The Writers Block

Chap58: Tongue Thing & Steve [sci-fi]

February 15, 2024 8Sparks Media Season 6 Episode 58
Chap58: Tongue Thing & Steve [sci-fi]
The Writers Block
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The Writers Block
Chap58: Tongue Thing & Steve [sci-fi]
Feb 15, 2024 Season 6 Episode 58
8Sparks Media

Becky Kilimnik returns with cohost of the Homespun Haints podcast, Diana Doty, on this week's episode of The Writers Block! We discuss banjos, nsfw toys, ghost stories (of course), and haunted locations, as well as Diana's experiences learning Chinese, and our impressions of the show Lovecraft Country.

At  around 25:13 Becky and Diana join the Writers for a new fully improvised tale about a man who finds himself trapped in a room with a giant baby and a creature with an abnormally long tongue.

And stay tuned after the story where we'll guess each other's words and continue our conversation about all things paranormal!

Follow Homespun Haints on their website @
Where you will also find links to their Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest & YouTube accounts!

Brought to you by NerdCore at the Auburn Mall
And R Card Place, also at the Auburn Mall
AndAnd Mark Nigro Services @

Stay up to date with Clarence Carter @
And Shaun J. Nigro @

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Brought to you by NerdCore at the Auburn Mall
And R Card Place, also at the Auburn Mall
AndAnd Mark Nigro Services @

Stay up to date with Clarence Carter @
And Shaun J. Nigro @

Follow The Writers Block on Meta @

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Becky Kilimnik returns with cohost of the Homespun Haints podcast, Diana Doty, on this week's episode of The Writers Block! We discuss banjos, nsfw toys, ghost stories (of course), and haunted locations, as well as Diana's experiences learning Chinese, and our impressions of the show Lovecraft Country.

At  around 25:13 Becky and Diana join the Writers for a new fully improvised tale about a man who finds himself trapped in a room with a giant baby and a creature with an abnormally long tongue.

And stay tuned after the story where we'll guess each other's words and continue our conversation about all things paranormal!

Follow Homespun Haints on their website @
Where you will also find links to their Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest & YouTube accounts!

Brought to you by NerdCore at the Auburn Mall
And R Card Place, also at the Auburn Mall
AndAnd Mark Nigro Services @

Stay up to date with Clarence Carter @
And Shaun J. Nigro @

Follow The Writers Block on Meta @

Follow our artist, Keith Talbot, on ArtStation @
And on Meta @

Support the Show.

Support the show on our Patreon @

Follow us on YouTube @

Brought to you by NerdCore at the Auburn Mall
And R Card Place, also at the Auburn Mall
AndAnd Mark Nigro Services @

Stay up to date with Clarence Carter @
And Shaun J. Nigro @

Follow The Writers Block on Meta @

Speaker 1:

Ghost stories are always scarier when they're told by the very people who experience them. I'm Becky and I'm Diana, and we're the hosts of the Homespun Haints podcast.

Speaker 2:

We talk to people just like you who've come face to face with ghosts, demons, paints and other strange paranormal phenomena. All of it makes for a chilling good time.

Speaker 1:

So grab yourself a sweet tea, turn off the lights and listen to some eerie, true ghost stories on Homespun Haints.

Speaker 2:

I'm not scared.

Speaker 3:

Are you? This episode is brought to you by Nerdcore, a store in the Auburn Mall located in Auburn Maine, the place for all your nerdy needs. You can find Clarence and I's books there, as well as a plethora of other local writers, artists, 3D printed, D in details, taxidermy, you name it. They even have board games and tarot card readings, in addition to regularly hosting local creators. And as if that weren't enough, I like to dig through their used vinyl collection, which are organized into multiple genres I usually go for classical or jazz and are all reasonably priced and tested beforehand. So yeah, check out the Nerdcore store today at the Auburn Maine Mall. And now for our feature presentation.

Speaker 1:

On this computer. Ok, cool, oh, ok, you can start.

Speaker 3:

All right, yes, so welcome back to the writer's block. Becky, hi, he was on the Hellbound episode, which was was it season two, so long ago now.

Speaker 1:

It was ages ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and we had said even back then that we were going to have the other half of Homespun Haints, which is, of course, is your podcast on the on the rightist block. And Diana, welcome to the podcast here.

Speaker 2:

I am Sorry it took me so long to manifest that, but I'm glad to be here.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's OK. And actually when Becky was on and when Clarence and I were on your podcast, this was like pre-pandemic by a year at least, right.

Speaker 2:

Exactly yeah, so it's like I'm coming.

Speaker 3:

So much has changed since then and you guys have. So you guys just wrapped up season five, right, correct, yeah, and when are you starting?

Speaker 1:

up again. March 4th season six will commence Awesome. And we are focusing due to audience Audience requests. We are focusing on Appalachia for this upcoming season and I actually just made a purchase to aid with this.

Speaker 3:

I went and bought a banjo, so Is it a four string or a five string?

Speaker 1:

Oh, a five string, a five string. I've already been injured by it. So, oh, wow, yeah, I've already spilled blood on the banjo, just from playing it.

Speaker 1:

No, I cut myself on the edge of the string, like that was around the peg, oh, when I was pulling it out of the case to show it off, and I've been able to pluck out the first few lines of dueling banjo. So all I need to do now is cross my eyes and start walking bow legged and make people squeal like a pig and I will fit right into my roots. Got to find somebody to duel with. Yeah, I'll teach Diana.

Speaker 3:

Well, I have a banjo now too.

Speaker 1:

I'm not surprised.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, over the past year I've kind of went crazy at pawn shops trying to get all new like real instruments as opposed to using digital sounds, Uh-huh, and I've taken lessons here and there, but mostly it's self taught banjos hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm, I'm going to be starting actual lessons. I found somebody on lesson face. I was going through and I looked for the person that looked the most hillbilly. I found some guy with a trucker hat and a big old scraggly beard and I was like that's the one.

Speaker 2:

So I can you start. I know you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Oh really.

Speaker 3:

It sounds like the beginning of a horror movie, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Diana, do you play any instruments?

Speaker 2:

I just play my voice, so I do vocals while Becky plays the violin when we sing together. Oh, you sing yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, have you sung on the?

Speaker 1:

podcast. Have I sung on the podcast? Not officially. We did do a performance at the Natural History Museum here in Atlanta back in October and we sang some old Mississippi blues, Delta blues songs and talked about some of like the old, old Southern curses associated with music and selling your soul at the crossroads and all that and Diana sang along while I fiddled. It was awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's how we did it with me Because I can't sing. Oh, I keep trying to get him to do a rap because he's will text each other rap, sometimes just for shits and giggles, because I'm a rapper.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I know, I know Critic, yes, why don't you text me? Raps. I don't know, Diana. We do not want to share what we text. That's like the last conversation we had. I don't know if we should even share it on here.

Speaker 3:

I can cut this out if needed.

Speaker 2:

Well, it was phenomenal. It was a great text conversation. I'll send you screenshots if you want.

Speaker 1:

Just to recap briefly Diana went to an event. Can I tell him, Diana?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I went to an event that was like one block away from my house. It was a Valentine's Lovers Alternative Market Craft Fair. One of the vendors had several Tell him what it was called.

Speaker 1:

You got to tell him what the fair was called. I don't remember Titties and Tarot.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, that was the performance that followed this event. They were leading up to an event called Titties and Tarot, which the organizer wasn't 100% sure what it was going to be. It was all a mystery, but it was standing room only at 10 pm.

Speaker 2:

I'm just too old for that. We went to the little market and there were about six, eight vendors and room for about six, eight customers. It was very small, but one of the vendors had all sorts of insertable objects that you might buy on Valentine's Day, none of which I picked up because I didn't recognize it was. Basically, it looked like a V-shaped piece of metal. One arm was longer than the other and the longer arm had a loop at the end. It was a tube shape, and then the shorter arm had a ball at the end.

Speaker 2:

When we picked it up. I mean this thing is like seven inches long. We picked it up and we're like what is this? She said that's an anal hook and I just put it down and didn't ask any more questions. Then I asked Becky, if she Returns acceptable for the first 30 days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So she's texting me these things like do you know what this is? Of course I'm asking my husband and he's scratching his head. We had no idea, which is weird for us to not know what. I don't know what it says about me, but I knew exactly what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

You know what an anal hook is. This is what Becky's husband had hypothesized. Is that it's for Peter Pan Cosplay? Do you find that to be the truth?

Speaker 1:

I've never heard that before, but interesting. So. So, clarence, you just you had to research it for a book, right, yeah, that's what we'll go with.

Speaker 3:

Oh, speaking of which. So I was catching up on the podcast and looking at your bios and and I remember that you're a writer, diana, so I was going to ask you what do you typically write? Is it like blog stuff? Or have you written a book or considered writing a book?

Speaker 2:

I have not written a book yet but I am in the process of slowly, gradually seeing if I can. But I mostly write nonfiction essays and SEO copywriting for websites.

Speaker 3:

And you I assume you do the blogs for Homespun for the most part, yes we were trying to do that for our podcast, but

Bonus Convo!