The Fangirl Business: A Supernatural Podcast

4: Premiere Feelings

The Fangirl Business Season 1 Episode 4

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In their first podcast since Supernatural's season 15 premiere, Chrisha and Catherine recap the day leading into the broadcast and what happens when our everyday lives and fandom collide. They then process their reactions to "Back and to the Future" (that opening scene, Cas being all angel-y, Sam's wound moment, Alexander Calvert's new character, and Dean and Cas' ongoing conflict) and figure out how they're doing in the wake of it all. 

"Back and to the Future" audio clip credits: The CW

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SPN Audio:

* fighting audio and music from the beginning of episode Supernatural 15x01*

Speaker 3:



Hello and welcome to The Fangirl Business!


I'm Catherine.


And I'm Chrisha and uh, we're a mess is really what we are today.


It's true.


We are, we are here to talk about the season 15 Supernatural premiere, which aired, uh, what an hour and a half ago?




Did it end an hour and a half ago?


Something like that.


So, um, we're in the thick of it.


Yeah. I mean it's still airing on the west coast right now. So technically it isn't even done airing yet.


Oh, goodness.


Look at us.




Yeah. Yeah. We're on the ball.


So, yeah. Uh, today we're basically just processing that'cause I, I think that's enough. Don't you think that's enough? Yeah I think that's enough.


Yeah, I think it is. I think it is.


So, I think before we dig into the episode, we wanted to take just a, uh, a bit to talk about, uh, how we were emotionally kind of going in to the episode'cause it was a, it was quite a day like for, I mean not just for us but.. for the fandom.


For everybody. Yeah.


This was an intense experience.


It really was and lots of people were having very strong feelings today. And I actually spent a chunk of today live tweeting my run up to the season premiere, and a lot of people were checking in and a lot of people were having a hard time. Um, but I really loved what people were sharing about what they were doing to cope and prepare and to get them in those good feel places.




So, um, so that was actually really helpful for me today. Um, yeah, I was grateful for that.


I liked watching you do it.


Thank you.


So I was on kind of the other side of it where I was having strong emotions, but I was so busy with like regular life that I really didn't have much time to slow down and, uh, do any kind of self care.'Cause I just didn't have time. It was frustrating because life doesn't stop for fandom.


That's right.


I was still trying to, you know, go about the world as if things were, it was a typical day and uh, you know, and my kid's sick and I'm going out of town and I've got, you know, other, I dunno, projects that are going on. So yeah, it was just like a bonkers kind of day. So, um, yeah, self care as much as we talk about it, like sometimes it's not possible, which I think is tough.


It is. And I think, I think it's important to acknowledge that like sometimes you just don't have time or space, so it's just, it's not going to happen.


Well, yeah, and I was, I was glad that I did the, the emotional prep that I did when I did have space, you know what I mean? So the doing it when I could did help today,


I think for me, like you talk about how like real life doesn't stop for fandom. In the midst of all of my, you know, tweeting about self care and stuff today, um, my cat has a tumor pressing up against his lungs. And last night I wasn't sure if we were going to make it to today. And so I did not sleep at all last night and usually I kind of kick him out for the podcast. Um, but today he is here with me because I don't want to leave him by himself. And so there's been like this underlying stress and tension that's been going on there that has been adding an extra layer to everything that's been happening. Life still happens. And um, and it's messy and um, and sometimes like there are stressors on top of stressors on top of stressors. So, um, so I think, you know, that's all part of it is that, um, we're all living in the real world, our real lives and things are messy and they aren't simple. And so when something that's been a source of comfort then becomes a source of anxiety that can be really hard. And I think that's where a lot of the feelings were coming from today was that Supernatural has been a safe place for people for a really long time. You know, like I was talking to someone today who's been watching it for like all 14, going into 15 years. Um, and...


That's incredible.


Right? And so, um, and so that's, that to suddenly have that thing that's been a constant in your life for going into 15 years, the ending is a huge source of anxiety and stress, which makes sense, right? So, yeah. Yeah. I think it's just important to acknowledge that like there's, there's layers, right?


Yeah. And it's... so many of us used Supernatural as a, as an outlet, as an escape, as this like fun thing that we could do to, to take our minds out of the real world. And, um, now it means that we might have to look for some additional coping skills, um, because you need coping skills to deal with the anxiety surrounding your coping skill, you know? Yeah.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. Ew!*laughs*.


It's layered!.


That's not fun at all!*laughs*


I know! We'll get through it. I just think it takes some, some thought and being, you know, as purposeful as you can when you can.


Yeah. All of the stuff that we've been doing here really helped me to be in a better place than I otherwise would have been going into it.


Very much.


Even then it was still, I mean it was still really hard.


So now that the episode is over and we have experienced it, how are you feeling?


I loved it so much!




How are... how are you feeling about it? Like I haven't even asked that yet. And hearing it live for, like, the first time!


* laughs* I think am still processing. I'm very much stuck in the, um, that was the last premiere that we'll see mentality.




So it's not even about the content. I'm like stuck in the idea of it. Um, the episode itself was, you know, fantastic. Of course. I mean there are parts of it that make me want to set some things on fire, but that's...*laughs*.


*laughs* We'll get to that!


I believe that was the expected response! So...


*laughs* Yes, I think that was intentionally done. Let's talk about, um, the intro.


It was a different vibe than we usually get. I feel like we usually get like ACDC and like, you know, this really like revved up stuff and this one was much like...


It was almost introspective and almost a little bit melancholy I found, you know, I thought that was a really interesting tone to set. And then, then they had the thing with the road so far and it had the, the rear taillights of Baby and I was like,"Oh, that's beautiful! And I'm having feelings!" And then the new title card!


The title card is SO gorgeous! Oh my gosh!


Oh, it's so intense. And I was like the, the, the, the, goopy stuff?




Reminded me of the Empty...


The Empty. Yeah. That's what I took it be. So then that makes that the focus...?


RIGHT?! And then it also reminded me of like when Lucifer was trying to come out of the Empty and he was covered in all of like that black gooey stuff. It was this similar kind of like thing in the background with black goo. So to me it was like, okay, stuff's coming out of The Empty...




...this season. And I got so excited because that's been my hypothesizing for like since the season finale of season 14 and I was like, ah! And then, and then we were like right back in the graveyard.


Yeah. Like it was right back into it. It was almost like there wasn't even a pause. We were just, it was just right... right there on into things.


And so now let's talk about Cas and his parenting with Jack. So okay. So he like picked up Jack's body...


He picked him up to run away from the zombies and I just, I was done. I'm like, all right, we're 30 seconds in and I'm done. Good!*laughs* Yeah.




That didn't take long!


Nope. You know what I loved about that moment? There was communication. Like, Sam, Dean...

SPN Audio:

*audio from Supernatural 15x01* Cas: Sam! Dean!

Catherine: get their attention lifting up the body and then Sam and Dean led the way so that Cas could carry Jack's body with him and have the way clear until they were able to get someplace safe. And the symbolism of that just, I was a puddle on the floor of emotion.




I just, I loved that in the midst of like this really awful thing, they didn't have to ask questions. They didn't have to like say anything. He just had to say their names and they, they, they paved the way for him so that he wouldn't have to leave Jack behind. So that THEY wouldn't have to leave Jack behind. And that was, oh...


You know, that's how they ended season 14, right. So, you know, Dean and Cas are not okay and things are super bleak in terms of the, you know, relationships between the three. Um, and, but the, the ending visual that we got was all three of them fighting back to back. You know, they, they still literally had each other's back. And so I felt like we saw that continuation and it was really beautiful even though it didn't last all that long.*laughs*


I know. Oh, we'll get there. Okay. I'm going to squee a little bit about all of the angel-y moments that we got to see with Cas today because like, you know, that can be kind of unusual for us to see Cas doing his angel stuff. And we got to see everything that he can do in one episode, like...


Except for wings. We didn't get to see wings yet, but I, I have hope for the future.


I know. First of all, we got to see him smite a demon. Like a demon zombie spirit thing, which, that was an interesting twist. I was like, oh, they just, they went into the nearest available bodies. Ew!*laughs* I'm wondering if maybe it was just like, uh, you know, nearest available thing so that we kill the Winchesters because we hate their guts.


Right.'Cause that's the focus!


Right. But that wasn't where it ended because then he picked up this huge stone and like crushed a zombie's head in.


Yes, he did.


And I like cheered! And then he was healing people and he was like seeing things with his angel mojo inside of Sam's head and all of that. And that was like, what was that?


Yeah, that's, that's a thing that happened.


That was like a really weird thing. Like, I don't even know what..?


Well, it looked... like, to me it looked like Soulless!Sam's little smirk that we saw so many times.


It looked like something, and I didn't know what it was.


Something ominous.


It, I mean, like the red light sort of gave it away...


The red light, yeah.


But he just looked like it was like, that was not our Sam. I was, that made me anxious, Chrisha.


Uh huh. Yup.


But let's talk about Alexander Calvert and...


Oh my God.*laughs*.


...what a freaking incredible job he did in this episode! Playing a completely different character for an entire episode!


It hadn't really occurred to me, um, that he hadn't done that. Everybody's played everybody and everybody's been everything at this point. Right. Misha's Lucifer and Sam doesn't have a soul. And Dean is Michael and I just mixed up actors and characters all a mess in that, but you know what I mean!*laughs*.


I do! I do. It's fine!*laughs*


So for Alex to, I mean even Rowena was Michael for a minute, you know, and so for Alex to suddenly be this like this demon, I was like, oh, like he's, this is like a rite of passage on this show. Like he finally got to play some bad guy, some creeper, some creepy crawly which, you know, I mean...


You could tell he was having fun.


Well. Yeah. It was so jarring though! Because Jack is so Jack, he's so baby nougat. He's so sweet. And that look that he gave Dean when he was on his knees, you just want to hug him forever. And then he's this cocky little mm!


...who was flirting with Dean! THAT was super disturbing!


Oh my God, I died.*laughs* He said he was gorgeous and I made a noise that I don't even know what it was.*laughs* Because it was so direct! Like I was just like, oh, it's going to be like that. And then we talk about Rowena's exquisite ass and I was like, all... all right! It's going to be like that. I am here for it! Yep, uh huh!


It is! But they always do the thing where ever they like mentione something or show something that's, you know, it could be sexy or whatever and they have to make it squickie. And they do that all the time!*Laughs* Like all the way back to season one where like we get to see like shapeshifter Dean take off his shirt and like, then he peels off his, skin.


*laughs* Thanks for that!


And so it goes from this like oh! to this like OH. With like his fingernails coming off and like... ugh!


Oh that was so disturbing. Yes.


So disturbing. And like to like the most recent one with Sam where it was like this really disturbing like rapey dream poison mind meld thing.


Right? Uck. And don't get me started on Cas.


Oh I know. Oh gosh. Yeah, I know. And now they're doing the thing with Dean being acknowledged as gorgeous, which he is, but it's like the body of his son that's saying it. AAAAH!


Right. A demon possessing the corpse of his child. Like, how much squickier can you get?


*hurling noise* I'm flailing in a bad way right now.


Yeah. That was a special kind of like wow that happened. Okay. Yikes. Freaking yikes!


But at the same time, you're sitting there going, oh my gosh, somebody finally called Dean gorgeous!


Well, right. Like, super blunt, right to his face.*laughs*.


Like, finally. FINALLY. UUH. Anyway it was, it was... like, he had some great lines and like the exchanges between him and Cas were like this really great like dual like painful and freaking hilarious where Cas is like..


*audio from Supernatural 15x01* He's an abomination!


And- I think his name was Belthagar...


I don't even know.


Yeah... was like....


*audio from Supernatural 15x01* YOU're an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.


And I was like....*laughs*


Look, I hate you already. Don't you talk about the trench coat! Like... You are on my list!


*laughs* And how he... he blends in because he has no eyes!*laughs*


How is he seeing the trench coat? Like how? If you don't have eyes...


I don't know!


We won't get that far into it. But um, I do just have to say like the sass that came out of Castiel was incredible. It.. when Cas gets sassy, it's like my favorite thing.




And so like when he was throwing that stone on the zombie, it was after Dean had already got snarky with him. And so, you know, not only does he have snarky dialogue, the like,"well I won't starve to death," you know, uh, but you know, he's like throwing boulders while giving stink-eye like, okay I helped you with your stupid idea. Now I'm going to save you. Cause your idea was dumb, you know, come at me and I just... oh my God, I giggled...


So much. Oh...


*audio from Supernatural 15x01* We are not twinsies.


We are not twinsies! I was like, OOOOH! Bam, Cas!


That reminded me of in season eight when they're in purgatory...




...and with Benny when he is like,"I am not your aunt." It's like the most ridiculous thing to say, but he says it with such authority!


He does! Like, he's SO not having it. And he's so serious! We are not twinsies. I was like... oh my gosh.


I feel like the signature Cas look... that like side-eye look that he gets... was just all over this episode, which I was pretty excited about too. Sitting in the back seat, he was just looking at this demon like... no. Uh uh. No. I appreciated that.


Yeah. I was like, I was torn between it being hilarious and just like my heart breaking for him...




Yeah...'cause that would be like, oh that would be SO HARD. Which is one of the things that I appreciate about Supernatural is that they do these things on multiple levels. One thing is being said, but multiple things are happening at the same time. It's very..


It's a difficult thing to... yeah, it's a difficult thing to like capture, but that's how real life is. You know, like you can be going through a trauma and make a joke. Like.. I do that. I have this like REALLY dark sense of humor, especially when I'm experiencing something truly awful. Um, and it's really hard to capture that in fiction because it can come off as so, um, dismissive or icky. And I feel like Supernatural just captures it, like just dead on... that life is, is very layered like that. So, but, and I think for me, my day today was so heavy and so rough and so difficult that, um, you know, choosing to focus on the funny was, uh, easier for me? But man, the underlying trauma in just all of it, like they, they got just like smacked by so much trauma all at once. Like Cas had to go into that room and find those dead kids after he just watched his own kid die.


Oh, Oh, Oh! I hadn't even!


I was horrified. Just like horrified.


I hadn't even... yeah...


And then Dean's hearing about Michael after Jack is dead because he killed Michael, you know, essentially. Like and so like having that just not only bring up the Michael trauma, but then make the trauma of losing Jack almost be meaningless. I just was just like, oh my God, this is a trauma sandwich. Like this is... wow.


Right? Like, we know it's a different Michael, but it doesn't really matter that it's different Michael. What's almost worse? It's almost, yeah, it's almost, it is almost forced. It's like they have a history with this one. They do. They do. And like,

Speaker 4:

Oh my gosh. And I just realized that it's Adam Bray, sister brother. Great with that. Yup. I know. It's awful. It's so bad. Like Dean's just[inaudible] it's just

Speaker 5:

like sitting there and you see his face because Jensen's brilliant. You see Dean going through all of these, you know, these little micro expressions on his face as he likes cycles through, you know, the, the layers of horror of this news. Ooh. You know, and it was just like, and that's on the heels of being reminded about Alistair and Oh my God, that one was Lord[inaudible] having someone be a fan boy of Dean over the torturous work he did, um, was

Speaker 4:

wow. Yeah. Art.

Speaker 10:

Oh. Oh wow. Oh man.

Speaker 4:

That was a lot of information for Dean to get just all at one short, short time. Yeah. Seeing had to feast down another fricking clown clue. Sorry Sam. It's just, I can't not giggle. How many clowns that man, all of them, all of them, they all go from lead, which is, which is clearly Chuck's doing right? Like Chuck is always gonna throw the clowns at Sam because that was like four and a half because like here you skis you ones. But then Casey came back. Oh my gosh. Such a bad person that I just giggled cause I'm awful. But for me is like he's phased out the devil him. So he just shot God and yet clown. Yeah, he really does it man. He shot God and yet he's going to get taken down by a clown because it's a clone. I just love that. I love that about him. It's so human, you know, like it's so human. Yeah. I had Sony Sam fields tonight with like his whole rescue of that family and like the moment when you're running from the ghosts and he like physically picks up the child. I know. I love that. I hurt. I was like, damn, I hate just adore you. Look at you go being a hero. After you said you're just a guy five minutes ago. I don't know any shot. Then he shot Cass just had smart for him too. Just glorious. Okay. Shall we get to their regional minutes? All right, that's good. Because it was unnecessary. Let's[inaudible]. Okay, so we're talking about Dean and Cass and I like, they set it up. Oh, they knew what they were doing. Oh, they knew it because Sam's like, okay, I'll take him in and I'm like, Oh, all right, here we go. We're going to have, you know, at least some tentative something because that's the formula of the show, right? Is that you have the, either the[inaudible] or the, you know, Dean and castle have female. They do the or emotional connecting and it was so abrupt that they teed it up for us and then they just punched us in the gut and I was like, Oh, Oh my God. No, he did that. I am.

Speaker 5:

I yelled at my TV, please get Dean[inaudible]. He's like, I know that. We just talked about all of the information that he had to process and I know that he's still angry. I'm just at the situation I think. And I know he made the right call when it came down to it. And I know that Dean, um, lashes out when he is scared. These are all things that we know about him that doesn't make it the right thing to do. And I get, if you are not ready to like be, I don't know, like have that like emotional connection moment. Like I get that right. Like things are tough, everything is very stressful. Um, but you don't need

Speaker 4:

an ass. He was like an intentional jerk and I was like, I know, I know that he's mad about his mom and that cast and share stuff about Jack with them and I get that that's going to take some time to get over. But dude, dude, yeah. Well I mean I could spend 45 minutes on that topic alone. It was just an intentional set him up to kick him. Yeah. By misusing him kind of as a punching bag, which has been a theme throughout their relationship. Like I love Dean and Cass. I, I love their relationship. I love their dynamic. But Dina's not always treated CASP very well. It's do you know, and CAS has sort of accepted it. The more that he finds and discovers his own worth[inaudible] the more he starting to, I don't know, not really want to take that crap anymore. And I applaud it. You too. It's the sassy CAS and they're still clever with how they don't even like linger with it because that um, Daemon wearing Jack's body, there was all like, I hope that's his right name. I hate when he says it once and it's like a really big metal falls[inaudible] correctly. Um, anyway, but like he's, he's right in there with like at pitter patter of feedback about what just happened and cast is like nickel and lay cool walks away and I, and so, but like they don't even let you finger and the moment it, cause it just keeps going and that it's read into the whole light discussion of like harassing amaze. And that was like, that was woof. Yeah. And I was, cause they're obviously trying to help us wrap our minds around what just happened because that's what we've been trying to do for. And so I kind

Speaker 5:

of appreciated that conversation to help us get a little bit of framework. Um, I don't think it's going to go down that way cause it never does. Yes. But I totally understand Sam's logic of like, all right, cool. God's gone like well handle it all and you know, at least it will be on our terms. But uh, I don't think you're going to be so lucky. No. And I thought, I don't know, Dean was awfully hopeful. I expected with everything that he was facing and after just being such an ass to Castillo that he would be a little like generally grumpy. And I think that's what it is. That's why I'm mad at him. It's not because he's being gruff in a jerk. It's because it seems to be very focused on Cass. Like he's being completely like nice and kind and you know, present and engaged with Sam and then just being a complete jackass to Cass. And I feel like that, I think usually Dean, when he gets grumpy, he gets kinda generally grumpy, you know? Yeah. Cool opportunity. Grumpy.

Speaker 6:

I think he was there like he has this whole,

Speaker 7:

yes. Just makes you think of all of it. You know, everything that we've done. What did he mean? We still saved people. Yeah. But what form, you know, just so we could throw in other end of the world at us and then sit back and chug popcorn.

Speaker 6:

And so he, I feel like he is having like at kind of existential angst, but then like, because he lets them talk to him. He doesn't let Cass talk to him. Um, sounds like mental law. You still saved people and so I couldn't, like I couldn't tell in that moment. It'll be interesting to see what the fandom things as to whether or not[inaudible] Dean genuinely engaged with that and took it on board or if he was just putting on his cocky front that he does. Right. So that transitions from that until like,

Speaker 7:

so you're on the verse, every soul in hell. I like those audits.

Speaker 6:

It's a pivot, right? Like it's a pivot point and it was so quick. I'm, I'm wondering how did, you know, that'll be interesting what we see going forward? Like, did you have any thoughts about that?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I just, um, I think Dean surprised me a couple of times in a row and that doesn't happen much anymore. I feel like we've gotten to know them and for me, um, you know, Dean is like very special to me and um, I can, I am rarely mad at him. Like even when he was doing things that I'm frustrated about, I understand his decisions and I'm not, I don't tend to be surprised when he does things. Um, and, and I was surprised a couple of times at his choices and that in and of itself was a little jarring for me. I was like, I did not expect that. Like I did not expect him to be that abrupt with CAS. I did not expect him to be hopeful at all with Sam. Um, so I don't know what's going on there, but both of those things were surprising to me.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. It like, and sometimes I'm like, in terms of, in terms of storytelling, I'm wondering if like that moment with cast, it was like a necessary storytelling moment to remind us that things are not okay with them. But it was, it was very like, it just felt kind of mean and that's not okay.

Speaker 5:

Typical for him. Like we've seen Dean be mean certainly,

Speaker 6:

but usually it's when he's like, yeah, in the heat is like anger. Well you know what, you know what I was just rewatching season eight and he goes through this whole thing where like cast is trying to talk to him and he pretends that he can't hear calves and like walks around not replying to him and ignoring him for an entire scene. So like, yeah, taking it comes to gas, they kind of petty, which is not his typical style. His typical style is like rage, lash out done. Yeah. Not like the passive aggressive stuff. And this was a little, this was a little passive aggressive. I mean they end the episode with this amazing callback, um, which I even framed it similarly. Like, even though this one[inaudible] Oh and the last one was night. But like they freaked it with the like looking up through the trunk, but they even have like a tree in the background that I was going into slur angle too. Like all those years ago in that first episode I was like, like ah, I'm having so many. Yeah. Like it's right there now. And then I have to like put it on like the pause with like the slow fast forward so I can watch that like transition and slow and take photos of it and post about it on Twitter because it was so perfect and I was like, Oh

Speaker 4:

they did a thing looking at them doing it thing.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah. It makes me wonder what, what other callbacks we're going to get

Speaker 6:

so good at doing international stuff like that. Yeah. That's one of the strengths of the show. And so you know, it's going to be like, it's going to be good like that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. Cause they do it, they managed to do those kinds of things organically. They don't, right.

Speaker 4:

They don't feel the force. Oh you did.

Speaker 6:

Okay. We have, we have Swede, we have vented, you have done some processing.

Speaker 4:

How are we feeling? Exhausted. Tired. Like yeah, I feel like

Speaker 5:

I ran a marathon today. Like I am tired. How about you?

Speaker 4:

Oh, what am I, I am, I'm also too, I think that's going to be relatable for the evening. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

Day. But I think, I think I'm feeling some relief[inaudible]

Speaker 4:

because that was a good concern.

Speaker 6:

So, and know there was a lot of like really cathartic moments in there that were very, very[inaudible]. We got to see, um, citizen acting chops.

Speaker 5:

I think that flustered Dean is right up there with fanboy. Dean is one of my favorites. So when he got called gorgeous to right to his face in those like just deeply by a dude, by the way.

Speaker 4:

[inaudible] his dead sons course watch the show. Those words are not supposed to go together. Oh no. Huh. That is so disturbed. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Fluster Dean is adorable and I was really glad that like

Speaker 6:

Alex got a lot of the funny lines tonight. I think anytime you have a new actor who settles into rule, it's quite an iconic, it can seem like that rule is just who they are, like very natural to them. So whatever. They have an opportunity to step outside of that role. It really showcases and highlights how good they are. You said it's almost like a Rite of passage on a show

Speaker 4:

like Aw yeah, that's it. One of us. He really is. You have such great lines.

Speaker 6:

Yes, please.[inaudible]

Speaker 11:

yeah, so people are like Frazy good looking now. Right? I mean, the last time I was on earth, I mean I was human. It was a while ago. I mean, but you know, we were all worshiping this giant rock that looked like a huge panus and anyway, folks back to it and they were ugly. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Huh. He got some great lines. Go Alex. That's a classic stuff, right? Some classic stuff. Yeah, there is. I love that. Like as we watched the show now I'm like, well that's going to be a Jeff. I'm going to use that one myself. Like Sam saying, shut up to the clown. I was like, I need that. I'm a use that all the time. Yep. So I think I was like,

Speaker 6:

I was um, I was relieved. I felt like they did a really good job at like feeding the fan base with things that we love. So yes. You know, like we got, we got some really great fighting actions scenes, especially at the beginning. That was really like some of the stuff they were doing while they were fighting their way through that cemetery was like was like yes, look at the action stuff

Speaker 4:

going on here and heads are flying. And I think like Dean like literally stops running to like he could shoot in the chest. It's like really it like

Speaker 6:

we got like we got the action that we really love. We got the humor that we really love. We had like hero moments for Sam, which we really love. We had like some really exciting bad guys come back with um, bloody Mary and the weight and we had questions raised about who this, the alpha guard guy is, you know, treated at one point. I was like, he seems very convenient.

Speaker 4:

Well and cast has already given him side-eye and he's already asking for like, Ugh, he's asking for, you know, cast his blood and Dean's just like do it, do it. Cast is like Katz's oppression in that moment. I was like, I had with you on that man. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it looked like my face cause I was like, what? You don't just go around given demons, your blood angel blood, your Liezel blood. Yeah,

Speaker 6:

yeah, yep. So there, there was that, there were like, there were those nostalgic moments of, um, with the M's, um, and that call back to we've got work to do.[inaudible] there would just, um, there was sassy CAS, there was like, there was, there was mystery with who is this Belviq or guy? What's going on with Sam? So I felt like, I felt like they did a really nice job of letting us know that they've got us. And I, I found that really reassuring. I think I'd just nail down why. I feel reassured because it was very, yeah, it was very holistically supernatural. Like we're not there. It felt like, I, we're not going to let you down guys. We know, we know what you love and we're gonna, we're gonna do it, we're gonna do it. Wow. It's going to be a good season. So I felt reassured and relieved and, and it was also really nice, just a fan girl, like I got into the moment and it was just like really like tweeting in all caps and like going, yeah, awesome line and, and look at this new character that like is really interesting and like weird. And I really like it and you know, like he's shifty as hell and no pun intended. Um, there really wasn't, but then I couldn't not hang, but um, but yeah, it was so, it just felt like, like, yes. Anyway, sorry. You talk, I've been rambling.

Speaker 5:

No, I it definitely, um, it felt nice, like once we were in it, the, the suspense before the episode got to be too much for me. It was just too much. And I'm like, can we just have it now? Because the suspense is literally gonna kill me. And so when the episode was on and I could lose myself in it, you know, it's there, it's new, it's, you know, it's exciting, it's thrilling. We don't know what's going to happen. It felt like old times and it just felt nice.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. So, yeah. So I feel like overall it was a positive evening in a positive premiere for, for myself. How are, how are you feeling about it overall? Yeah,

Speaker 5:

I mean, I'd like to have a conversation with Dean, but that's a whole separate issue.

Speaker 6:

And I mean like, yeah, yeah,

Speaker 5:

that's what makes good TV is when you want to like pull one of the characters aside and be like, listen,

Speaker 6:

yeah, yeah. Like you know, like you know that they're doing their jobs. So when you love Dean, the way that we love Dean and we like, we both are like, no, that was, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. So the, the writers did a good job. I'm then I'm satisfied and pleased and looking forward to next week. Like I literally have not looked to see what anyone else's reaction has been. I stopped Sweeting I like went to Cedar responses to like what I tweeted. And then you're right into recording this podcast. So I have no idea yet what the overall feeling of the fandom is about this episode or how people are doing. I'm going to go check in, um, on our Twitter page with fangirl business after we're done and see how peeps are doing over there. But right now, like I have no idea, but I feel like for both of us, like it was okay.

Speaker 5:

That's good. Yeah. And I look forward, I look forward to seeing the fandom deconstructed over the next week because I'm sure there's layers that we haven't even begun to get to because that's just how they do, you know, you scratch the surface[inaudible]

Speaker 6:

that's the way it is. Like first reactions are just like, you're just the tip of the iceberg man, and then you're so much more, there's always a push for and that's why I love this show so much. So, yeah. Anything else we need to talk about or hit upon?

Speaker 5:

I'm going to Scotland this week. Pretty stoked.

Speaker 6:

So, so excited. Uh, I heard a rumor that you might be drinking a pine pine two in Crowley's on or somewhere along the way

Speaker 5:

that might happen. There might be some, some picture recreations that could happen. Well, and I think, um, you know, shout out to Kim. Hello Kim. Uh, I am going to Scotland with, um, like one of my best friends from, uh, I dunno the Dawn of time. We've been friends forever. Um, just as like a, I don't know, the best you trip. Ah, but Kim is a friend of mine who I recently co-wrote, uh, an article on our first supernatural con experiences with, she and I met on Twitter and she lives in Scotland and I live in the U S and we're both academics and we both love supernatural. And so we kind of bonded on Twitter and now she's coming. She was a, so I co wrote that article with her, she was on my Gish team and now we're gonna go meet up and have a pint and recreate some Crowley Dean moments in, in Scotland. And that is why the SPN family is so incredible because I'm going to go to Scotland and hang out with, you know, somebody I know from the family and it's just, I love that. That's so fun.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. Names we over here like my heart is happy. Okay. So we will wrap it there with that awesomeness that I'm very, very food for you. I'm the end. We will be back here again next week. Um, so you can message us and stay up to date with everything on our Twitter page. I will be handling most of that for the next week because Krisha will be traveling. So we are at the fan girl is Vi's Z if you're American VISN if you're Canadian or Scottish. Um, and we will see you again next week and then carry on. We were friends. We love you guys. Bye.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:

ready one. But like I was gonna say.