Explore Home - A Podcast from Universal Furniture

Explore Home with Benno Duenkelsbuehler, (re)ALIGN CEO and Chief Growth Sherpa

April 13, 2021 Neil MacKenzie Season 3 Episode 28

Welcome to the Explore Home Podcast! This week explore home with Benno Duenkelsbuehler, (re)ALIGN CEO and Chief Growth Sherpa. 

Neil and Benno discuss his background as a buyer and a seller. First, a buyer for Ikea and Pottery Barn for over a decade. He then changed careers to sell to exhibitors in High Point and Atlanta. This background inspired him to start his own company to help others start and grow their brands. His company, (re)ALIGN, lives at the intersection of growth and execution. Benno can help new brands grow and take their products to market. He guides his clients on how to create an experience that makes people fall in love with, and purchase, their products.

Benno details how “disruptive” brands like rh (Restoration Hardware) and Apple have changed how people think about shopping. They make consumers fall in love with their products and remain loyal to their brand. This is the goal he hopes to achieve when working with a client. 

Benno and Neil talk about how furniture consumers often struggle with confidence in their style choices. Companies need to help them envision how the product will fit into their home and boldly claim “this is what we love and you will too.”

Benno shares his favorite quote from Thomas Edison, “Vision without execution is hallucination” and discusses how if a person or company doesn’t have the resources to execute an idea at a consistently high level, that idea may not be a good fit. He relishes helping clients discover their perfect fit.

Benno finishes with speaking about his podcast that he started during Covid-19, “The Third Growth Option.” It has provided him the opportunity to re-connect with friends and colleagues to share growth experiences. Learning from others has provided tremendous insight and inspiration for Benno to use in his personal and professional life.

To discover more about Benno and (re)ALIGN, visit realignforresults.com.