Retire Secure!

How IRA and Retirement Plan Owners Can Protect Their Hard-Earned Retirement Dollars from Accelerated Taxation Part 2

June 13, 2022 James Lange

In this second clip from Jim Lange's May 2022 virtual event How IRA and Retirement Plan Owners Can Protect Their Hard-Earned Retirement Dollars from Accelerated Taxation' Jim discusses an 'Able Account' where you can put $16,000 a year into an account for someone else. That money, if withdrawn for the needs of a disabled child, can be drawn income tax-free. Learn more by listening now!

Keep a look out at for details to register for Jim's upcoming July 2022 virtual event series 'Solving the Retiree’s Biggest Dilemma: How to Stop the Current Downturn from Threatening Your Long-Term Financial Security'