Unpack The Pursuit

An Appreciation Post for Educators Around The World

Natalie & Molly Season 1 Episode 21

Today, we are sending our love to educators around the world. It's true that we have all been affected by this global pandemic in one way or another, but as school begins we can't help but feel for our teachers & caregivers. They are dealing with unprecedented times–trying to show up for their students while trying to keep everyone safe. It's a lot to ask.

In today's episode, we have the privilege of hearing from seven educators: Liza Prestileo Trombley, Brianna Laughlin, Jackie Dziadosz, Savannah Staley, Jamie Baier, Anthony Sandoval, and Dr. Mia Moody-Ramirez. An endless thank you to you all.

Are you an educator? How are you showing up at school this year? Email us: unpackthepursuit@gmail.com, or say hello to us on Instagram: @lifeofoscarwao, @natalieonacki & @jadecole.