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SNM184: Monetize First Time Visitors to Your Website with the Power of Tripwire

June 23, 2020 Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 13

Best time to sell people your product is after they already purchased something. Even giving you their emails is a transaction, now you are already in the middle of the yes letter. "Yes letter" is getting your customers to say yes to something bigger and bigger. That's why the best time to sell them anything is after they already purchased something.

Tripwire can help you make more sales as it basically is the up-sell behind a free gift. The very first email you send is the one that is getting open the most, so use that opportunity to make more money.

Monetize first-time visitors to your website with the power of tripwire. Find out how in today's episode of Serve No Master podcast.


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monetized first time visitors to your website with the power of a trip wire. Find out how on today's episode today's episode is brought to you by pro writing Aid. Save thousands of dollars on an editor by using the best tool in the business. A certain master dot com slash riding aids Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you'll learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host. This is part two of the 12 punch of getting people opt in and then getting people to buy the first time they visit. Your website combo is if you have a list of the previous episode, I recommend doing it so you get that foundation. If you've got to that process now, you should have a free gift or something you're creating. That's part of a funnel. You know what you want to sell behind your free gift, and you can easily sell it because it's something valuable. So you've done that part of process. Great job. So now it's time part to let's make money. There's no better time to sell someone something that after they've already purchased from you. All of that language I use before about purchasing and bartering an email address. And a team of just having value is critical because it will change your life. It will radically alter how much money you make. If you don't see someone giving you the email address as a transaction is a financial transaction, then you won't know that you're in the middle of a yes ladder. Yes, ladder, which you talk about previous episodes. And it's a special sale. So you could get someone to say yes to something bigger and bigger and bigger. Bigger. Do you like the color blue? Yes. Do you like my blue T shirt? Yes. You like my blue fence? Yes. You wanna marry me because I blue eyes? Yes, it's an escalation each time asking for something bigger and when someone has just purchased something from you That's the time when the absolute most likely to purchase something more expensive from you. This is why every time you buy a product from a digital marker a direct response marker. If you call an infomercial toe by that 1999 vacuum cleaner, guess what they immediately go. Okay, where's your credit card debt of yours on the way, By the way, we have this extra sing that could be amazing. That's at least $37. Did it in a. That's an Upsell, right? So a trip wire is really just up cell behind a free gift because someone's ready purchase from you there already. That move. They've already done a transaction with you. That's why this is such a great moment. Just the best time to have a link. 20 of products on the very first email you sent of them. Why? Because that's the email that gets the most transactions. Emails get open far more than any other email you sent. You want to see or know which email that I can send against the most Opens? Here's your new password. Air your log in details. Nothing gets opened. More than that, I think about it. You buy something, you're gonna open that email, you grab a free gift, you're gonna open a free gift. Email, email The next day it's most of you will open, but not all of you. And that's okay. Knowing that means that we want to take advantage of this not having a trip are in place is like going to a bar and getting your dream girl your Dream guy's phone number and then immediately walking away. This is a mistake that so many at least men that I was friends with made when I was in my twenties, go to the bar, you talked your dream, get her phone and run away because you don't want to mess it up. What does she mean? Radio talk to someone else and then you call her. I wish I didn't have to tell you guys this, but I've made myself a new quarter. Sometimes, she says, I don't remember who you are and when I say sometimes almost all the time. That's happened hundreds of times. One of the many reasons I'm glad that I'm deeply married. It doesn't feel very good to not be remembered when you thought you closed the deal that you haven't so we have is the opt in someone's opted and give us an email address, which is a purchase on the form of a barter, but they still giving us something of value in exchange for something of value. Now they're in a buying mood because they're buying mood. We want to do the right thing and want to take advantage of this. Thank you Part of the relationship, The thank you is what you say after someone's giving your email address and people expect it. Have you ever entered your email address on someone's website and then the pages reloads and nothing shows You don't know if it worked. People hate that. Even if it did work and they could check their email address, they merely assume it. Didn't they have frustrated? So they expect a thank you message to the first type of thank you Message is just a message that pops up on the screen. It could be a little pop a bit, says thank you. Your free gift is on the way. Simplest form in it. You get Maur, advance and say your free gift is on the way. This is the subject of the E mail address. It will come from this email address. Have them search for that's level one. That's what most people do when they're beginning. Because that's hard enough, right? It's a lot of work to get your free gift of you actually finished the entire process from the previous episode. It was a lot of work. It's not easy. It takes hours to create a free gift and create a page that creates value. So you get that done and then you go, Okay, Now, I'm gonna start on my first product containing a couple weeks to build it because I know a full time job. I have so much time. But while I'm doing that, I was have the thank you message. The second version, The next generation is the thank you, Paige. This is more advanced. Thank you so much for your purchase. Here's a picture of me smiling cause I'm so glad or thank you so much for taking your free gift. Thank you so much for giving your email address. You can use whatever language you like as a picture of you smiling. You're holding a thumbs up or a cup of coffee to show you're a coffee person. Never seen me doing that Sound Drink coffee, but I do during hot chocolate sometimes. So maybe I have a big, foamy hot chocolate in my hand and says, Hey, I'm so glad to have you on board. Welcome to the tribe. So great to hang out with you. Here's what's gonna happen next. When you go to your evil, you're gonna get an email that looks like this. Here's a screenshot of the email and inside the emails say, Hey, click here to download your free gift and it's gonna be a blue box cook on that blue box and in the screen shuttle. Have a red arrow point of the blue box and say what to do. By the way, what you might want to do is white lous e mails from me so that when I send you emails, they don't get sent to your spam folder or to your marketing folder. You can use your thank you Paige to get into the in box to improve the deliver ability of your future emails, and that's a good use of a thank you. Paige. This is a more advanced iteration. It's a little bit more work. You're accomplishing three things. Number one. You're setting expectations. Number two. You're increasing the odds that people open that email on number three. You're increasing the odds that they click the button. Actually download your free gift, which confirms that they gave you really email address and number four. If they'll actually do it, they can white list and you can see I have ah white list page on my Web site that has instruction without a white listen. Email to make sure it doesn't go into spam folders, which will also increase your vulnerability. So thank you. Paige accomplishes a lot. It's not a waste of time. It is a good use of effort. It's the next generation. Our third iteration is the trip wire page, and if you have taken a free gift from me, you've probably seen a trip wire page. When I invited you to join my tribe or you've grabbed one of my old it's White Files or my Unicorn. What you talk about the previous episode or you've just listed the end of a podcast episode. You watch a YouTube video and click the link and you go free gift. I'll take that. The next thing I show you is usually a blueprint. I usually call my trip are blueprints. Some people call them action plans, but I call them blueprints, and what you'll see is the beginning of the financial process. If I got your email address Awesome. Not advanced enough. The tech I use doesn't take your email address and pre fill it on the order form on the next page. I'm not quite there yet, probably now that I finally have a developer working for me, that would be something that's on the list now. I've thought of it I didn't think of until right now, and I'll talk him about adding it to a card on his past. Manager bored. And here's our trip. Our final. You have an offer that's in the $79 range. You can go as high as $19 or 1995. That's something you could test different markets. A different numbers appropriate here in some markets, maybe a much higher number. But for markets in which I've operated, which I have experienced, trip wires are under $20. I tend to keep mine under $10 then ever free gift. And usually I go 7 27 47 147 Why? Because about one out of 100 people will go through the entire process, and what you're trying to do when you're looking at this from the business owner perspective is to increase how much every single visitor website is worth. So looking at big picture numbers, let's do some number structure. You're right. Let's say 10% of people who visit your website join your mailing list. And once they go through all those people, how many of them then take your trip wire offer. So let's say it's 10% again. That means you have 100 misters. You'll make $7 every single day. Stop that. That's $2100 automatically every year on autopilot from your website. That's nice. That's a foundation. So ah, visitor to your website. $7 out of 100 is worth seven cents. Okay, Now, doing the uprights of these other ones is gonna be complicated. But basically, if everybody 100 people another one takes the 1 47 offer, it can double or triple the value. So now you can actually, just from that one person, they increase the value across your spectrum to like 21 cents, which means that over the course of a month, you're going to make seven times 30. Let's call that $210 every three months. You make an additional 1 47 from someone who takes that or additional $50. So that means overtime. Your monthly take is not to tenants to 60. We're just trying to boost the value of your customers because some people take out that stuff and they'll love it. That's why I want to do. Now. Remember, we have to go back. That core foundational method, everything yourself should be good. Everything you should sell should be really, really good. If you knew how many hours I put into my product creation in the agony I put into designing slides and putting all the pieces together, making it beautiful by free gifts are a sign of how important that is to me to give every customer the best experience possible. So keep that in mind. That's a report, part of process, you actually giving things that are worth more than your selling for when you have an entire funnel in place, it goes free gift trip wire offer. First up, sell second Upsell, third Upsell. So it was free 7 27 47 1 47 Now the 1 47 not necessary you might find okay that you get a 1% conversion rate at 1 47 or a 2% covers aerated 97 with the 90 seven's. Better because out of 100 people you make 30% more money, you're making 1 94 instead of 1 47 So that's some calculations you'll have to do. I'm trying to get better about that, doing that myself. So I'm constantly trying to get better at the numbers. I never thought anyone would take a 1 47 offer. Someone told me to do it. I said, Okay, I'll offer some my big courses there. You actually get 44 flagship courses that are normally 97 each for 1 47 so it's $400 in value 150 yards. That's a good value. How do people know that? Because that's the regular price. They could visit the regular sales page in check What you don't want to do is leave money on the table like me. You want to make a living from your business And one of things that I've learned over the last few years and working with consultants and getting outside help is I'm growing servant master into a real flagship business. Okay, this has moved into the realm of a real concrete business. It really has a structure and a team and S. O. P s. And on boarding process is all those things that make you feel corporate, just out have any ties because all my shirts with buttons were eaten by mobs or melted in our attic in the past year. I tryto get my winter clothes out. Recently was gonna go on a trip before the trip got canceled, and I discovered that my leather jacket was now a cubit had melted into a cube. Probably wasn't real leather, so they don't have the coach Vermont as faras dress of a corporation. We still have the financial structure and the business and the payroll every week and all the other things that make you into a corporate structure. And that means revenue is important. When I was talking about team this week. I said We have to fix some conversion rate issues because that's how I pay your salaries if we don't fix this issue because sometimes you know, sometimes it'll slow roll their work a little bit because they want to max out their hours. Guess what you keep doing that there's not gonna budge it. You're the 1st 1 on the chopping block. It's a great way to motivate your team social when it's true. Right now, we're in a season where customer values are plummeting. People are spending less money there, being more conservative, people are withdrawing for the economy. The way to reverse that is to increase the number of people. If your customer value drops from a dollar to 50 cents and you double your number of customers, you won't take a loss. You'll stay break even. You'll stay strong. Let's talk about the design of the trip wire gift and the page. The trip, our product for me. The trip our product followed. I have a strict set of rules. You don't have to follow these rules, but you have to have your set of rules. When I give away a free gift. It's always pure texts. If you take a free gift for me, doesn't know how long it is. It's going to be text. It's never a video seven audio file. Here's my escalation e book or book text level Above that is audio lovable. That video with slides level above that video with live action with my face. So those are my four loads of escalation. As you go through by products and work your way up, you get more access, tow me and my identity. So at the lowest level, you get something I've written. So when I'm designing, as they taught in the previous episode, my free gifts that desire to be consumed in our the trip wires designed to be consumed in 4 to 6 hours or what I call it afternoon. And that's because sometimes I have trip wires that about email marketing, about affiliate marketing, about creating the first product. I have a new one coming out that's a mini hydro system that's actually I already dictated. My part is actually with the transcription team and working its way through before you put it on the website. But all of that means that some take for some, Take Six says. There's a little bit of bandwidth, but that's what I try to aim for. Now, when you're going through one of my blueprints, you get audio. Sometimes it's a single slide that you look at while there's a recording. But it's not like one of my higher level courses where the slides change and their bullet points throughout. The thing will just be a single slide. That says, What I'm talking about because I recorded is pure audio. But the reason I have those very simple I couldn't get an audio player to play in my membership area. When I first started building blueprints, I would love to tell you that there was like a really more complicated, advanced answer. But that's the true answer. Every time I tried to get an MP three player toe work inside of my membership area, it failed. Now I probably could have a developer and I have a team, but almost everything I did, everything I'm teaching was something that I built myself on my own first and only now do I have a team. We're going back through everything and trying to fix it and make it look like we'll be amazing if I had a massive budget at the beginning. But I one man band in this business for a very long time. So once you've made your trip wire gift something that you would normally sell for, say, $47 but you're willing to give away for free for $7 or $17 we wantto give that discount of 7 to $17 you've made that has that value, and you can use whatever scale you like. I told you mine. It should be Maur than your free gift and less than you're really expensive programs. That's the best way to describe it. So it should fit right there in the middle. And then you're gonna have your trip wires, which are just a little bit more a little bit more, little more. You're you're up strip bar up cells are gonna be a little more a little more a little bit more, so the value goes up as people both your final. But initially, you just wanna have that first thing in place. You might just have that $7 offer and you won't start selling it while you build that next offer. You don't leave money on the table. That's our core mindset. So then how do you sell it? How do you design the sales page? What I like to dio is have eyes. Actually, there's a couple ways to do it. You can say, OK, the free gift If the free gift page the optic page was text on the opposite page to be text I find. Actually, for me, it's much easier. Create video sales pages the news to create text pages because that's pages you have to format and Jasmine making beautiful. Where's if I I could record a video in 10 or 20 minutes? We could throw it on the page and put a button underneath it. So because it's faster to dio I at this point, I go. Hey, you took a free gift. Now you get to see my face. It's a little bit of what I say. Thank you so much for the free gift you've just grabbed List Building Turbo. My guide on how to build a list really fast, how you can start getting a lot more. Email addresses includes more advanced stuff of what we've talked about the last two episodes say thank you so much for driving list building trouble. You've taken action and that's cool. And I like to reward action takers. And so what I'm gonna do is have you access to um, or advanced course that I call the e mail marketing blueprints? Now that you're building a list, you need to know how to turn it, listing the money, howto write e mails and sequences. In a way that's easy management understandable and not hard for you because writing emails is a business. It's a learning process, and I'm gonna teach you all of that in my email marketing blueprints. So now you know how to get e mails. I'm gonna teach you how to turn e mails in the money relationships and building your audience of people don't jump ship. And so they don't get a bunch of demons that never buy anything because you're really here, right? It's for a business, and we give you all that. Normally, this program's $47. In fact, if you go inside my membership area, you click on the buy button will take you to a long, beautiful $47 sales page. if you click that button right now, I'll give it to you for $7. Very simple. And it's real value, right? Absolute value. I don't think I've ever had someone refund who's bought a blueprint for $47? Because they're worth it. I make things that are really good. I work really hard if you know my back story. For the 1st 7 years, I was in this business, I was a product creator. I made products and partner with people cause I didn't wanna write copy. I didn't put my face on the front stuff. I just built courses and then other people would part with me and they would take anywhere from 50 to 90% of the money. So product creation is my area of excellence. Is why have so many courses I love making. Now we've done is escalated our relationship. First, we've done a barter. Now you bought something from me. Now we have a relationship because money is exchanged hands. This is where you go into Europe Cell. Now for me, I say you just took an amazing blueprint. Let me give you all of my five foundational blueprints. Let me give you four more blueprints for $27. I'll give you everything you need, what I call my foundation or pillar blueprints, which is email marketing. How to find Amazing affiliate offers. How to launch a book, How to Launch a Podcast had a lot of blocks so that you can see the five pillars of my business. If you look around my website, you'll notice that that's why invest most of my time those air my pillars of communication, e mailing, podcasting, blogging and writing books and then groaning affiliate offers. So I'm gonna give you the entire foundation of my business. You have one pillar, which is awesome. If you need the other ones, why not grab him now for $27 normally 47 bucks each, instead of having $250 approximately 47 it's a good deal the next level. If someone says yes to that, I go Okay, great. If they say no to that, you could have a down cell which goes, You know what? I don't want to leave. I'll give you all five for $17. You could do that. It's example of a down cell, but I want to teach you the Upsell process first. Then I go. Okay, that was amazing. Check out this. And there's something I played around with different variations of this where you can D'oh ah, monthly for lifetime or flat fee. I say, Hey, you know what? I make blueprints all the time. What if you get every blueprint I have and every blueprint I ever make for $47? I've already made these eight other blueprints. Here's the other five there in development right now, and you get all of them for $47. What you're doing, What I'm doing is I'm increasing how much the customer spends, but I'm decreasing the price per blueprints. I read a news article this morning. About an hour ago. Someone's talking. It was article about face masks, and this company said, Oh, you know what? We have a massive 21 million stockpile of facemasks. Hospitals are desperate for face masks. Right now, we'll sell him to any hospital that needs him at no profit for $5 a mask. Then this article said, What's interesting is if you got a Home Depot, you could buy a pack of 20 for like $22. So if you buy from Home Depot, it's a dollar 20 a mask. But it arrived from these guys. Is the hospital's $5 a mask. Thanks for quote unquote not charging and making any profit. That's important. So people need to feel like they're getting a better deal, and it needs to be a real better deal. It's not about smoking. Here is the hardest thing to do is to be sneaky about your pricing and hope. No one notices. Think about this. I'm revealing my entire funnel to you. Why? Because it's hard to not. It's, you know, you could be afraid. Or what if someone sees something's on sale that they bought a while ago and yada yada that's happened, like once or twice in my entire career? Or what do I do? I fix it with that person. I make it right, usually by giving them one of my other courses. They go, Hey, you know what? You're right. Let me give you another course or this program that's worth more than the difference between what you paid a month ago in the current discount. Want to sort you out? That happens sometimes just the way it is, but it's a lot easier to be straight up with people. Just tell everyone the truth than it is to try to remember what's like secret knowledge and what's not. So once you take the lifetime, then I go. Okay, why do you take my what I call it? They could halt like the blogging for dollars bundle. It's like my words to profit training my video profit magic course by blocking for dollars course and my blocking road map course. Normally, those all cell for 97 1 97 each. So I think if you actually by all but full price is $600 it's 1 47 And, boy, when you're going through that not takes weeks to go. There's a lot of content. It's for flagship courses for big programs, and it's a logical progression. I go, Hey, if every blooper ever built, if you want to go to the next love, you want my big stuff. I want to hook you up because you've just taken action. I want to reward that now. When you do all of this stuff, the beauty is it makes paid ads for usable. If you go through any of my hide your training or really what I've been teaching since 2020 I'm a big believer in extreme giving. I absolutely like to give away stuff as much as possible. I participate in any type of event. I can write and give away stuff and introduce people to what I create. I do that all day long, but it's not infinitely scalable. Here's what infinitely scalable means. If you can get a Facebook, add to your free gift toe work and it's lower than your costs than your value for customers of your cost of acquisition. If it costs you $1 to get a person to join your email list and your average value is a dollar five per subscriber, make five cents. Every single time someone joins your email list, you can run paid ad. Suddenly, that's the panacea. I'm working towards that in my own business. I do run, paid as you may have seen, something ads on Facebook. The other social media channels of doing that Maura Maura been really. It's been a really hard journey for me. I've never been great at paid ads, but once your system works. You actually have that as an option that until that point it's not. If it takes you 90 days to recover your restaurant from paid ads, that's a really long time to break even. Most of us don't have that much budget buffer. When paid ads become feasible, you're no longer rely on anyone else for traffic. Now I teach loads and loads of other traffic methods, and they are all scalable. Paid ads is infamous Camel. It just means that you can, you know, build your list thousands of people a day instead of dozens something really, really big. And it's the next generation. So what you can create is a trip wire the next 3 to 4 hours to consume. Behind that is a grouping of trip wires, in which case it's four more trip wires, so that's about 16 to 20 hours to consume, and then one behind that is about 40 hours too consumed in the larger course. Is that 1 47? That's so much more money, right? It's like 20 times more money, so it should be 20 times more value in time to consume. It will definitely take you Maur than one hour, certainly more than four hours. So people see that they're getting value One of things that you learn as you grow in your business. Now I finally have my dream membership site. I finally have the ability to see what you're doing. I don't track it on an individual level, but I do track it on a large scale up because I want to see how many people on Lee watch video one. I hate that. I'm like I'm doing something wrong, but the truth is, and the reality is 80% of people consume less than one hour of a course and never come back. So ah, lot of people will log into your membership site or that load your gift or download your training courses in the look and see how big they are. And that's how the determine whether not to refund. So perception is a big part of this. So no, it doesn't need to be big. Needs to look big, and they need to go. Okay, I see the value here. I'm not gonna get through this right now because I'm going through the first trip are, But I will get through this eventually. And that's how you prevent yourself from getting re funded. Because that's what you want, right? Like refunds. They don't feel good. I never want someone to feel like they got less than what they paid for. That's a centerpiece that goes back to the original thing. I said at the beginning of the previous episode, anything you give away or sell should be really good. It should be worth more than your charging, as long as what you're selling or giving away is worth more than what you're charging. This process is easy. That's the signature writing great copy. That's a secret. To put it together, great offers. That's the secret to succeed in this business. Sure, there are people out there who make a ton of money giving away and selling stuff. That's not good, but that's not me. I don't know how to do that, and that's hard on our businesses because they're not sustainable. Any business we're tryingto quote unquote not get caught is a non sustainable business model, and when I want to teach you is howto build a business at how to make real money by designing your first trip wire and when you do please share link below this video. So my other visitors, other fans can check out your work and maybe buy one of your products. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe, so you never miss another episode. We'll be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to serve no master dot com forward slash podcasts Now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you Tuesday, ready to turn your book into a bestseller. Find out what other authors don't want you to know that Serve a master dot com fronts Last secrets.