saint benedict's table

"En arche en ho logos" - a sermon for Christmastide

saint benedict's table

A sermon by Jamie Howison preached on the First Sunday in Christmastide, December 27, 2020, on Galatians 4:4-7 and John 1:1-14.

This sermon concludes with Steve Bell's recording of the song "Every Stone Shall Cry," taken from Richard Wilbur's poem, "A Christmas Hymn." For more information on the album this song appears on - A Feast of Seasons - and on Steve's second album of music for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany - Keening for the Dawn - please click here.

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This podcast is created at saint benedict’s table, a congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada in Winnipeg, where we’ve been making great audio since 2006. Listen to other recent episodes on our website and see our entire catalogue of well over 500 shows on our hosting page.

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