Keep Coming Back Podcast

vol 69. Sobriety Date 12/19/2002 (Shawn)

September 02, 2021 Tara / Shawn

Shawn shares his Experience, Strength and Hope after several years of much loss—the recent death of his mother and brother have brought him to new levels of spirituality.

Shawn grew up with an active father alcoholic with abuse, dysfunction and unpredictability. From early childhood he sought relief in the form of substances. And as his peers were moving on to college and life, his addiction and alcoholism were just ramping up. It wasn’t until he was 40 yrs. old that he found himself in a county rehab in a position of complete desperation.

Today Shawn has almost 19 years sobriety and no longer sees the world as a harsh and hostile place, there to hurt you. The 12 Steps, taken from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, have made meaningful and effective change in his life,  and  in the way he experiences the world, people and himself.

“I was a ball of trauma . . . I was a hollowed-out version of myself when I came to AA.”

“My sponsor helped me see some truths about myself that I did not have access to.”

“Being physically sober is the least of the gifts I got in Alcoholics Anonymous.”
