A Path Home

Dad Catches the Train

February 27, 2021 National Home Funeral Alliance Season 2 Episode 32

Along with her family and guest host, Dani LaVoire, Sarah Crews, shares the story of the home funeral and green burial that the family arranged for their father and grandfather, Ed Hawley. Here is the link to Heart Land Prairie Cemetery: http://www.heartlandprairiecemetery.org/ 

Bedside Blessing when Someone has Died
by Ellen Hufschmidt

Thank you for your mind and all the thoughts and dreams you had.
Thank you for your eyes for all the beauty and ugliness you witnessed.
Thank you for your ears and all you have heard, the peaceful and the harsh.
Thank you for the words you spoke and those you couldn't speak but wanted to.
Thank you for the breath that gave you life.
Thank you for your heart that bore your sweetness.
Thank you for your back and shoulders for bearing the responsibilities you accepted.
Thank you for the love you shared.
Thank you for your hands, for all they held.
Thank you for your legs that carried your humanness.
Thank you for your feet that stood you on the ground.
Thank you for your life that touched us deeply.
You are blessed. You will be missed.

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