On The Gold with GPAA'S Kevin Hoagland

5N5 Production Panning

December 06, 2019 Kevin Hoagland & Kevin Bell Season 1 Episode 14
5N5 Production Panning
On The Gold with GPAA'S Kevin Hoagland
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On The Gold with GPAA'S Kevin Hoagland
5N5 Production Panning
Dec 06, 2019 Season 1 Episode 14
Kevin Hoagland & Kevin Bell

Production Panning is about using specialized gold pans that allow you to move great amounts of material in a quick efficient manner creating more concentrates in less time. 
Gold is forced downward and trapped in a closed system where it is virtually impossible to lose. 
This 5N5 is not really structured, more of a conversation where I hit the record button and let it go where it wanted. 

Show Notes

Production Panning is about using specialized gold pans that allow you to move great amounts of material in a quick efficient manner creating more concentrates in less time. 
Gold is forced downward and trapped in a closed system where it is virtually impossible to lose. 
This 5N5 is not really structured, more of a conversation where I hit the record button and let it go where it wanted.