Contain This: The Latest in Global Health Security

WISH Fiji: Building resilient watersheds and healthy communities in the Pacific

Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Season 2 Episode 4

How can we build community resilience in the face of both natural and man-made disasters that impact on our water and sanitation systems, our environment, and some of the world’s deadliest waterbourne diseases?

Community-led watershed interventions can both reduce water-related disease risks and improve downstream ecosystem conditions supporting the foundations for overall systems health. This episode talks with Fiji’s Ministry of Health, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Sydney who together are implementing the WISH Fiji project. Supported by the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security and Bloomberg Philanthropies, the WISH project has succeeded in addressing water, sanitation and health issues using wholistic and multisectoral approaches. In the face of cyclones and a global pandemic, it’s bringing together environment and health sectors with communities, to change behaviour and embed practices to adapt and respond before and after disasters.

What are the lessons for a region adapting to the increasing impacts of climate change? We’re joined by Dr. Aaron Jenkins, a Senior Research Fellow in Planetary Health at the University of Sydney and Edith Cowan University; Dr. Sangeeta Mangubhai, Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society country program in Fiji, and Suli Batikawai, WASH Coordinator for Fiji’s Ministry of Health and Medical Service.

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Published: Jun. 15, 2021 @ 1PM Edit


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