with coupons. Find out how on today's episode today's episode is brought to you by learned Ash, the backbone of my membership area. Launch your next course on the right foot. Start master dot com broad slash learn dash. Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host You are to get I'm excited to bring you a very special episode. Yet again, you hear the sound of Island in the background. There's at least three different people playing music. I can hear two of my kids talking, and I'll do my absolute best to give you guys a clean, clear sound. And there goes the first of the many rooster sounds, and I know you guys were going to bear with me because this is part of the experience, the reality of my life. There is no silent Seville, my island. No matter where I go, there's always a motorcycle or shouting kid or stray dogs get into a fight. And that's just part of the Ventress life we lead. So fortunate don't have available silent echo chamber. Instead, we have is a bit of real life. And today we're gonna talk about just how you could use coupons effectively and why there is such a powerful part of your marketing strategy that you couldn't start to think what impolitic. I use coupons throughout my business in many different places. My first interesting coupons begin as a customer. The first time I saw coupon box when I was about to place an order. It says, If you have a coupon, enter your code here. If you're anything like me, the first thing you do is head over your favorite search engine and search for a product name coupon coat. I do it all the time vacant, Save 10 25 30 or 50%. Of course I'm gonna do it, and there's a reason these codes are out there. A couple of places they get used whether it's to increase sales or it's an affiliate tool for someone's trying to generate sales or it's just something to get some attention. You're $100 product. You can price it $200 put a coupon code on every single website out there. People will pay the price you want to charge anyways, but they feel like they're getting a savings. Feels like something special. There's something I learned about a great deal when I used to sell computers from one of largest companies in the world. We will run approaching every single week free flat panel monitor free printer free, hard drive, upgrade, free processor upgrade Every single week we would rotate through about 10 different promotions. They're all worth about the same on the money, and her job is the phone sales team was to turn those calls into up sells. People would call in looking for that 3 99 computer, and our job was to try to get him to spend $1500. There's entire process. I was a sales person, that company for nearly a year. I made a lot of money, but at the end of the day you're selling a diminishing commodity. Computers decrease in value and faster than cars to what I learned is that people will pay a lot of money to get a small savings. The printer that you could get for free was worth $35. It's worth $35 that's what we sold it for. So if you call it in a week, we weren't giving away the printer. You could buy that same printer for $35 that he was the big trick. The printer came with a printer. Cable kind of became a standard move. A lot of people would do it. The printer cable was like 15 or $20 is awful, so sneaky. But that's the way many companies operate. That's why eventually left. That company could start having nightmares about how bad we cheat your customers. There's also Moken years. Everything was about tricking people into buying stuff and paying massively inflated prices for weird stuff. Printer cable, USB cable, you buy it from eBay or from any Chinese Web site is gonna be about 30 cents. That same cable gets marked up along the way. Then what's for sale from a computer company computer store still needs 25 30 with $50. That's a lot of Markham with The power comes from the coupon, and we're thinking about using coupons and our businesses, whether gonna put coupon codes out there, how they could be valuable. There's some very interesting things you could do. You could do a coupon code or coupon that's for a specific holiday. ST. Patrick's Day coupon code into the word Patrick into the word green at the Irish endured Shamrock to get 10% off your order, and you'll get a boost in sales Black Friday or Cyber Monday, the biggest weekend of the year. But everyone go crazy when people will smash each other with rocks and beat each other to death in a Wal Mart parking lot to get a hack Christ DVD player. Great time to have a coupon. Now the question is, why don't I just dropped my price for amount of time? And that's because who bonds make people feel special? People like to share coupons. It also some people will pay full price because they didn't see the coupon. These are all things we wanna keep our eyes peeled for and think about this experience. And guys, if you love getting coupons and if you want me to share market bonds with you, put out mark amongst my products, why don't you put a shoves up below this video for watching the YouTube version of this channel? You're seeing the slide show version of me. And if you're listening through a podcast the way I do your headphones and on your cell phone, well, then take a moment to leave a review for us. That really helps this child grow. That helps me to get the investment I need to put the time it takes to record a lot of these episodes. So there are different types of coupons and types of promotions, but first is the time based promotion. Hey, it's a holiday weekend. This coupon is gonna work for 48 hours. We're releasing version two of the product for the next week. We have this coupon code create your coupon with any different platform. I used a kick start for my shopping cart, and they allow us to make coupons, and I could put a whole bunch of stuff in place. When I create a coupon code, I could determine how much money is safe, whether it's a flat discount or percentage. So I could make a coupon code that's 10% off our coupon code. That's $10 off. Then I say how many coupons are available. So you create a coupon that's only available for 10 used 50 years or 100 people. You said a beginning and an end date so I can create a coupon in advance. It's only good for a weekend. So even people get the code early. Have to wait until that moment so I can send out a code. Isn't guys? Here's the code is gonna activate at midnight on Saturday so soon as across his midnight people stay up late. They jump over the enter the code that one of the first ones you, especially when there's a limited amount, you can create a sense of action and excitement. You could determine how many different products is for you. I have, or 50 products that have created everything from blueprints. All go up to my flagship hydro course, which is my group training mastermind course. So I build an entire business with you, and if you're getting a percentage off the more expensive the course is the more valuable coupon. This we have everything from product there $7 to $3000.10 percent off is either worth 70 cents or $300. That's why, Inspector, you could determine if the discount is off the first payment off all the multi payments. If you do the $200 a month version of Hydra, where you could say $3 every single month. If I had 10% off coupon, all those things I could put in place and the time based coupon is the one you're probably most familiar with. This type of promotion creates a sense of excitement and that sometimes what we need sometimes people on the fence about making a decision. And I'm not sure I wanna buy this prime a trip on to make this decision. And we need to create a sense of urgency. And you listen to some of our episode on copyrighting urgency is the reason people needed make a decision right now, very often, with people going through a sales process and customers looking at your website, they're looking at a sales page. They're going. Do I need this program. And if there's no ticking clock, they go. I'm gonna think about this. I'll come back later. The odds are they never come back. It's something I learned when I was in sales before, when I was in phone sales. Computer sales on the phone. We weren't allowed to call customer back. It's no point if you don't close to say on the initial call, the odds of you having a stable, that person or infant, is it Lee small? So we learned that if people say, Oh, you know what, I'm going to think about it. I have to talk to my wife. I have to talk to my husband, have to look at the numbers. The odds of that person making a purchase plummet. When I left that position, I went through training in used car sales. I never actually worked in news Carson. I went through a three day weekend training. I passed a program. I passed the hiring program, and then I was meant to go in for interviews because what this company did is they would take people that were good enough to be car salesmen. They would train you over. We can teach you all the really great skill set, and then they would get a massive commission for sending you to work for the car dealerships because he came in pre trained and I'm not working out in a different direction of my life. But during that three day weekend training with one of the best car sales in the region, I learned the light of one of the biggest things we learned is if someone says, I'm gonna go, think about it. I'm gonna go talk to Spice. They're gonna leave once they leave the car lot. The odds on buying car from you are almost not existent. They dropped to the floor again. People very rarely leave and come back because they start to think about it. The other part of the brain activates. They lose that excitement. A lot of our purchase, right? It's the excitement of the moment. I had bought cars, too. There's so much excitement when you go through the process of buying a car, there has to be a lot of excitement. Is buying car actually stinks? The actual process of buying a car is horrific. It takes several hours. There's just a lot a lot of paperwork. You have to deal with insurance company. You have to deal with your lender. You have to do with moving the initial payment around. You have to deal with all this paper, all these credit checks, background checks, structure that's really really complicated. If they didn't have a lot of excitement, we would get bored. I don't like sitting down for three hours doing paperwork. Nobody does. So we need to create an event, a sense of urgency, that answers the question of Why do we need to make the decision right now? We don't want it to be a decision of. I could buy this now. I could buy this later asked me. I could buy this now or I could buy this Never. This is the same reason that shopping carts close. You'll notice almost every single promotion. I participated as a door closing window. Some of the products I promote open for one week every single year, and then they close. They have a lot of life trained, have a lot of coaching parts of the program, and if you miss that window, it's close. If you wait another year and they don't tell you that I just happen to know the accepted in this business for a long time and what they've discovered. What everyone knows is that if you have a product, it's always available throughout the year. Have a product is only available for a week, actually make more sales in that week than in the 51 weeks that you're not closed. It's that powerful to create a sense of urgency, that it's very important that urgency bie rial, First of all, because it's against the rules. I don't know how far down the path of illegal it is, but you can definitely get fined for doing it if you get caught with a false sense of urgency. If you say we only have 100 units and you sell 500 units, that's ah violation with FTC. Now you have something you have to look up. I want to give you legal advice to the best thing I can say is stick to saying things that are true, and that's why I like coupons. Coupons force you to be true because when you create the coupon, you ever begin and end it. You say how many units available and then your marketing. If they look the scoop on ends at this point, we only have 10 of these coupons available. What are the challenges? Okay, when you're doing a promotion, Lemon animal pressure. Right now, they see all the 1st 10 people to buy get this special bonus. But how do they know they're one of the 1st 10 people they don't? They don't find out until later. I don't like that. I'm disappointed by that. It should've been a coupon that only had 10 uses. And so if you enter the coupon, it says, Oh, this too. But has inspired, you know that you're not getting that bonus. There's no chance of you being mistaken. Tripped. That's critical to me. That's a game changer. I like knowing what I'm gonna get now if you watch one of my promotions that I'm doing a time basting and I'm not using coupons, I'll say, Hey, there's backpacking bushes for the 1st 10 people to buy. But if you slip in and I don't remove the bonuses from the page and you place your order in that window of time between when 10 people about it, I haven't turned it off all honor it. So I put that in place, and that's how I handle that ray area. I'll defer to giving you the bonus, even though you were like 11 or 12 because I was too slow on the ball on my tech team. Didn't deactivate the boat is quickly enough with the coupon that all happens automatically, and so time a scoop on creates a sense of urgency. It gives you a reason to buy now, and also great scarcity. Scarcity means there's a limited amount available only 10 coupons, and it was only 50 coupons available. An example of this in action. How scarcity works. Is that what I do? A Book review promotion. So whenever I create a new book, I use a piece of software called Book Sprout. I upload my book and three editions pf, Moby and EE pumps. You could read on any reader, any iPad or any phone, and in exchange for you take more free copy. I ask that you leave a review and I can only give away 50 copies. The platform limits me, so every time I do it, it's promotions. I could give away a maximum of 50 and with hundreds or thousands trying to get that copies of great sense of urgency. More important, there's the sense of scarcity because it's actually a limited resource. I can't set it to 51. They don't have that option. I want to doom or have to make a brand new page with a brand new link. So having a hard limit creates a real sense of scarcity. It's the same thing. If you've seen that audiobook Russian giveaway audiobook codes, I get a certain number of codes they give me in small batches. So it seems like the scarcity comes and goes, but they'll give me 25 codes in the U. S and funding five codes in the UK for each of my audio books. And then once I've used 10 for either batch, let me get 25 more until I get a total of 100. There's a 345 day delay between unknown Dakotas used and when I could get request new codes. So the number of code that have is constant going up and down, and as they published new books and put out new audio books, I have more codes available and then we give those away and then they go down and then they get reloaded. We have Maur. That means that sometimes you will go to the page. We're all out of codes and three days later I go, we have a ton more codes. It's a little bit of a rotating scarcity, but it's why you have to take fast acting. So you waited too long. You have to take actions soon as those e mails go out because even on days where we have 2000 of those coupon codes available, they all disappear. All those free audio books were gone within an hour, two hours to do my best, but unfortunate the number of books they have I could only have a finite number of codes at any given time, and then they all disappear. The second type of coupon code is an action reward coat. An example of this is this. You go to serve the master conference, such podcast and you look at our podcast page, which we recently designed, and it looks absolutely beautiful. I work really long time of this new design more than six months between the custom drawings of me, the custom design of the page, the reprogramming, the page, all the stuff that went into it. Six months of work so much longer than I thought it would take what I hope will take a couple of weeks, almost a month. Massive odyssey. We're totally worth it. At the bottom of page, we explain how you can get a coupon code and have other coupon codes they give out. If you read one of my books and you find a typo when you submit, one of those typos will send you a coupon. Say, Hey, thank you for finding mistaking one of my books and we give you coupon code. I don't really announce that. Okay, this is worse. I've ever said that publicly. That's been our policy for a long time. It's our way of saying thanks for taking the time because you're helping us make our products better every time you submit a typo to me instead of writing a negative review means I could make the book better. I can prove it and get more people a better experience, and that means a lot to me. So we've action based rewards. If you leave a review of this podcast. I'll send you a coupon. Good, honest reviews from our fans. Our listeners are very, very valuable, and we want to reward the people to take action. And I have coupons. And a lot of other places throughout my customer relationship are. If you leave a review for me a video review, a really valuable review of one of my courses, then my software actually lets you merely book a 15 minute call with me. How cool is that? That's not run through a coupon, but certainly could be because I have a phone call. Paige. You know that if you find the secret link to my phone coaching, you could buy a phone coaching program and we could just have a coupon work there. It's just normally my phone coaching sessions of one hour, and this is for a 15 minute session. Of course, there's almost always run into 30 minutes what we can reward people for taking action so you can take the people who do the best rewards in their places that you could do this. An example of this is there's a lot of contest softer out there. There's gleam, there's a viral. There's kings to mow. These three tools are all tools that let you run contest, and you could have unlocked the prize in the lottery. Prize could be a coupon, so you get 10 Social Media shares. Or if you get three friends to come, visit this page and click this link. But I'll give you 10% off this book. I'll give you this book for free. I'll give you this promotional adamis bonus, and you could do it automatically by just having a coupon code in there. We actually use a piece of software called Wu Box to deliver all of our audio book coats. I get batches of those audiobook codes and they're like 16 digits or something, and we just enter them all through. A spreadsheet was just a massive list, so each person gets a unique code because it's through another platform. We have to give a different code to every single individual person, and that's one of the cool things that will box Could d'oh! Well, most of my other platforms. I'm doing a small enough number of code giveaways. Evacuate thousands of codes and give me 50 or less that I don't have to do that I can use the same code for all 50 people and then just limited to 50 uses. This third type of coupon is accumulating. What this means is it's a coupon increases in value over time or that it can stack with other coupons or that the more they do, the more of the value that coupon goes up so we can encourage a reward people for being longtime customers. Hey, for every single review you give me, I'll give you a $10 voucher off one my products. You want $100 product, you get 10 doctors. Now that product is free. We do have some of those in place. I don't use these as much as the other type because they're a little bit more sophisticated and asking someone to take 10 actions. White a lot. People tend to use one or two coupons with me. They tend to use a 10 or 20% off, have a couple of top secret 50% off ones. You confined to some of my books, but most of the time, people using a 10 or 20% off coupon or 10 or $20 coupon one or two of those coupons. Very rarely do we see someone using a whole batch or collecting them now. If we were a larger company was much larger. Band with hundreds of thousands of followers are millions of followers. Then there might be enough people that starts to become thing that gets you statistically. That's okay with me. I love reviews. I want to do everything it can to encourage people to go through the in car course to give lots of feedback to do everything that we offer. We've actually rebuilt the membership site over the last 78 months. This is part of why we had a redesign. The main website. We couldn't change the main website until we changed and move the entire membership site. The membership site used to be a sub director of serving Master. Now it's a separate domain because they're separated. I could do a lot of really cool things. I can now look and see how much time you spend on each lesson. If you finish the lesson, of course, how much you engage with the course when you give up all of those things to see where we're losing people. That data is invaluable to because I want to give you a better experience and so I can put in coupons in place. Unlock as you were convicted, of course. Hey, this is a 10 video course. You've got a new coupon each page first coupons to 1 10% Next two months, 20%. You can only use one coupon with the purchase. By the end, you earned 100% off coupon. You get a free course. That's another way you can create an accumulating coupon coupon that people can earn or stacked together, or the coupons increase in value as they take more of those actions. These are really, really valuable in their exciting if you have people that are super excited before thumping coupon I want you to think about is the tracking coupon Now? I don't use these for my product. I tend to use your products that I'm an affiliate for Sometimes there's a product I'm recommending and they go, Hey, you know what? We'll give you a 10% off coupon code, and everyone who used that 10% off coupon code will know they came from you, and then we'll give you a commission so this is a different way of tracking. If you listen to somebody other lessons on affiliate marketing, you know that usually it's done through a tracking link. The problem with that system is we now device hop. So just thinking about myself. I have my cell phone. My wife has a cell phone. My wife has an iPad. I have an iPad mini. I also have several e reader tablets that run on Android at my laptop. My wife has her laptop. It's very possible for me to see an ad on my phone go. That's interesting. Read the sales page on my tablet, especially cause I love black and white, and then I'll make a purchase on the computer. That means as I go across that journey, it's very possible for you to lose credit as the affiliate if you're the first person that showed me a product because I clicked on that out of my phone. And then I read the sales page on my tablet, and then I remembered that link where I sent the link to myself on my computer, made the purchase. You could get lost. Now it's possible because I'm at home. If all three devices were using my WiFi network that the eyepiece stays the same or close enough. You get credit, but I don't have great faith in those systems. They can work. But if someone's cell phone is on a cell phone signal and then we'll computer home in a computer at work and I've had with a SIM card inside of it, though, they're gonna have four different I p addresses. So how can we ensure in a rock solid way that we don't lose that sale, that we get credit? How can we track it manually? While a coupon code is a great way to do that? Because the coupon code is your name almost every time, use a coupon code. My coupon code is serve no master, and so it's consistent. And you probably seeing this on other podcasts where the television show some of the podcast. I listen to the go Oh, when you go to make a purchase, use this special coupon code and you'll get a discount because they can't give you a really long were for rolling. Well, Seo Goto Castor matches website, right? We've all heard that or squarespace. Every other podcast is advertising those two products. How did they know which podcast sent you? Those podcasts want to get credit because if I'm advertising, I have a big mattress company and I'm running ads on 10 different podcasts. I wonder which one is generating the sale so I can focus more advertising on that one to stop advertising on the one where nobody's buying events. So it gives a way to track an analog affiliate promotion. This is how you could do a promotion. That's auditory. You say some things. They all used this code and then people do. And these have been around for at least 20 years. I've seen people doing this and heard this on radio television commercials for that long. Now let's say I meet you in person that I'm giving you a recommendation. How can I get AIDS? I can give you a really complicated of Philip link. And even though I use all redirect, all my feelings were serving mass dot com front slash link. What happens? I give that to you were in person. You just see what the actual and goes to. And then later on, you look on your computer making purchase. I've lost that credit. If I give you a coupon code now, not on Lee. Drag it Credit. There's an incentive for you giving me credit because you get 10% off. If use my coupon coats, you could decide you don't want me to get credit. You don't wanna get in feeling commission. You gotta pay more to do that. Who's gonna do that? Right. So that's how powerful a tracking code could be. Now a great question about coupons we hear all the time and this is I know this one. Scratch my nose will destroy my band when people start to think that I'm a lesser brand for using coupons. Don't want you to think about that for a moment now. For a long time, my biggest fear was I put out a coupon and someone sees it. Who just paid full price a few days earlier with tens of thousands of units sold across my products. Catalogue of blast three and four years. This is on Lee. Come up twice. What do I do? Well, easy. I give the person a different course I go. Hey, you know what you write? You missed that coupon code. Let me reward you by Give me another product for free. So, yeah, you could have got $20 off your $97 course, But let me give you something else that's worth the same value. Who actually give a bigger value, only come up twice. That's why did both times. The other choice you have is to refund on the difference. But those are really complicated for some reason. So it's much, much easier for me as far as a bookkeeping standpoint, as far as making sure they're getting the correct access to products is just to give them a second course. Give him something else, so they're getting a lot of value. This happens, you know. You know what'll happen, right? I don't want you to think about this. Okay? Every single brand in the world has at a discount coupon. Almost everyone does a Black Friday deal. Almost everyone does a Christmas deal or Valentine's deal. Someday around the year, everyone has their promotion. Have you ever as a consumer, seen a brand having an ad and set off? No thanks. I'm never doing business them again. No, you get excited. You want to jump on board I just bought a ticket to an event last week. Normal? I missed the $97 window. I don't know how I didn't get notified. Okay? I was actually looking other website two months ago. They didn't have the link up then that father saw messages. Skype group. And the price is already gone to 1 50 So I bought it in 1 50 knowing that Mr 99 window so annoying breasted wanted to go and I go, It's my fault for missing it. So they actually got extra 50%. I mean, just the way it goes because I want to grab my ticket for the price. Went up to two things I know that's what they dio because they missed last year. The same thing. Now think about that. Knowing that Mr Coupon knowing Mr Discovered, I know the guy who runs the events. Okay, I could have reached out to a few, responded in timely fashion. I could have gotten the discount, got their original price. I just said Yeah, I'll just do it. Coupons don't damage your brand. There are people who just want the premium experience. And sometimes I buy that way. And Sometimes they're people. They did just try to get that discount. They're not the same type of consumer, this the way to reach two different segments of your customer base. So don't worry about destroying your brand. If you have are seen something on sale said that man must be garbage down. No, we don't respond that way to Bonds. We see them as the opportunity you're thinking about brand protection, and by the way, I don't have a brand. Your listen to my podcast, my book, my website, my podcasts. Everything's called Serving a Master. Guess what? I still don't have a brand Ran's cost billions of dollars to build. And there were the worst things that you can build because they're worthless. As soon as people build a massive brand and then have to go and hire spokesperson cause we don't like to buy from brands like to buy from people, I'm a person of your listeners podcaster listening to Jonathan. You know, my brand is serving master. That's what you think about when you get an email you don't think certain ask. You think talking. I know that my time is cerebro master. We buy from people so don't worry about your brands Now. You might be thinking, Am I throwing money away? That's a great question. There's no perfect answer. We can look at how many units we sail or total money that goes in, and I run different types. Motion is always trying to find the right solution, which makes more money a two for one promotion or 50% discount for every market. What I do know is that we have a companion boost sales. Are you cannibalizing sales from next week by doing a discount this week? That's something you have to dig into yourself. That's and you have to give yourself your own question. My business? I don't think so. I don't think that coupons hurt my brand. I don't think discounts cost me sales down the line, and my data is in perfect. It's very hard tests say, Oh, if you hadn't seen a group on this week, would you bought it next week for price? No one can ask that question cause we can't predict the future, so we could only get rough ideas, and we can do is look at data for a week or a month of sales where we don't have emotion, where we do have emotion and then the month afterwards and see if it goes medium sales, super high sales and then a drop off the third month. If that's the case, then you can start to look at how much did you go down by? This is a lot of math. That's the process. I don't believe you're throwing money away. I think it's always good. I give away products for free all the time. I actually gave Ran approaching recently gave away So one of my smaller courses for free because I know that once you get people might membership here and they go through one course, they see how good it is. There's a very good chance they'll go through another one. So I don't even mind if I do a goodbye where something's totally free because I know down the line people that get one of my courses for free off interment. Some of my best customers. I had a great conversation actually with someone in my master my last week, someone project Hydro member of so excited about the progress he's making, and he told me, Oh, I actually found you. There's something free. Anyone from free, all of the highest program. So I know that people could go that entire jump so amazing, such great data and only got it because in the coaching columns talk about this very thing. He brought it up the final way. You can use coupons as a closing tool. When I used to work at the computer companies, people didn't know what that weeks promotion was you. Oh, you know what I could throw in a flat and a monitor. They don't know that Evan Else is getting for free practice. Honest. That's way that company operated. Hence my two years of nightmares after I finally left that place Total nightmare factory. But you can use a coupon as a closing to one. You'll see this more and more in business to business or corporate stuff. They go, Oh, you know what? My manager just said I could give you that coupon for 10% off If you buy today. They don't always say coupon. Now they just say, like, give you a discount and usually give you like a different link. But you could do it through coupon code as well, and it's idea of. I need to bring someone across the finish line. And if you've been through stuff, my training. So my talks about ah, local consulting or selling service's or deal with clients. Sometimes we have added something to close the deal. An example. Let's go. Oh, if you place your order today for us to form at your book, we'll give you coupon for 50% off your cover design. That's on my mind, because when my friends just ran that promotion because he has two brands. One does book for Minding the other doesn't cover design. And so they have packages and discounts and coupons and promotions where they give you something like that when they created closing to what it could even be. When you pay for us to ghost, write your book will give you free cover design were $300 well for your book, that's where $300 and it becomes a tool that helps you to close the sale. Now, guys, I know we talked a lot about coupon today, so I would love know your thoughts in the comments below, especially if you're watching this video on YouTube. Comments on the lifeblood. Let me know about kebabs you've used in the past, which type of coupons you like the most and where you would like it to see me using coupons. Maur my brand don't thank you guys for listening, and we're back next week with another amazing episode of the serve. No master podcast. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe, so you never miss another episode. We'll be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to serve no master dot com forward slash podcasts Now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you Tuesday, ready to turn your book into a bestseller. Find out what other authors don't want you to know that Serve a master dot com fronts Last Secrets