Explore Home - A Podcast from Universal Furniture

Explore Home with Sean O'Connor of Universal Furniture

Neil MacKenzie Season 2 Episode 18

This week we invite you to Explore Home with Sean O’Connor, Universal Furniture’s Senior Vice President of Sales and chief merchant for our upholstery program. 

Listen as Sean shares with Neil more about his personal and professional background within the furniture industry as well as how he eventually found his way to Universal Furniture. They then touch on the beginnings of Universal’s upholstery offering and how that has grown the last several years, including the launch into special order upholstery. Sean then elaborates on what the special order program consists of, including approximately 425 fabrics, 50 leathers, nailhead options as well as various leg options and more. Lastly, Sean then shares what he is most excited about with the launch and how he believes it will put Universal Furniture on the map in completely new ways.

For more on our new special order upholstery program, you can visit universalfurniture.com. We are now accepting orders