Springs + Roots

Season Opener

Lynndey Reid, Casey Watson Season 2 Episode 1

2020 has been crazy town!!!!! The winds have come to our nation, the storm has hit! The question we've been asking ourselves as each day comes in with its flood of information is where is our foundation, what is holding our lives together? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructed us with many ways to live and hold our hearts. He ended His sermon with this challenge, if you only hear His word but don't do it, when the winds of life come, your house ( life) will fall! BUT,  if you hear and DO His word when the winds and waves of life come, YOU WILL KEEP STANDING! In season 2 Casey and Lynndey are going to look at some of today’s most crucial topics all from the lens of what does the Bible say, and are we living it? 

Matt. 7: 24-27 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.