Humans of HR

GOLD GOLD GOLD...The Olympics are on...We talk about High Performance

August 06, 2021 David Guazzarotto, David Nelson, Rob Cassidy Season 2 Episode 4

Welcome to Humans of HR.  We're a podcast show and a social movement focused on the everyday challenges people experience at work. Hosted by David Guazzarotto.

Inspired by the Olympic Games currently underway in Tokyo, today's episode focuses on "High Performance".  In our "Human Instincts" segment Dave G explores the parallels between high performing sports organizations and how great organizations manage their talent to drive high performance.  We debut a new segment called "Around the Grounds" welcoming one of Leapgen's own high performing team members, David Nelson, who brings all of the latest news and insights from the world of work and HR Tech scene here in Australia and New Zealand.  Later in the episode, in our "Uniquely Human" interview series, we chat to Rob Cassidy from CoachHub who goes deep on how coaching is critical to success for high performing people and teams.... all that and much much more as always....

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