Keep Coming Back Podcast

vol 71. Sobriety Date 7/20/2017 (Kelley)

Tara / Kelley

Kelley shares her Experience, Strength and Hope in this detailed account of her journey from alcoholic-addict to sober and free member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

An extremist, Kelley had all or nothing thinking and behavior—if some is good, more is better. From eating disorder and meth, to a straight A student and college athlete, to psych wards, DUIs, ICUs, and jail, to marrying a cop to dating a meth dealer; the pendulum swung hard in Kelley’s life.

16 yrs. of chaos with 7 or more rehab visits lead Kelley to a life of guilt and shame and hopelessness . . . even hopes of death. But the miracle of these rooms and this program brought Kelley to a place of searching, seeking something else, and with that she surrendered and begged God for help . . . and that prayer and the people in these rooms have brought Kelley to a life of love and serenity. 

“All this time I didn’t want to stop, I wanted the consequences to stop.”

“The obsession to drink or use was lifted, it just wasn’t there anymore, I guess it was gradual.”

“Today, the program is the most important thing in my life.”  
