Contain This: The Latest in Global Health Security

World Mosquito Program: Professor Scott O'Neill & Professor Adi Utarini

Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Season 1 Episode 28

Welcome to Episode 28 of Contain This, brought to you by the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security. This week we bring you insights on the World Mosquito Program's Wolbachia method as a means of helping communities around the world prevent the spread of mosquito borne-disease.

In this episode we were delighted to speak with Professor Scott O'Neill, internationally recognised scientist and founder of the World Mosquito Program, and Professor Adi Utarini from the Department of Heath and Policy Management, Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Our discussion touches on everything from the discovery of a tiny bacterium called Wolbachia to the World Mosquito Program's gold-standard trial in Indonesia which provides the most compelling evidence yet for the Wolbachia method.

We hope you enjoy the episode.

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