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SNM170: Your Website Stinks and What to Do About It?

Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 5

Your Website Stinks and What to Do About It? In today's episode of Serve No Master podcast.

Your website works for you 24/7. Even if you are not online all the time you are still making money. You might have started on different websites and platforms such as YouTube, but you don't actually own your channel, so if there's anything to happen to YouTube tomorrow you would be left with nothing. This is the reason why creating your website that you can manage and actually own will stay with you forever.

There are ways to measure the success of your website, and that's how many people visit, what is your traffic. You want to build your audience, create an email list and keep growing your business.

There are ways you can improve your website. Ask yourself is it easy to join for people to join your mail list? If you want to know the rest of the process of building an awesome website listen to today's episode of Serve No Master Podcast.

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speaker 0:   0:00
Your website stinks and what to do about it. Find out on today's episode. Today's episode is brought to you by SocialPilot, the social media and marketing tool for bloggers and small businesses joined over 20,000 social media pros at today.

speaker 0:   0:17
Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to Serve No Master podcast where you learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host.

speaker 0:   0:45
Today's a very special episode because it's near and dear to my heart, and I'm excited to spend some time with you guys. I'm in the garden, as always, there's a day long noise on my island when they do some electrical repairs, which means there's gonna be a lot of surprises in the background. You think that means it's gonna be quieter, and I hope that way. I'm up early in the morning to do this recording. I know my kids, the dogs, the neighbors, there's always a little bit of background noise. You get a feel for the island life.  

speaker 0:   1:08
We're going to really dig into the importance of a website. Now, here's something I want you to think about. I have no power right now. My laptop has 20% battery remaining, so I can't really spend time on the computer and yet my website continues to work for me. If you visit my website right now, you can visit my website. You can give me your email address, you could get emails from my system. You can make purchases. The website is an employee that works for you 24/ 7 no matter what industry and how you're operating, it becomes the centerpiece of your business. Now, you may have started out on other channels and built a big YouTube channel or a big social media channel. And those are fine, but you don't own those. If YouTube goes out of business, your channel disappears. If Facebook gets broken up for being, I'm not believe you might lose your business. Things could get broken in that system, and it's not your fault. What that means is that things outside your control can push you out of business. But your website stays with you no matter what your website for your band can stay with you. As you transition from MySpace to Facebook, Tick talk. Each new social media platform that comes out as we want to look at our Web sites in a holistic way, I'm gonna give you some tools and techniques to fix what's wrong now.  

speaker 0:   2:14
First, we need to have a really simple measure of success, and the best way to measure success is how many people are joining your mailing list every day. The end results of your website. If you're building a funnel summer, how we teach is that you're trying to build a mailing list, and the number we want to hit is 10%. So for every 10 people who visit the website, one should give you their email address if your numbers below that and I've been there two years ago, I paid an analyst to go through  all my numbers and go through everything and really help me figure out what's working and what's not on your website and I was at about 2%. We worked together and I got to 12% and I've stayed above that, throughout working on my website now for the past year, we've done a lot of major changes. Eventually my numbers collapsed as far as often rates because of an update. They got pushed by the backbone of my website, and that's what I want to talk about. Fixing that problem because my business is so big because we have so many pages it's taking more than six months. So I want to open up. I tell you guys, I learned this the hard way. I made some mistakes along the way. One of the biggest mistakes that I made in order to save a little bit of money and make things easier for you guys is that I built my first membership site that What that means is that the main website and the membership website were tied to each other. They were tied to the same domain even though they were separate WordPress installations, separate websites because it was a sub domain. When I realized I needed to move my website to a new host had to break them up first. And that's why I built Ronin School to my membership areas. That's, and you'll needs get access that when you make a purchase that only for delivering paid content, that's a separate site with a separate design that's still matches my aesthetic has been a long time making something cool with lots of ninjas that represent my feelings about online marketing. And that's because I had to move to new hosting. So I made up my membership area, finally moved to my new host, and I went to this massive cross that's an even then my page designer is just constantly taking too long. And so that's why everything is taking too long because we had hundreds of pages to change over, basically boil down, just thrive themes has a lot of problems in it. We've been dumping thrive teams has taken six months to rip Thrive Themes out of my website. We're still not all the way done. Hopefully, by the time you hear this episode, we will be and switching to L. A mentor and even then we're really doing as much as we can to lighten how many of these pages will have to change if we ever do this transition again. We're trying to make this into a smoother process because it really should have taken a month. But it's taken almost seven months, and that's painful experience. But once all this is done, my option rate will again go above 10% hoping to 12 or 15%. And that makes a really big difference. See, earlier, in your relationship with your customers, you make improvement, the more effective it will be. Let me give an example, so you can really understand why this is important. How we're looking at the beginning of the funnel. Let's say you have a sales page and your sales page converts at 1%. You can improve it, tweak it, make it better, and you get it all the way up to 2% you've doubled, now from every one person who out of 100 buying it, you get to two, you've doubled. How much money are you making? That's really awesome, But how many people see that sales page is controlled by how many people enter your funnel earlier. So if you have a really bad conversion rate at the beginning or low conversion rate from the  beginning, you don't even have a chance to send people to your sales page. And if you have 10 products in order to improve your sales across your funnel, you have to improve all 10 sales pages. But if you just double how many people see  your sales pages, you double how much money you make, and that means earlier in the process. So we really want to get as many options in and people under email address earliest possible in order to make it successful.

speaker 0:   5:36
And so there's a couple of things you want to look at to improve people's experience on your website, and I don't want to get too technical. But I want to do is really do big picture over your stuff, things that are really obvious. Okay, so number one the first thing to look at is, is it easy for people to join your mailing list? And that's a really important question, because  right now,it's hard to join my mailing list because the two pieces software I use are clashing with each other. So until I rip out thrive themes, my pop ups and most of my optimize aren't showing for everyone. That's a technical problem that I've been working on for a long time, and its why I switched to L.A mental, it's why I no longer have Thrive Themes listed on my tools page. And if you look, I'm not the only person who's stopped recommending them over the past couple of years. It got too many bugs, it's too big, too many updates, too bloated. My Web sites crash all the time because of their technology. So because of this technical problem, I'm working through the process and realize it's a great time to share it with you. Making it easy means it's easy for people to find and see what your free gift is. I've seen people who have it buried at the bottom of the home page who bury it at the bottom of a sidebar, you have to go through three clicks to see the opt in form. One of the things that I tested allows my plug and often was breaking last year that I finally built the version that was really working and it was about course creation. That was the winner and it said click this button and you'd go to another page and you could enter email address than more information. I then test it against just entering your email address on the often form and guess what? The versions went up. So testing is part of this process, but it begins with making it as easy as possible. How many clicks someone has to do in order to join your mailing lists?  

speaker 0:   7:07
The second thing to look at is your free gift enticing. Now that's hard, and there's no perfect answer. There's a lot of different things you can try. I've been talking a lot about quiz funnels lately. I've been going through the ask masterclass from round the back, which I was have been promoting for a while, and I bring it up every year when they open the doors, because that's a program that I've used, and it really lets you customize and better connect with your audience and its a way to ask questions, or figure out what people want. And I'm constantly trying different forms of speaking to my audience, So I'm giving away different free gifts all the time. You know that I have gifts about podcasting and product creation and all these other areas. How to make your 1st $1000 online. So I'm always looking for a way to improve my numbers, and it starts with already give away something of value. If you're just giving away a subscription, their mailing list, you're saying, Hey, we'll email you once a week with some cool stuff. Not enticing. It's not a value. You're not saying email address is valuable. You're not gonna get that conversion rate. So those the 1st 2 high level things to look at us is easy to do. When are you giving something of value? The next thing you want to look at is overall is there a problem with your website, and that's what we want to dig into. So one of the most important things is becoming a bigger, bigger issue. Is is your website HTTPS. If it doesn't have the s showing, it doesn't show that little lock in the corner. Then you're always gonna get less traffic. People are gonna be more trepidation. A lot of resources give alert to say, Hey, this website's not secure and it's easy to do. There is now a whole setup. It used to cost hundreds of dollars to sort of HD to guess, and you still can. If you want to get an expensive certificate. You can pay a couple of 100 up to a couple $1000 a year for a really expensive https certificate, or you get a free one from Let's Encrypt, which is what I use. Let's encrypt is something set up basically by Google or much of other companies to make HTTPS available to the masses because a more secure Internet is good for everyone. And that's what I recommend. You should talk to whoever your host is. If you use kids tor Blue host like I recommend, which are the high end in the low end, the beginner level blue host on my blue oh sites or https as well. And there's a cool plug, and it makes it easy. It's called really simple SSL. I have a link to it on my toolbox page. I'll put a link to it in the description for the show notes for this episode, where that plug and does does it make sure that if someone goes to HD version of a page, it pushes them to the HTTPS. That means your site is secure. You'll get pushed up higher in the rankings.  

speaker 0:   9:17
The next thing you want to look at is how fast is your website? There are loads of different tools. The most popular tool for the past few years is from GT Metrics and you go to GT Metrics website and you type in your home page and we'll tell you how long it takes the load. Now this is another area why I've been improving so before. If you've been with you for a while, he's direct by the different host before kinsta They were to slow their problems, my membership area and they couldn't keep up with the changes. They couldn't keep up with how fast we were growing. So we moved to kinsta and immediately we saw 30% increase and how fast our website loaded. What that means is that I started getting more traffic. Higher rank is because steak about this. When you visit a website, how long are you willing to look at a blank page? For most people, the answer is 2 to 3 seconds. So if you go to gtmetrics, is this Oh it's taking your website eight seconds to load. You have a problem that I've had that problem before. Every time I can lower that number, even if it's by 1/10th of a second. I'm constantly doing that and there's loads of technical things. You could go down the path of speeding up your website we're trying to here is diagnosis the problem first, So if your Web sites under three seconds, you're probably okay, but something you can work on down the line and also gtmetrics gives you a whole list and goes, Oh, this is what's causing the problem and it will tell you the prominence. Often there easy to fix some of the things we're really, really quick fixes. So once you have a website that's loading fast and easy people to opt in and then a really good gift, its SSL so they feel secure. So it's safe. Then it comes down to, ah, more important question. We'll start to get into the real thing, which is the website as a whole doesn't look nice now. It's very tempting when you're starting out to cut corners with the design of your website. Now, if you're gonna use a free theme. Do not download it from any source other than the WordPress directory. You go to, go to a directory of themes that have all been scanned by them to make sure that they're clean. It's very tempting, and I do recommend some things from theme forest. I use their Graphic River section, I use photo doing from them. The problem with themes from Theme Forest is that most of them have security flaws. I have a friend who's always posting updates about security flaws and stuff and that website you pay. You can pay 2030 $50 for a theme and you'll find there's a security flaw in it. And it could be something that giving up your password that's stealing data from your visitors That's has hidden links back to the owner's website. So they're getting free back wings for me, which is damaging your websites reputation. Well, all those things would be happening or your website. It can just be too ugly now. This is an advanced thing, right? This means you already have your website, but you're going to the next level. This isn't for phase one. This is phase two, because my first website was ugly. So what we're doing is an 80/20. So the 1st 80/20's get up a website. Ugly is better than no website.  

speaker 0:   11:55
Okay, once you have your website running, then it's about improving it, which I'm still doing. I've been running serve no master for seven years now. I'm still constantly making improvements we're repairing blog post that are five and six years old to give a better experience to make the load faster. I have updated content for 2020-21 adding updated images because I've been through four themes. So originally I was running my website on the team called Optimize Press two. The opera's press two is so paranoid. Most paranoid thing you can have every single time someone visits my website before the website loads, it sends a message with my APIkey that's says Hey is this person using active license. They don't check it once a day. They end up checking it multiple times per minute. If I have a traffic spike, we'll send hundreds, even thousands of tests per second. This is the lack of it is still active intellect. It's literally most annoying thing you could do in real life. Imagine if you owned a small market, and every time someone walked in your front door, the security guard said, hold up I need to call and see if the rent has been paid for this month course, you start losing customers and it slows down your website. So that's why I stopped using optimized press. Their paranoia made me jump ship. That's why certain thrive names and Thrive Themes are having problems slowing things down to causing problems. I moved away from them. So when it comes to starting out well, what do I recommend? There's a couple of themes there, good for beginners, and I'll post them on the links below. And I want you to know, my site right now have switched, and it's all built around a theme called WPAstra by brainstorm Horse. It's a company that I like. I use a lot of their tools right now. Hopefully, they'll continue to be good. I'll try and update below this post. If they're no longer good. They're a little bit more expensive than the ones I recommend, but they're very fast and clean it easy to set up so there's a lot of things that make it easy to have a good design. They have a whole bunch of free designed templates you can choose from the, they go, oh do you want this, look at that, look at this,  look at that. So more powerful themes have a lot more options that could be a little bit overwhelming. They have a lot of stuff. Help you start at the beginning. You go. Oh, you know what I want to sight for a dentist on a site for the Blog. Here's 10 bl choices and you choose ones that fit you. There's also some good themes called soccer T Cynthys. They're both ones I recommend. I'll put the links beloved, trying to give you options in about the $50 range. When you upgrade beyond a free theme and go to the paid range. $50 is about what you spend on the current market, so it's not crazy. It's not overwhelming. It doesn't need to be the first expense you make. But if you're six months or a year and it could start to make sense as you have certain amounts of traffic, so we have a site that has good architecture. The other pieces start to fall in place. There's certain things that if we try to build a website our-self, we get wrong, like how far apart different lines aren't how wide a block Bush should be versus. I bought all that stuff. It's complicated and hard. You don't need to know what that all that stuff. What we're trying to do is build a website that's simple and easy.  

speaker 0:   14:28
Another thing to think about is the images you use on your website. A lot of people out there, including people that I know, love to steal images, but you always get caught and it can be really, really damaging, especially if it's someone professional photographer. You do a Google search, you seen image like you put on your website. They can say that you owe them thousands of dollars and often they'll win. It's not worth the effort now. This doesn't mean that you have to use paid images. I use 123 R F and I'll post links to some other cool platforms that have, you know, affordable licenses for images. The note could be expensive, and I have certainly couldn't afford a beginning. There's also some cool places, like pics of A that give you a lot of free images to choose from. You have to make sure on those platforms that it's an image of a copyrighted character, which could be really hard. I wrote an entire block post about this, was talking about book covers by wrote This Post for Entrepreneur. It was all about how you can use an image portal sites not realize it, like if it's a picture of Batman picks up a will. Let it put it up because a person took the photograph doesn't claim a license because they can't because it's it's a photograph of copyrighted material, so the photograph isn't copyrighted, but the content is so that's what you wanna watch out for. Just make sure it's a picture that's not of something that has it's own license that's recognizable as a thing. And you also want to think about consistency. As I've been building mice over the past few years, I only changed with the third version of my sight to the comic book style you see now. So I started using this specific style wasn't originally. My idea is actually the idea of someone who was designing my sight for the third time, I was actually gonna model Be very specific with you. I saw ah website from Australia for over 40 women's fashion and I really liked it. It was a clean design. I said I want to replicate that. That was the website that gave me the idea for building a Facebook group of the tribe, which I've spent years building. It all came from that moment. That specific site was gave me two really good ideas that heard an interview with her and said, Oh, that sounds really interesting. Look, your website thought was really cool and she had a really good explanation and been down that path quite a long time. But then once we went through with my designer said, I've got a different idea. Let me show you something. And she showed me the last version of the Web site which I had up for about 2.5 years. The new version, the 2020 version, isn't even a deeper integration now why some people do push back. Sometimes people see my website design and they go, Jonathan, what are you doing I don't like it. I don't like that font and most of the people who tell me that stuff don't have a central website. They just have a product or they have certain things. It's not other bloggers now. There's a lot to be said for a clean design and a sleek design and looking futuristic. But when you're on my website, you're never unsure. That's my branding. You know, if you see certain colors. If you see a certain 1940's Dick Tracy comic book aesthetic, you know whose website you're on. You might not know exactly what I look like unless you watch a lot of my YouTube videos. But you know what my cartoon version looks like. Cause I put that everywhere, and this began because I found a specific designer on stock. The stock photo site they used, and I realize I was using his images over and over again. And so that became the core of my aesthetic particular persons design style, which I've had other artists replicate as they do drawings of me as they do drawings of Paris. If you watch some of the, uh, dual pair podcast episodes with me in Paris, on YouTube, you'll see the slide of Paris holding a koala that was drawn by my team that designed pickle by my artists. There was built on that aesthetic, so even if it's a picture of Paris, you go, Oh, this is the serve no master site because that's our aesthetic.  We've created a designer, a style that's consistent. Where you want to watch out for is images that are distracting or that are off putting. A lot of times we put images we like without really thinking about, and this means right colors, clashing, colors distracting. I have certain rules for my images, number one, we almost never used photographs, we always use drawings or vectors. Why? Because my sight is all drawings. That's my aesthetic number two. I don't use images with words on them that the destruction. If I have an image in a block post as text on it, even if it kind of matches what's going on or a little bit goes with the flow of the article, I find it is a distraction Now. That's just mean. You could work on your own flow, but I want you to do is look, you're upset as a whole and say, Is there a consistent feel? Whether it's consistent feel of professionalism, cleanliness, design, aesthetic colors? I use colors that most people would never use in their Brandon. But once I selected those colors, they used them consistently over and over again. You watch a YouTube video about podcasting by me. You have the same colors every single time. When you see that opening card. Same thing for its opposed by blogger ghost writing I generate. We designed on color aesthetic. I worked with my team, did a whole color palette process. So we do some things that are pretty edgy when it comes to color design, and it's all intentional. And I'll tell you a little bit about my designs. You know, my design is something that most people under the age of 40 do not like. I've tried to hire multiple Western social media girls to work for my team four different times. I've had a conversation with a woman in her twenties who has a degree in social media experience of Jewish media, and she talks about how, but she doesn't like the design. They want me to do a whole redesign. They go millennial's won't like this, and they don't get it. Millennial's are not my customers. Millennial's don't listen to this podcast, I don't speak to millennial's. I'm marching into my forties. I have a different specific audience, and it's okay that some people don't like. I know that some people don't like me now. It doesn't work when it's someone on my team and they don't get it. So each of those people they spent so long trying to change the aesthetic that I had to let each of them go because they didn't understand. It's not about what I like about what my audience likes and my audience what I see as a response to an aesthetic that reminds him of the youth. Whether they like Cabinet, Hobbs is a kid or two. Tracy Comets or something in between reminds them of reading the funny pages or how much they like comic books in the sixties and seventies and eighties. It's designed to remind you of that feeling. More than anything else. It's designed to give you a feeling of comforts, a feeling of safety and a feeling of familiarity and far too many people are focused on what's really cool about social media. What's really cool with everyone? I'm not trying to be all everything. Everyone. My website design is number one, something that I like now that's not always the right answer, right? Sometimes we like something so much, it's killing our numbers. But what I look for is how does my audience respond? And I'm constantly looking at that. I'm constantly sending out surveys and pulling you guys and trying to interact you guys and find out how you feel about stuff. And so there's an intention. It's okay, even if you're doing something wrong. If you do website design, that's not right that people push away from. But they could really recognize who you are. You've accomplished something, and that's OK because you can reinvent. You can redo it. You can improve what? I want to see that this is the process of continual improvements. When I was in high school, my first martial arts I ever study was called choong sil taekwondo that  means constant, never ending improvement screen phrase, probably mispronouncing. It has been 20 years since I've said it, choong-sil- taekwondo and the idea is we're always trying to get better, and that's how my website is my website generation. The 2020 version is building on everything I've learned over the past few years, and even now, after work out for six months, I'm still think, But there's a bunch of stuff I want to do is a new version. There's things I can do now with a larger team at eight people that couldn't do six months ago when I started. And that's why we're constantly proving so you'll have more budget, more time or resources available to continually improve your website. What this means is that we're constantly innovating now. This doesn't mean you're reinventing the wheel. I don't recommend starting completely from scratch. Find a template that has the pieces you want and then fill it in. That's exactly what I did. I started off with a template that was my first version than the second version of designer took that and remove half the stuff of the home page and shorten it and cleaned it. And we've done that again. We're constantly shortening our pages too, clean up our messaging and add and consistency and send people into the right process to make it easier to navigate. I know how to do a lot of stuff I like. I've been doing this for a decade, but if I put a list of everything I do a line on the home page. It's overwhelming. I used to list 30 things I could teach you how to do, it's too much. Might be true, that last thing you want on your website to say is Jonathan Green- Jack of all trades king of nut. And that was the message I was sending.  

speaker 0:   22:17
So absolutely. When you choose one of these templates one of their were pressed jeans that I recommend find a temple to find a website. You want a model? You can choose my home page. That's fine. Where you could choose someone who is more in your space So you really like the design logo? Okay, I want to look like this. These are the sections they have. And here's how I'm gonna make my sections look really good. That's how you can start. So rather than reinventing real rather than starting from scratch rather going, I'm gonna rebuild. You can build a website model on someone else and for features you want you could find the theme that has with the plug ins that I'm using it replicate those exact things. It's much easier to do that describing gas to do it on your own. And finally, I want you to keep in mind the 80 20 rule any 20 rule. The parade of principle says that 80% of your revenue will come from 20% your work. Sometimes I emerged the semi head with the law of diminishing returns like at a certain point, you're spending too much time improving, the website proving website Improving website. So I redo my website every year. I was doing it every year for a while when I took a month. Now that takes the law. I do every two years. Maybe don't move every three every four years. So I do it when it starts to push down and starts to become so slow. It's a problem and I learn and improve and I realized I need to keep my two domains stepping. I need toe pull out this technology that's slowing me down. I need to really do some massive changes so that I'm future perfect myself. I'm always thinking with next design adoration. Even now, I'm so excited I can finally use my favorite pop up and list building tool convert pro. I love it. It works so well. I've been so stressed out that thrive themes blocked it. Okay, there's a really bad experience for me. It's costing me probably thousands of followers. Okay, it's costing thousands of dollars to change website and thousands more lost opportunity. There's a piece of tax stop working, then over relied on. So the more I can rip that out of my website and remove it forever, the sooner every last vestige of code from five teams has gone for my website. The sooner I'll be happy because I'm tired of stuff not working, kind of not making money, not going my audience because of one bad technical decision. And I'm learning now how to make it easier. So I do want to do changes again in the future. It won't be as hard. It's a process and even crazier Now. I have a full time developer who's amazing. You do really advanced stuff. He's like, we don't even need a theme. I could build it all from scratch that it I'm like, Okay, that's a little bit. What? I didn't know that was possible. So now things are possible for me now that were possible The beginning of this process. So each time you reiterate you just say isn't the right time. Is it worth me rebuilding website and always goes back to this. How your conversion numbers. How many people are visiting your Web site? Improving your speed, improving your security. Those will increase how many visitors yet your website doing better CEO having longer blogged posting Having back links to a website brings you more traffic. And then the question is off. Those people coming in Are they giving you their email address? Are the staying long enough to read a post? Are the reading multiple posts or they leaving as fast as they can? That's where you can find your areas to improve. And so I absolutely recommend you take a cold, hard look at your website and say, Is this something that's worth me investing? And right now? And you might be that middle space where you go. You know what? It's not perfect, but it's good enough for now. My website was like that for two years and then I realized I got to do a big change when I said I'm gonna do all these other change. I do decide to do a massive redesign as far as the look, a swell. So it's all part of that process. So I'm really excited to see your designs in the comments below whether it on YouTube watching a YouTube video, please post a link to your website. I'll check him out and maybe I'll do a video where I give you some feedback on your Web site. Or you can post links in the comments below on the block post on certain master dot com below this episode. Either way, thank you so much for listening, and I can't wait to see you turn your websites into something that is awesome. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe so you never miss another episode, we will be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller, Serve No master. All you Have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you Tuesday, ready to turn your readers into addicted fanatics, learn how with my free training, the trap system at servenomaster/com/trap.