Top Real Estate Agents Tell How They Do It: Jere Metcalf Podcast

22. Bart Peaslee Interview: Real Estate Developer to Real Estate Broker, what he learned and how he became a top real estate agent

Jere Metcalf Partners Episode 22

I'm talking to Bart Peaslee, a real estate broker in Vail Colorado. He started out as a developer. As he was a developer, he transitioned into a broker. He talks about why he did it the challenges he faced in the transition and how he overcame them and became a top-level estate agent.

Jere interviews the world’s most renowned and best real estate agents around the country and the world.

These outstanding Agents tell their stories, how they got into the business and what has made them successful in one of the oldest and most competitive industries.

All of this on the “Jere Metcalf Podcast, Top Real Estate Agents tell how they do it.”

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