Humans of HR

Is "Generation Covid" set to be the best workforce ever?

July 15, 2021 David Guazzarotto, Josh Grace-Ware Season 2 Episode 3

Welcome to Humans of HR.  We're a podcast show and a social movement focused on the everyday challenges people experience at work. Hosted by David Guazzarotto.

On today's episode, our "Human Instincts" segment Dave G shares why he thinks the pandemic-disrupted generation ("Gen Covid") are set to be the best workforce we have ever seen - resilient, adaptable, purpose-driven and digitally-capable.  Later in the episode, in our "Uniquely Human" interview series, we chat to Josh Grace-Ware - the original HR Tech Groover and one of Australia's leading HR and Change practitioners - who shares his insights on all things digital transformation.  We look at the importance of employee experience; the challenge and opportunity for HR in the new world of work; how to deliver project success in your HR transformation initiatives ... all that and much much more as always....

We'd love to get your feedback, topic suggestions and please refer us to other awesome humans that you know who would love to listen. Don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and provide a rating for our podcast in your favourite player.  And, of course, post your questions to the social channels below using the hashtag #askthehumans.

You can find us on Instagram @humans_of_hr and on Twitter - @HumansOfHRPod @DaveGazz 

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