Springs + Roots

Steadfast in Faith

Lynndey Reid, Casey Watson Season 1 Episode 18

Everyone has been asking questions lately like, what is going on in the world, and what will the future be like? The Apostle Peter writes to the scattered and suffering church answering the same questions we are asking today. Peter says, that we need to take our place a shepherds, willingly, overseeing those in our care,  and to stand fast in our faith. Now more than ever each one of us, needs to take ownership of caring for the souls of those God has placed in our lives. Secondly, Peter encourages us to be submissive to those in authority, humbling ourselves, knowing that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. And finally we should acknowledge that we have an adversary, who walks around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. But through the steadfastness of our faith, and casting all our cares on God, we can resist him and come out of this trial, perfected, or the way we ought to be, established, strengthen, and settled in the Lord more than we’ve ever been before! 

