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SNM188: Affiliate Mistakes Can Lead You Hemorrhaging Money

July 07, 2020 Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 15

If you save a dollar, it's the same as making a dollar. It's a lot easier to prevent a loss than bringing in new leads and new customers. So in previous episodes, we've talked about bringing in new people and creating an email list, so today we will discuss how to find problems and pluck them before you lose more money.

Eliminate people who don't want to hear from you. There are so many other people who will invest their money and time in you and you just have to constantly update your list and focus on people who read your emails.

Affiliate mistakes can lead you to hemorrhage money. Don't let this happen to you on today's episode of Serve No Master podcast.


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Philip mistakes can lead you hemorrhaging money. Don't let this happen to you on today's episode. Today's episode is brought to you by click models. If you've seen one of my sales pages, you have seen click bottles in action. Grow your business at serve master dot com slash click finals today. Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host. Like on the last episode, I'm upstairs recording, and suddenly the neighbor's kids are quite loud. Hopefully, we can move some of the background noise, but I appreciate if you could forgive me. It's a little bit windy, so there's also a lot of noise from the leaves Are many banana trees in our garden, but it's so beautiful out this afternoon, and as you know, I need to get as much time in the sunlight as I can teach my eyes healthy. So it's very important to me. I'm really excited today to talk about my favorite topic, which is affiliate marketing, and I want to give you another perspective on this topic because there's a saying that's really, really good that says, You know, it's just a Z Z. If you save a dollar, it is easy is making its same is making another dollar right you had with the same results, and I didn't say it perfectly. But that concept is what I want to talk about today, which is stopping. Loss is easier. It's a lot easier right to fix a problem that is to bring in more people to get more leads or more customers and people on your list. So last week we talked about the statistics, and we've been talking about this series about bringing people into your funnel, maximizing their value and improving your systems. This is about finding problems or holes and plugging them. So some of these air really big mistakes that you don't know you're making until I talk to you about it. The first they aren't talk to you about is abandonment rate. These are people who unsubscribe from your list. You say I don't want to hear emails from you anymore. There's this feeling that most people have that say. I don't want anyone to do that cause it feels bad. We'd rather not send e mails to the people who want to hear from us than to have The people who don't want here must click that button and say, No more e mails, please. 99% of time. They're cleaning up their inbox and they're just no longer interest. What you have to talk about it. Remember you are They've moved on to the life for something has changed. Or they found someone else's messages a little closer to what they're looking for than you. It's very rarely a personal attack that says they've measured the totality of you as a person and rejected you. It's not like that saying in a knight's tale, he says. You've been drawn, measured and found wanting just so mean. So you have to disconnect from the personal, so you are gonna have people leave your lists. What you want to avoid is the first big mistake which is charming and burning your list. The first type of list I had, where people who did not want information or content. My first mailing list I built around 2013 is I was starting to grow building my first box all of our products. If I said them information or training or block post link, I would get more unsubscribed than if I sent just a link to a sales page. And so that list was only interested in me, sending them a link every day to a $7 products. And there are people, Absolutely. There are a lot of people who every day will by $7 product does it? Doesn't she like that much? And they don't pay attention to the fact that they're spending 2 to $5000 a year on products that they don't use Now? There's nothing wrong with course of the $7 level. There's a lot, of course, is actually out there that are surprisingly good. My first course of the $7 level actually worked some of the courses I went through the $7 really working. Of course, there's also a lot of that level that don't work, just like in every level. But these same people would never buy a $500 flagship course and invest six months of time into it. They would rather spend $2000 but doesn't feel like it because it's death by 1000 cuts, and that's a churn and burn list. That's a list where you are constantly pushing offers. People are constantly unsubscribe ing, and the only way you stay afloat is by bringing in more leads. The way this works is like a boat with a hole in the bottom. You have to keep pulling the water out because it keeps refilling. This is the opposite metaphor because people keep jumping out of your, but you have to put more people in. That means you don't have a business. What you have is a moment when that moment ends. If anything changes there, anything goes out of balance. You'll disappear. If you don't have a new offer every single day, you'll stop making money. If you don't, you need to get leads in the same way you'll go out of business. And I know a lot of businesses like this. A lot of businesses that aren't really businesses because they are just a gimmick are really in a dangerous place. And this happened to me. I lived high on the hog off my China burn list for like, three years, so you can make a lot of money from it, but it won't last forever. You have to keep swimming. You're like a shark. If you stop paddling, your business dies. That's not passive income, and it's a mistake because you go after these small fish, not realizing that if you were more strategic, you could cultivate these people and bring them up so they spend more money with you. Spend more time with you rather than spending $7 here and there. Maybe they just buy a couple $100 course once a year. You make more money and they get more value. And both of you are out of that chasing immediacy cycle. It feels really good. Every single time I get a message from one of my shopping carts or payment processors that says You've got money. Someone bought something. Money came with your big account. Today it feels really good, right? And I come a source of dope, me to become a source of affirmation. But then, that's not the right way to run your business, because that's emotional, rather logical. So I want you to disconnect from that and really look at now that you know how to do your statistics from the previous episode. Now you know how to look at the long view and say I can make more money over the 90 day process by changing what I do on day one. An example of this is if you have ah, webinar, you're selling, of course, on a webinar for, let's say, $300. Some people after someone registered for the weapon are merely offer them something for $7 they can make some immediate money. But in my experience, that's almost always lowers how many people by the $300 course. So you make a lot of money today on Monday, but you cost yourself 10 times more money on Wednesday. You're cannibalizing your own sales. That's not always true. You have to test that sometimes I know some people they sell something cheap on Monday, and more people by other weapon on Wednesday. That's why you gotta know your numbers. You gotta check that's you. Contest those two different versions to see what the truth. This mistake number two is when 10 people send the exact same message every single time there's an affiliate promotion. They send out swipe emails. Sometimes the e mails are amazing when I say sometimes I mean almost never 99% of the time when people send me swipes their terrible. Sometimes they do promotions with people, and they'll send me an email that they wrote three years ago. And I can tell because they've left something in there that's old. They left the old date in there, and it's something they emailed to their own lists. The way I talk to you about me is not the way I talk to you about my friends is that doesn't make sense. It's different because it's the machines first person in third person, and people send me that. All these swipes work really well for us. Like of course, they did. You mailed your own following. Sometimes you will put us up in there that I would never say now because I'm aware of this hasn't a feeling. I work really hard when we give swipes to are people. We try to customize that we try to make lots of different variations. We try to ride like 30 emails where you could pick three from that, have different angles, different perspectives. But it could still be we could give you starting all 30. They were totally wrong for your audience. I was in a potion this week where someone has put up their swipes and they looked like he'd let his kid right Him, they were terrible. I was like, I sent you that email. I would expect you to unsubscribe. The language was really, really, I thought, inappropriate. I don't really like to email and talk a lot about, like, big picture stuff or politics. I don't That's not something I like to put my emails. And when someone puts in the stripes like, What are you doing? Not where I want to go. As I like to talk about. I don't care what your politics are. I just care about helping you support your family. So that's what I focus on a stick in my lane. So I am. When those things appear inside these swipes, I can't use them now. I was part of motion a few months ago where I tested my email versus theirs and theirs beat Mina. Go. Okay, well, they're better than me. It happens, So I leaned into it. That happens so rarely. That's probably 1% of the time. In my experience, 90% of time. Write my own emails tweets, because I sound like me. Sometimes what I'll do is cut and paste like some bullet points from their swipe. You know, when they're describing what they're giving way of describing their book, I'll just copy paste or bullet points because they're describing their thing. But what I'm describing them in my relationship with them, I want it to be my voice. The problem was sending the same message is what happens when someone hears the same message from two different people. This happens a lot more than you realize. Most people are more than one mailing list, and of me and my friend Matt are both promoting the same offer. The same affiliate offer the same time. And we said the exact same email. Here's what happens. Our audience now knows we're copying and pasting emails. We've lowered our credibility with our followers when they catch on to that. It's not good. Think about how you would perceive that. If it has, it has ever happened to you. Why don't you just leave a comment or put a thumbs up below the video on YouTube so you could let us know that I didn't imagine that. You know what I'm talking about? That when you get multiple emails of exacting controversy differently? 00 I thought he wrote these emails, so lowers your belief it starts to make you go. Oh, if he's not right in his own e mails, then he's probably, you know what's even in this copy and paste them, saying stuff doesn't believe now how let their people to click on those e mails? Guess what? It's a lot lower. It's worth taking the time to customize your messages. Even if someone is a better copper than you and gives you a great swipe, take the time to write it. Edit it, make it sound like you as much as possible to avoid this happening. Number three is the signal to noise ratio. This is a term that I learned in audio engineering school. What it means is when there's a lot of background noise. It's hard to hear what's happening. So there's a certain amount of background noise that if it was happening and believe me, it's annoying enough with all these roosters of my neighbor's kids shouting and shouting every noise you're hearing it from someone at least 50 meters away from me, and yet they're louder than me. But if I tried to record and there's a certain amount of wind, once it gets to a certain level, you won't believe what I'm actually saying. No matter how we try to editor, which microphones I try to use, it becomes impossible. There's too much noise. You can't hear the signal so the real soon doesn't get through. What that means is, when you're e mailing people, you need to focus on relationship building. That's why so no emails say check out this podcast episode. Check out this block post, check out this video on YouTube. Hey, have you joined my free Facebook group where you can get tons of videos? It's about giving value, so when I say signal, that's content or value, and that's how you avoid becoming churn and burn. If you on Lee, send sales emails eventually people know that if they're not removed by, they're not gonna look, you're not gonna have a relationship, is all you are is a menu. So you want to be You want to be a person, an identity. You want to have a relationship with your audience because then you're like ship can go long term. You gonna people that stay on your list for 90 days where people stand, you're less for 10 years. That's which one is more valuable. Yeah, 10 years. That's relationship building. You want people to know you. I want you to go to my website. I want you to read Block Post. I want you to see my YouTube channel. I want you to read different books by me. I want you to take all of my different free gifts because I want you to get to know me One of the core principles. My business is extreme giving. The more I give away, the more my business grows over time. Right now, this year, about 10% of my effort is towards paidcontent. 90% is towards stuff I'm giving away because that's time growing my business. And that means signal signal signal my first list because I trained them. Hated signal. They only wanted noise. That's why that listed last very long. There was a relationship. They would just buy whatever I put in front of them. What you want absolutely is a long term relationship because that's a business that has longevity. That's something you could maintain. And that means that when people are deciding to buy something, they will go and say, Hey, do you have an excellent like I want to buy it So your link, I want you to get paid because you mentioned it one time. That's my favorite type of email to get absolutely. It's also my favorite type of message for some of the same person or on Skype. People don't say that if they don't have relationship with you, what they'll try and do is find a coupon or someone else is offering a better bonus and they'll go through them. Even though it's your whole business to find offers and help them find what's right for them. They'll bypass you because they don't care about you because you've never built a relationship. I spend a lot of time. We're actually working right now, on improving the first week of e mails that we send out so that it better embodies where we are right now, because the sequence I wrote a few years ago sense to block post that were really relevant a few years ago. And now we're just improving and tweet because I wanted to really clear who I am, what I stand for, what you're gonna get when you're hanging out with me and what kind of value have to offer. So we're working on that part of the business as much as working on creating lots of free content. The next mistake. It's promoting products that you don't use that is dangerous. Here's why. There could be something wrong with the product that you don't know about, but you'll get blamed. This recently happened to me. I promote abuses software built by someone I've known for a decade. I got one email about a bunch of able bodied, but one lady had a bad experience, and the reason I recommended this is good. The software I use is $250 a month. This software was only $47. It was less powerful but was a one time by, but it could do. A lot of the things you need is a beginner before you grow into what I'm using. So sometimes I do recommend software. That's a better value for, you know, she had a bad experience. She e mailed me about it very long. Letter said. Oh, I have all these problems over this this and this. I had a tech issue. The first time I tried to use it was really upsetting. Here's what I did. I messaged my friend on Skype immediately. We were talking about it within five minutes because I have a relationship with her. I took action. Now she filed a charge back. She called her credit card company, said, I never made this purchase before. She e mailed me, which means there was nothing I could do. She shouldn't have done that, cause it's also not true. Every business out there, including mine, we have a standard policy. We find every charge back because if you get a high chargeback rate or you lose a lot of chargebacks, you can get in trouble with Visa or with MasterCard with PayPal, and you can suddenly say Oh, we don't take that credit card anymore. It's the last thing you want to happen. You happen to some friends of mine. You could put you out of business like the kiss of death. I do everything I can. I have all this software that's designed to make sure that orders don't go through a stolen credit cards. There's not fraud, all of those things. And so when someone files a charge back, it immediately puts the process into new categories. So he merely fought it. I don't know how it played out, but had she not done that, the owner of the company was on the phone with the communicated using. How can we fix this? We gotta make it right for Let's find out why the technology dropped in 60. That's the right way to do it. If it's a tool you've never used by someone you don't know and you have a relationship with and you haven't gotten a review copy of the you're screwed because as a high conversion rate, you're in dangerous waters, because then when something goes wrong or 10 people have a bad experience, they blame that other company. They do. Other charge Rex and then they come after you and they come after your reputation to go. You recommend stuff that doesn't work. Guess what? They're gone from your mailing list and will be badmouthing you all over town again. The danger here is chasing the dollar today instead of the C note. Next week, stop chasing pennies. Just because it's fast money doesn't mean it's the best money. The next mistake is promoting your competitors. There are people I know who are hands down, better marketers. To me, they're marketers that I follow their markers, whose courses I buy to get better at what I do it to grow my business. But I wanna learn how to run a YouTube channel. Guess what? I had to go through training on that, and I have a person I look up to for that. I don't point you towards people who are better than me. That's a mistake. It could be very tempted to go. Oh, you know what? One of my direct competitors having a really good launch, great opportunity, really big payout. The problem is, then you go back to our second problem, which isn't people with the same message. Now they're mailing the same products you every day because you're always wearing the same watch. Same offers them, so people are shooting that message. Best case scenario. You 50 58. Half of your audience stays with you in half switches. Other person. You can make money today and cut your revenue next month and 1/2 Dangerous. You want to avoid sending your audience to people that are better marketers than you, and that our direct competitors you unless you're getting paid very well for that introduction. I do promote some of my competitors, but my rule is I say, I'll send you people. But you have to give me half of what they buy from you forever. They're people, you know. I do lifetime cookies No one else does. I make him set it up just for me because I want to make sure that I'm not stab myself in the neck. I don't wanna accidentally cannibalize my own business without realizing it. So that's something I set up. Now that's something you can't really do when you're first starting out. I totally know that I wasn't able to do that until I was in this business for 9.5 years, and people won't give me that deal than all miss some promotions just to be careful in safe. The other mistake you can make is using their swipes, which is the emails that they've given for you using their links. I cannot tell you how many people have give me a wrong link what I always do. You may have noticed every time I give you a link when I say you want my fill it unicorn free gift, you had a certain bester dot com front slash unicorn, and then when you go through it, it gives you a much longer link cause it's a more complicated page inside, Michael Funnels account right now. I do that because of the link changes. I only have to change it in one place. An example of this. A specific examples. Let's say you're doing a live webinars as an affiliate, so you're promoting someone's live event. As soon as the webinar finishes, you can go back into whatever you're using as your redirect. I use pretty links. It's a free where press plug in and I can change where that link goes. So they're going to the registration page from another happen. It goes to the replay baits. People click late still get to see the information. That little change will boost how much money may. So don't ever, ever, ever, ever use someone else's. Lincoln and email always use your own because you can change it in my auto spotter emails. If I have a bunch of emails going to particular course and then that course stops, I could just change with those links. Redirect to, and I'll have to change it. One place isn't of hundreds. The last thing you want is thousands of e mails out there that you sent that people have saved in their inboxes. We all keep every email that ever came in that go to dead places that no longer operate and finally, graphics. I would encourage you to go to served master dot com front slash toolbox. He was on that page. You will see their graphics I have for all the different courses I promote. What you'll notice is that they're all custom now. Please understand. This is not something. I started doing what I had artist. I used to do them myself when they looked terrible. So what? You're seeing now is just a newer version of what I did the first batch I did totally on my own using affinity photo. It's my favorite software. It's cheaper than photo shop. I bought it for, I believe was on sale for $20. Now, sometimes it's 50 but they have sales all the time. How I do all my photo editing and I would find a stock photo, put the name, you know, that had something cool like for Blue Host. I found a picture of like, some blue eyes and put blue host. The reason I do that is that you can get traffic when people search that image. What most people do is they take the image there given to them by the product. They put it on their website, Google. See, that goes there's 500 copy of the same image. We're just gonna index the 1st 1 The rest will ignore. Think about that. This is a sneaky way to ranks is a little bit of an S e o trick, but it means people can tell they're coming from you. I use a very specific artistic style. There are a whole bunch of reasons that I use that one of them, and I like it. The second reason is that its unique the third reason that my audience can recognize it more poor than anything else that when you see that Dick Tracy 19 forties comic book style, that pop art style you know it's me, you might see that image. That's Jonathan's league. That's Jonathan's video on YouTube, and I want that. So as much as I don't believe I have an overall brand, my definition of branding that people who know me can recognize my stuff, and that's more valuable than just using the images that other people provide. Our great example of this is if you read my review of the Key Bo code, which is a product I promoted. There's a picture of me in a full body Tigger suit that I bought in the store that they were talking about in their sales video. So it was really congregants so ever remembers the picture of me dressed like Tigger. You don't know Tigger Younousse. No, it was a tiger suit on that image. There was no question who was the work came from because the text was in my Fox. All of those things are intentional, so that when people are thinking like who, Who was the one who told about that course you might not remember your name, but I remember the image and that'll bring them back to you, and that will help you to boost your revenue. So you want to avoid these mistakes, and you'll see your income starts to boost your relation with your audience starts to increase. And, most importantly, you start to turn into a real business. And that means you're not just gonna make money today, but you're gonna make money next month and next year. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe, so you never miss another episode. We'll be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to serve no master dot com forward slash podcasts Now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you Tuesday. Thank you for listening to the serve. No master podcast. Email your questions to podcast at serve. No master dot com and your question with my answer might appear in the next episode.