Keep Coming Back Podcast

vol 76. Sobriety Date 12/20/2019 (Josh C.)

Tara / Josh C.

Josh shares his Experience, Strength and Hope as the very first atheist on Keep Coming Back. He is a fantastic example of taking what works for him, and leaving the rest. He also has his own podcast: An Atheist Reads the Big Book.

Josh had his first drink as a little tot, perhaps 2 or 3 years old. It became a family joke that Josh would grow up to be an alcoholic. His parents were teenage partyers, which came with constant chaos, fights and drama. Josh didn’t know when food would come, or bedtime, he only knew the feeling of being poor and dirty and full of unease.

Josh became a street kid and embraced the outcast life of not being welcome anywhere. It was a felony committed in a blackout that brought Josh to the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous – the rooms were behind bars, but I’ll let him tell you the story.

Today, Josh is happy, he is active with his secular homegroup and he is of great service to the fellowship and his community – today, Josh is sober and content.

“I was scared to death of meth . . . I didn’t know to be scared of alcohol.” 

“I remember struggling with some aspects of the [Big] Book . . . but I didn’t have to believe every single word as it was written . . .  I just remember feeling better, being involved in AA and the book made me feel better.” 

“I feel happy, I feel genuinely happy, and not that weird manic happy where I think the rug is gonna be pulled out from underneath me, just mostly content.”
