saint benedict's table

The Church in the City: Lynell Bergen

saint benedict's table

Over the course of this past winter and spring, we've been offering a short series of ideaExchange sessions, exploring what it is about being in an urban space that has helped our expression of church to thrive. For this third session we invited Lynell Bergen, lead pastor of Hope Mennonite Church to share with us the experiences of their congregation in the West Broadway neighbourhood.

These podcasts contain only the opening talk by each of our guests, as we felt that the question and answer sessions were more “in the moment” and needed to be experienced live. You can head to the podcast post for this session by clicking here

You can also listen to the two earlier sessions in this series:

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This podcast is created at saint benedict’s table, a congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada in Winnipeg, where we’ve been making great audio since 2006. Listen to other recent episodes on our website and see our entire catalogue of some 600 shows on our hosting page.

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To provide rich and stimulating audio resources to the wider church and engage topics and issues relevant to the concerns and questions of the larger culture in which we live.