Keep Coming Back Podcast

vol 45. Sobriety Date 09/01/2015 (Geoff)

Tara / Geoff

Geoff shares his Experience, Strength and Hope with a simplicity everyone can appreciate. Geoff’s approach to life and his “I don’t give a shit attitude” is both admirable and entertaining. 

When Geoff was done drinking, he was done; and it was the people in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous that brought him into the fold, made him a part of, and have supported him through his sobriety and growth for over 5 years now. 

“You drink and you don’t get drunk, or you don’t get the same pleasuring effect, that’s what was happening to me . . . I’m getting no satisfaction out of this.”

“I just woke up on a Tuesday morning and said, I gotta stop this; I decided that as soon as I got home I would look up a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and so I did . . .and that night, I didn’t have my usual 5th of bourbon. . . it’s kinda one of the best things I ever did.”

“If you truly want sobriety, then this program will work for you; you need to truly want it . . . you get out of it, what you put into it.”
