Snapback Journey Podcast

Snapback with consistency and growth

Yochecka TV Season 3 Episode 76

Checka talks to radio broadcaster and friend Condace Pressley who is now Director of Community and Public Affairs with Cox Media Atlanta. Condace has been at the same company for over 30 years and has a tight grip on  the consistency it takes to be in her field. She shares moments in her career when she felt discriminated against as a black woman and realized there were lessons to be learned in her snapback.  Her healthy mindset has really helped her navigate her career on cruise control, with patience. The same kind of patience it takes to plant a garden just like hers. Condace believes her gardening has been very therapeutic during the pandemic and other rough times throughout her career. Listen until the end for her green thumb secrets and much more on this episode. Check her out @Condo29

For more information on healthy mindset and overcoming struggles to get your snapback go to

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