Humans of HR

We unpack the new world of work and redefine WFH - Work From Here - and a Uniquely Human interview with Unit4's Fred Skyggebjerg

May 11, 2021 David Guazzarotto, Frederik Skyggebjerg Season 2 Episode 2

Welcome to Humans of HR.  We're a podcast show and a social movement focused on the everyday challenges people experience at work. Hosted by David Guazzarotto.

After a bit of a hiatus, the Humans of HR team is back to share more real and raw conversations aroound HR and the world of work. We have joined the Leapgen NOW of Work network and will now be playing to a global audience and increasing the frequency of episodes. 

On today's episode, we introduce a new segment called "Human Instincts" where we look at something instinctively human that is going on in the world of work.  Today we unpack  the term WFH - Work From Here and how the three factors of Work- can help us to design a new world of work to enhance performance and engagement in our workforce.  Later in the episode, in our "Uniquely Human" interview series, we chat to Frederik Skyggebjerg from Unit4 who shares his personal journey migrating from Copenhagen to Singapore in the midst of the pandemic and also unveils Unit4's next generation ERP platform called ERPx... all that and much much more as always....

We'd love to get your feedback, topic suggestions and please refer us to other awesome humans that you know who would love to listen. Don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and provide a rating for our podcast in your favourite player.  And, of course, post your questions to the social channels below using the hashtag #askthehumans.

You can find us on Instagram @humans_of_hr and on Twitter - @HumansOfHRPod @DaveGazz 

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