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SNM169: Want to Start Making More Money?

April 21, 2020 Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 4

Want to make more money? Watch today's episode of Serve No Master podcast to know how.

Create a definition of yourself that you are happy with and you will be able to achieve success. The very first year I stared working for myself I made the same amount I was getting paid to work for someone else, it's because I defined myself as free and was able to eventually achieve that financial freedom that allowed me to live a lifestyle I always wanted.

You can do that too...

When you work for someone else they are the ones that define you, so you end limiting yourself and your potential, but there is a way to escape that. If you want to start making more money listen to today's episode of Serve No Master podcast.


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I want to start making more money. Find out on today's episode. Today's episode is brought to you by pro writing Aid. Save thousands of dollars on an editor by using the best tool in the business. Served master dot com slash riding it. Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host started to bring you guys another amazing live episode from my garden to serve the master podcast and hanging out right next to my youngest son. So there may be some background noise he's playing in the garden, but he will do his best. To be quiet is not to talk yet, so mostly his noises are grunts, laughs and the smashing of his toys. But it doesn't mean that we can't still build an amazing business And when I want you to see that life could become what we want. If you want a life of freedom, it becomes your definition. For me, my son. Being near me while I'm working is a positive, not negative. It's what I want. It's life I want. So I appreciate guys bearing with me. We're gonna talk about some really cool stuff, starting with a lesson that I learned one year into my business. When I first started working online my very first year working for myself, I made $36,000 that's the exact same salary at the last job I work for someone else is easy to think that that's a coincidence, but in reality it's something else. Most of us created definition of ourselves based on what other people say we're worth. If you're working an hourly job right now, you're making $7 an hour than you probably think you were. $7 there's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't matter what number even start there with a 7 77 $107,000 an hour. The problem is that we get our definition from someone else. If your definition of self. If your value of yourself comes from a number that someone else is applied to you, that's a limiting belief, because when you start work for yourself, that constraint no longer exist. Here's how it works. When you work for someone else, they pay you the absolute lowest amount they can. You work for without quitting doesn't mean it's what your work. That's the minimum of a range. The supplies across every business around the world Think about this. If you were Boston, you had 10 employees. Would you rather pay an extra $1000 a month in salary dollar employees, or keep that for yourself? Course you're gonna keep it yourself. That's why bosses make more money. You have the ability to take the maximum. Here's how payroll works in my business every single week I pay all of my workers every Friday night Saturday morning. Depend on this and in their payroll reports. They always do him a little bit late and pay everyone out of that week. Take out of our profits for the week. We have money coming in from all sorts of positive things, from book royalties and paperback payment sales and hardback sales and my comic book in my coloring books, my audio books and my products and fill it referrals and consulting commissions and service is everything. We d'oh across the whole spectrum, and I paid the entire team. What's left over belongs to the company and me than the sole owner of the company. That means it's high risk. High reward on a week for our take is lower than the salary salary comes out of me. I make nothing, so being the boss means there's a heavier burden. Cross means it's more opportunity. So when you start to work for yourself, if your definition of what you're worth comes from something your last boss gave you that limits you. And I know this is true, because I remember specifically about six or seven months in, I received a payment for $4000.3 days into the month, received a payment for $4000 which, as you know, 30% over what I was trying to make. My goal for each month was $3000 a month, which is $100 a day, and I stopped working for rest of month. I took a 27 day vacation. It's not the first time it happened. Next year. I hired my first mentor, he said to me, Jonathan would make last year. Was your salary the job before that? Oh, those the same number? Same for me. And when I discovered them in lots of people, doesn't matter what that number was. I read a really interesting article about 10 people who started $1,000,000. Business is their first year in business. All of them were former CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. They left their own company. There were C level executives, whether a CEO, CEO Seo whatever and start their own business. One of them started, Ah, sign making business. There's $1 million. And guess what? They use all the previous connections to build the same cellar they had this the previous year. So part of it comes from self leave. Party comes from type of connections. You have any abilities you have, but I know people that have done this their first year in online business made $200,000. That was your previous salary. Have a new friend of mine. Unfortunately, previous Tyler wasn't very high, so I made $36,000 my first year in business when I broke through that ceiling the next year, I need more than 20 times more money. Now that numbers. The gross that does include what is paying for software was paying for staff in all those other things. But it's such a massive difference when you start to realize that you're capable of greatness. So the very first step in this process is to shatter that belief. I had a really great revelation. Um, that helped me with the pricing of my ghost writing project. I do very few ghost writing jobs you as I can. I keep a few on the ghost of that. I have that revenue stream. It never dries up completely, but I try to keep it as minimizes possible. But what I've realized is that what I think something is worth, it's not what someone else thinks something is worth. Let me give an example of this. There are many different companies that offer a ghost writing service. Okay, I know a company. They will help you write your book, and what they do is basically nothing. You'll have a V a get on the phone if you read a set pre written questions in question to ask every single person that recorder answers, have it transcribed. The cost of the transcription to them is about $300 being a dollar per minute. There's air in 34 maybe even five hours maximum five hours into a transcript, they send it to you along with basically instructions on how to turn it into a book. Okay, the charge. $35,000. That's a lot of money, and they're not the only service. And of the action 03 other companies of replicating that Think about that. And yet my first book I wrote for someone else, I brought in the tire, but from scratch. Massive research, Many, many hours of work. Killer book. The generate a $1,000,000 in sales. I was paid $800. Why? Because I didn't know. I surprise myself. Why is the cost of a book right now $20,000 instead of 8000 or $5000? Here's why. I was at a conference a few years ago, and I was giving a talk about how to make more money as a consultant. He goes, Jonathan, what's your price I go, It's 5000 Dublin. I go. I'll call charge Anyone, Stop being coward. Double it again. That's it. Here's what happens because I charge more money. I have Maur breathing room. I could put more time into project. I could put more people on a project. I have eight full time employees and several part time employees. On top of that, that I could deploy a project project basis. I could bring in my highest level editor. I could bring it or really great transcription team. I could bring it or really great cover design team. I could bring a really great formatting and still have enough profit to cover the amount of time that I put into the project, which is often dozens or hundreds of hours, just depending upon every time a product I work on. When the mountain I charges lower it limits what I can do because I have to keep every penny for myself just to stay afloat. So there's a lot of benefit to me raising my price, and it changes type of clients that I work with in all of those things. But the difference in quality isn't that much. I do all the work myself. It's harder for me that I have money to spend on other people. But the final product really isn't that different. Books that I was starting $5000 for versus books. I charge 20,000 balls. We're not really that much different. They're a little bit better, sure, but the difference is in how you see yourself. And this brings me to the first point that even seen positioning and prospecting. Prospecting is where you go hunting for clients. You're constantly going out there and saying I'm looking for cares what I do. The greatest example of this is if you joined up, work upward is a great platform. I don't use it as much as I used to. They made a lot of changes to really make it more and more inconvenient. But the concept is they put thousands of freelancers with every single different skill set and hundreds or even thousands of companies that want to hire those specific skill sets. Now the biggest problem is that you get is a feeding frenzy in a race to the bottom, try to make some changes. The platform to deal with this I don't know if they'll succeed or not. But it used to be. I could post an ad and I would get dozens of applications and people would price themselves lower, lower to compete with each other. I've seen this in market after market. What happens when you're in this type of competition is that people get you for way less. I can tell you for a fact that someone who paid me $20,000 to go straight there book by hiring me directly if they hired me threw up work would pay me $2000 or less for the same work. My value. 10 nexus between the positioning of prospecting prospecting is where you're chasing clients. Positioning is where you say I'm an expert. Good luck. If you want to hire me, how do you know my position? Go to my Web sites and let me know if you find the ghost riding client application for you won't It does not exist. I don't have a website that says, Hey, if you want to hire me as your ghost rider through this now people try to make positioning versions of their websites by saying I'm a ghostwriter. Here's all my skills. Yada, yada. Let's talk in consultant. Then I'll tell you the price. That's OK. That's a middle of the road because at least they're not chasing. Once you start chasing, you lose a lot of your power. This is in every single market. Okay? You ever heard of a website called 99 designs? Here's how it works. Spending what you pay. You could say I need a new logo. They go okay for a new logo. It's this many $100. I don't know their car price. I haven't looked in a really long time. I've never used their service. Then they get a certain number of artists to bid. They still what you pay. The number of artists differs. You pay more 50 50 artists than 101 150 whatever. But you think the standard packages that you order and you get 99 designs, you choose the best design, and that person gets paid. 98 people do the work and don't get paid. Don't you just think about that for a second? They turned work into a competition, and I know same thing you're trying to hire. You can actually hire for less money. Hire someone directly because you hired them to another platform. They know they're getting paid their fried less likely to cut corners or plagiarize. We want to do positioning. Here's how I positioned myself. Number one. I create an avatar in my mind someone that I'm gonna act. In my case, it's dated two copies. Character from Californication. I don't remember that. Watch the show in years and years. What? The guy's name is very much about the show. I know there's a lot of stuff that's adults only on it. Well, I really paid attention to with how he talked to people he worked with. He never cared. He was just a little bit of a jerk now a lot more of a jerk. I don't calibrate that far, but I pushed that part myself out. But look, I know I'm a good author. Don't have anything left a proof If you're not sure if this is like, I want to give you lots of lots of different examples. Back when I was in the dating world, in teaching dating long before I was married on teaching men and women had a fall in love. One of the other guys that I met along the way was a Navy SEAL and he was a Navy SEAL instructor and you wouldn't know it because he never talked about it, that he didn't talk like Navy seals in a movie. He didn't even have a mustache. But when I finally realized what he did at first, I said, Oh, what you do for a living underwater demolitions instructor for the Navy, and I was like, I got Wait a minute. I watch enough Discovery Channel to know that buds is basic underwater Demolition school. And I asked me was, Yeah, I'm a Navy SEAL. So one night we're in a bar. I'm talking to a girl and I go, I'm not afraid of anything and I push this guy, but I don't see I just pushed a Navy seal. I'm afraid of nothing. She was. Wow, that's amazing. You're my hero. I talked about it later. That was a funny thing I've ever seen. Here's why he thought it was so hilarious because we both knew what would have happened if he had decided to kill me. Surprise result. I would have died when you have such a disparity okay between an author and a professional warrior at the tip of the spear. Right? No one wonders which of us we're gonna fight. It's his expertise. Now, between him entered essay contest. Now we were in my arena. What that means is that confidence The conference is true. The highest level where when someone questions your ability, it's so ridiculous you don't even consider it the same way I feel when my 18 month old son want to start a fight with me. Of course, we're play fighting. He could ever actually win a fight with me, so I don't have to give 100% in the same way when you're positioning, you're such an expert. You believe in yourself so much that when people push back or doubt you, it doesn't mean anything. Just the other day, I was in a conversation with a friend of a client. I'm writing a book for, actually wrote the first rough draft one he didn't like your first chapter. Whatever it happens and he goes, Do you actually do this for a living? And I was like, Okay with how many satisfied clients have with how many millions of dollars in millions of books have sold. I just said, Yeah, I didn't even follow it up with proof. I didn't fall up ago. I ran 250 bucks sellers I didn't follow up with. Sam sold this funny book. I'd have fallen up with anything else because I don't need to, because it's a relevant to me. There's nothing you can say that makes you go. I've got a professional ghost, right? Right. The only thing that proof is in the pudding people pay me. My books are good. They were good. They wouldn't pay me right, so that's all that it comes down to. So the more you believe yourself, the more you position, which means instead of chasing, you act like the experts. And how do you act like the expert? That's the $64,000 question, and the easiest way to do that is to fake it till you make it. Imagine what your avatar would act like and pretend it if you don't have a specific avatars Pacific famous person in your industry that never a TV show about someone who's a graphic designer with an attitude that's okay. Just imagine that. Just choose celebrity and pretend that celebrity had that job in a movie, and it really comes from a place of going. How would I act if I didn't need more clients? I didn't always not need more clients. That's a new zing and the different stream now in 10 years ago. And how I act is not very much because I pretended I didn't eat clients even when I did. I've been in negotiations. Why? I was worried about paying rent. I've been in negotiations trying to close a client because I had an emergency family bill I needed to pay. I've been laid on my red before. I once paid my let 24 days late about six years ago. Fortunately, the apartment manager was lazy hell and they didn't notice. I finally went by the property office in game on the money, and six days later, I depend the next month's read. But that was terrifying, and I need to close that client. But if I'd said that, Look, I need the money, I gotta pay rent. They would've said, Oh, in that case, I'm gonna pay you $500 about 2000. You can smash yourself. You have to hide your fears, hide your problems and act like you don't need the money even when you do. And this means you gotta know your worth. What are you actually worth? Look at your market and look at what other people are charging to do similar stuff to what you can do, whatever your service is. Wherever expertise, whatever your excellence is, get a feel. See what the market charges. I'm not an expensive ghost writer for people. Listen, it's podcasting. People in inner Marquis world. Sure, but if you talk to a politician, you talkto a celebrity like a movie star. Guess what they're paying more than 20. I have been to know a guy who charges 100 get five books for me. For the same price, you get one book from him. That's a really good discount. And again, remember, there's a service where you can pay 35,000 and all you get. It's some recordings of yourself talking, and then you have to add it yourself. So often we price things based on our own perception, not based on the market. We're basting price on. Oh, this is what I think people are willing to pay. Instead, go out there and look and see what people are actually willing to pay. Look at the real data and let that drive your business and you need to create a baseline. And it cannot be your previous salary at my previous job. Sure, my salary was $3000 a month after taxes, like $2200 a month, and they would say, Oh, with all your benefits, you're getting a value $40,000 a year because we had a really, really great medical insurance, which is true, but don't get your value unless he gets sick. So even though the next year I was making $3000 a month, I made the exact same salary wasn't the same out because I didn't have that extra money for health insurance. Those other things. I didn't include those benefits in my calculations, so you can look at your number a lot of different ways. It could be. This is what I need to make per hour to cover my bills, take care of my family toe, live a good life, and you do all the calculations which I cover, and serving a master and really great detail had a math it out, or you could just look at what the market is charging and put yourself near the top of the market. Say OK, this is where I want to get to charge. Now along the way, you may have to eat some crow, and this is a critical but painful lesson. There's something that most other people, they talk about, their process, the master they hide, and it's unfortunate you probably have to do some things that stink. Best way to say I had a massive business that shrank because I made some really poor decisions about eight years ago and I got so lazy. I basically didn't work for about 2 2.5 years, only Wells with my wife. We started having Children in the bill, started getting up. My money started slowing down there. We had to rebuild my business and scratch. And so I had to start taking jobs, writing books for $800. They're creating tens of thousands, hundreds, thousands of one of them even generated $1,000,000 in sales from a friend. And I went to a friend and he said, All right, we pay our normal outsourcer $800. We'll pay you in dollars. Write a book now that I want to get paid more. Of course, I tried to kiss you for more. Of course I did. But they knew my situation and they were paying what they're paying. They paid me. They said We'll replace the other guy and sometimes it had emergency or better work room. They paid me a little bit more, but I never complained that I'm still friends with them. I still hang up those guys all the time. Now we do projects together and think this and that. I don't have any complaints because I needed the money. Some people could look at that and say They've paid me $2000 for a project that made a 1,000,000 Yeah, limited and feel good. But when that $2000 came do I was able to pay for some medical bills over some food and cover the rent that month. So I've had some ups and downs in my career. You have been an upswing for a while, but I don't want to get the mistaken impression that I never had hard times. It's not true. So along the way up you may have to eat some crow. What that means is you may have to take some low paying jobs to build out your portfolio, to get some reviews, to get some experience or just to realise what you should actually be charging. OK, it happens. I don't want to prepare you for that, because you deserve to know what's really gonna happen. So there may be a dip on your way to the big profits comes down to ask yourself a core question. How bad do you want it? Everyone has a spectrum for how bad they want. I've been teaching different forms of online business for nearly a decade now. Brought my different journey. I've done a lot of different business models and top people. What I was doing it had some ups and downs, of course, have been an upswing for quite a few years now. At what I mostly teach is what I do and what I've learned after coaching so many people. Private coaching, one on one coaching group, coaching, taking people through my courses. When you buy one of my programs, I can tell which lessons you watch which lessons you skipped. How many hours or minutes you spent in the course before you quit? I could tell people that ask for a refund without watching a single lesson. And I could tell people that power through the entire course was quickly as they can so they can get the content and ask for a refund. I know when you do it, it is what it is. Not a lot of people do that, but I'm aware of it because I want to see what people do and what I've noticed. That everyone has a line for how much effort they're willing to put in without reward before they quit. I don't have a perfect formula for this, but let's say it takes two years before you make your first dollar. Very few people would invest that much time with no proof of success. Now, at the two year mark, you immediately start making $1000 a day. Even if I told you that 99.9% of people wouldn't last that long. And for everyone, that calculation is different. It may be that if you don't see any success in 10 days, you quit There's a lot of people like that. Some people, it's one day you might read something. If it doesn't sound like it works, you quit. There's a whole lot of psychology behind that, that I get into some my other books and some other episodes. But what we want to focus on here is this important lesson, which is how much Dr You have now. My journey started when I was fired from my last position during a snowstorm, was a bit of a blizzard was slipping and sliding home. Only I the day before Blizzard would buy a convertible and I'm slipping and sliding home, just trying not to crash this car that I've only had for three days, and I've got a five years to pay it off. What a nightmare. And on top of that, I just signed a six month lease on a new apartment. So I have all these new obligations I had to pay, So the boats were burning behind me, so I had massive motivation that my core motivation to boil down to a single sentence. I never wanted some individual, a single person, anyone to have the power to affect my life. in that way ever again. Single person made the decision to fire me from my position, and they put me in a situation. I was financially vulnerable. And unfortunately, time was before I was married and had kids before. I even met my wife several years before that. So it was only me on the line and it moving back into my mom's up basement was 20 years old. That's everyone's. That's every man's dream. I take jobs now that you wouldn't believe if I have to cover emergency. If one of my kids get sick and we eat through our emergency buffer, you'll see me take some jobs. He's Here's what I'll do whatever it takes. The reason I succeed is not because I'm smarter than you. I'm not, not because I'm younger than you. It's all because I'm older than you. It's not because the color, my eye, the color, my hair, the color of skin where I went to school. None of that matters because I know people that make 10 times more money to me that are different, every single one of those categories. It's not that the thing that separates me from everyone else is that I never give up. When I was in high school, they had this poster and no stores. It's like memorabilia. They had this original picture, Sylvester Stallone from Rambo, and it just said, Never give up. It was signed and I wish I I wish I owned that I couldn't afford it. And now I wouldn't know where to find it, but that I wish of everything I've ever seen in my life. That's the one thing that I would still have with me and have it on my wall in my office, because it's what I believe in. It's the reason that I really like the Spider Man movie Vitamin Enter. Despite avers, there's a moment where Spiderman gets knocked down, though. There's a lot of Spider Man's in the movies, the first better man and he says, this line Spiderman always gets up. That's the difference. Everyone gets knocked down, everyone gets punched in the face. Everyone has bad days. But if you go, I'll do whatever it takes to make this business work. I'm not gonna give up fighting that makes you strong. It's that one little thing, the little part of you that says I know what I'm worth not taking a garbage job working for garbage people. I'm gonna build a business. But if time gets tough and I got to take care of my family, I'll do whatever it takes. I will take all these other contract jobs so I don't have to go back to a full time employer. I'll do hard stuff so they don't have to go back to that single point of vulnerability. I don't want to go back home and say I failed and that means how bad you want it. And here's a little secret. There's a sense of the Bible you have not because you asked, and hopefully that sentence is a too religious for you guys. But it's so interesting. The best example of this. I was in college. I was helping this family moved. They just had a baby. They're moving to new house than a PlayStation two in a box. And I said, Guys, what do you do with this PlayStation do? Why is it all boxed up? And they go, Oh, we have a baby now. But how's this all out of play it anymore? You want it? Actually, no. You say it does it all the flavor go. Oh, can I have it now? Yeah, sure. And they gave it to me. Everyone looked at me. All the other college guys were so mad. All I did was ask. They could've said no, you're crazy. Or they could have asked me to pay for and I don't I would have enough money hard. Remember life 20 years ago, that tightening but that in that single moment they gave me because I asked. And I can't tell you how many times people have e mailed me really long and complicated. Emails aren't customers. They just read one of my books. They ask a really detailed question, and I record a 5 10 20 minute video. I wrote a four page email. All right, really long e mails, sometimes two people. They asked. It works on me. It doesn't just work for me. It works on me. So if you're wondering why you're getting paid more, maybe it's because you haven't asked with my very first ghost running clients went from 800 to 600 $100. OK, most people would be pretty impressed by someone who doubled their income for the same amount of work within a few months was within the same year. I don't know how long the time it was right? I doubled it pretty good. Right? 100% increase. How many of you would love to double your income? If you love the double your income, that gets you excited? How about leaving a comment below this video on YouTube? We're leaving a pretty cool review on iTunes. All those things have more people to hear this. I want to know that you like what I'm saying. It helps me to grow. So the more feedback you give me, the more love I could give you the more and these episodes I can record if you want something. Sometimes you just have to ask for If you want more money, just say, Oh, you know what I need this. This is the new price. Sometimes I'll go in and I'll say it crazy Price. You know, if you read served a master, I know most of you have not everyone. The first technique I developed was I always ask for double with the last person paid. So when I was selling SDO Service's first cry was $500 a month. Second, I said 1000. I had one client. Okay, at the time, my most expensive clothes paid me $1000 a month. You may have heard this story before, but they said, How much is that? I go. It's $10,000 a month ago. What? No way. Are you insane? I'll give you two. I go find deal. He got an 80% discount. I got double what I was expecting to walk out with for the crazies negotiations I've ever been. I was sweating inside, holding holding. Still. All I was saying is, don't talk, Don't talk, Talk, talk, talk. Because there's this temptation where their silence to fill the silence and to negotiate against yourself. Don't do that. Ability to be silent and wait once you ask for something really provides amazing things. On my very first blogger, I had the Latin of this phrase I can't about exactly to stay it anymore. But it's fortune favors the bold, pressured by plenty the younger. But if I get the reference wrong, I apologize for that. We've probably heard that saying, but she knows you were in tow. 300 is a movie, and that means luck happens to people who try. That's a boring way to say it. You know how I get so many high ticket ghost writers? I tell everyone what I d'oh, that's it. I never asked for work. I never say ham looking for clients. Sometimes I will approach someone say I've got an idea for a project we could do together if it's a commission project. Okay, if I want a percentage of sales that I have an idea to R. I could make a big percentage mark wireless projects right now, but 99% of the time, except for that one exception, why have a really good idea? And I know that I can make a massive back end if it's a flat fee project. No, I dont brought anyone never. I'm an expert. Here's what I say. Go Look, here's what I do. I'm very, very good at what I do. My book is full. However, I'm always interested in really cool project. So if you know of a cool project that might be interesting to me, let me know. What I'm saying is, I'm awesome, but I like to be intrigued. I have enough control over my financial destiny over how much money is coming in over my business that I get to pick and choose my projects. You're lucky I might choose you. Now. I'm talking like a prom queen. That's right, most of my negotiating strategies I learned from watching pretty popular girl that had no interest in me in high school college while I was getting rejected, I learned a little something along the way that if you are unavailable, but you leave a tiny crack of opportunity and that people come a running, my final piece of advice here is to double the price, double the price and double the price. This is a lesson I can't tell you enough because even though it's been was part of my business that I stopped doing it. Then I started doing it again. It's You could never do it enough. Here's what happens. Let's say your first job. You get a writing job or graphic design rubber voiceover make $100. That's not great, I know, but it's something. Next client ego notes 200. Now they go. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Pay you 1 50 How does that feel? ready. Good, pretty, pretty good. You have to create room for a negotiation. And that's how you do it. Because otherwise you'll say, Oh, the price was $100 will go. I'll give you 75. Now you're taking a pay cut. The first number is never gonna be what people want to pay you. Now you can try to go. The price is the price route, and that's a tough one. I've been doing this a long time, and the price is not always the price. Maybe if you're stronger than me, you have more of an iron. Will. Price is the price is the price. But instead I create an environment ever of negotiating every time, every single time I tell some of my final price. First I regret it. 1%. Never tell people you're low number first inflated. Tell him double. It's so much easier because if you pre give someone if I say that, you know it's normally $20,000 because I'm getting a massive part of the back and I see the future, that's all. Do it for five. Then they go. How about three? Then they start messing around with the payment schedule. What a hassle. Avoid all of that by just saying, Look, the price is 20. That's what it normally is on the logo. OK, what about 10? Suddenly now I'm getting more than my know her number. That happens a lot. So don't make the mistake that I made. Sometimes always double your price. And if you do that, you could start making a lot more money today. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe so you never miss. Another episode will be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to serve no master dot com forward slash podcasts Now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No, master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you Tuesday. Thank you for listening to this episode of the serve. No master podcast. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode.