Keep Coming Back Podcast

vol 70. Sobriety Date 4/30/2002 (Roger)

Tara / Roger

Roger shares his Experience, Strength and Hope as a master quoter of all things poetic, powerful and thought-worthy. As a young gay boy Roger was constantly beaten up for being different. This created an excessive self-concentration in him, a high alert to everything around him and was the beginnings of a life of fear, shame and exhaustion. In second grade he wrote a story about committing suicide and started his drinking career at this same age.

Roger always wanted connection, a deep desire to belong drove his alcohol and drug use which fed his disease. Roger grew up surrounded by 12 step programs, so when things got bad enough, he knew where to go.

In sobriety today, Roger can handle the unknown, he can handle being different. Today, Roger embraces being his true authentic self. Roger has found a beautiful force of energy and people that guides him through the world; in AA, he has found limitless expansion.

“I didn’t drink because I’m gay, and I drink because my father’s an alcoholic, and I didn’t drink because I was sad, or I did not drink because I’m happy, I drank because I have alcoholism. Period.”  

“It’s very important when we stop drinking not to pick up the first drink, that is non-negotiable. We do not pick up the first drink, it’s the first drink that gets me Fucked up, it sets off the cycle of the vampiric need in me to have more and not stop.”

“The 3 main hosts that alcohol feeds on are: fear, shame and anger.”

“What if it all worked out?” 
