Contain This: The Latest in Global Health Security

Prof. Fiona Russell and Dr. Rachel Devi on COVID-19 Vaccines in the Pacific

March 22, 2021 Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Season 1 Episode 26

Welcome to Episode 26 of Contain This, brought to you by the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security. This week, we're bringing you insights from the introduction of  COVID-19 Vaccines, how they were developed, what it means for vaccines to be safe, and how they will be rolled out in the South Pacific and in particular, Fiji.

In this episode, we were delighted to speak with Professor Fiona Russell and Dr Rachel Devi.

Professor Fiona Russell is a paediatrician with qualifications in public health and epidemiology. In particular, she's a vaccination specialist and completed her PhD evaluating alternative pneumococcal vaccination schedules in infants in Fiji.

Dr Rachel Devi is a medical doctor who has previously worked as a National Advisor to the Family Health section of Fiji's Ministry of Health and the Watershed Interventions for Systems Health (WISH Fiji) project funded by the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security. This year, she was appointed as the Head of Fiji's Vaccine Task Force.

We hope you enjoy the episode.

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