saint benedict's table

Fingerprints of Robert Farrar Capon

saint benedict's table

Here’s one from deep in our archives: a recording of a conversation Jamie Howison shared with Robert Farrar Capon in the year 2000 in the Capon home on Shelter Island, New York. There's a backstory to how Jamie ended up visiting with the Capons, which you'll hear on the podcast. It was actually the first of two visits to Shelter Island, the second one in 2004 producing a manuscript of interview material that will soon be excepted and published online by the good folks at Mockingbird. We'd encourage you to take a look at the Mockingbird site, and also at the special audio post they have of Capon's unique take on the parable of the Prodigal. 

Please consider heading to the saint ben's web post for this podcast, where you'll find a few other things of interest. 

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This podcast is created at saint benedict’s table, a congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada in Winnipeg, where we’ve been making great audio since 2006. Listen to other recent episodes on our website and see our entire catalogue of some 600 shows on our hosting page.

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