saint benedict's table

Thinking through Online Eucharist with Hannah Bowman

December 08, 2020 saint benedict's table

This podcast invites you to listen in on a conversation between Hannah Bowman, Rachel Twigg, and Jamie Howison, exploring the theology and practice of  online eucharistic celebrations.

Hannah Bowman is a graduate student in theology, literary agent, prison abolitionist, and restorative justice practitioner. She is a regular contributor to "Covenant," the weblog of The Living Church magazine, and has appeared on various podcasts including The Magnificast, Theology and Socialism, Messy Jesus Business, and The Living Church podcast. Her Living Church article, Virtual Communion and the Call to Discern the Bodywill be of particular interest to podcast listeners. Please visit the website post for this podcast to read a little more about Hannah and her work.

We encourage you to visit our designated web page, where you will find links to an array of resources on this topic, as well as information as to how you can join us for our online eucharist.

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This podcast is created at saint benedict’s table, a congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada in Winnipeg, where we’ve been making great audio since 2006. Listen to other recent episodes on our website and see our entire catalogue of some 500 shows on our hosting page.

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