Career Couch with Dr. Carole & Friends

Understanding Workplace Violence - Part 2

July 26, 2021 Carole Isom-Barnes, PhD Season 3 Episode 38

Trained in homeland security and forensics, and now serving as a workplace violence consultant via her company, Blue Line Security Services, Chris Bush returns for part two of the discussion on workplace violence. In this episode she addresses actions you should take if you are a victim of workplace violence and how every organization: 

  • needs a workplace violence plan, policies, training and communication that cascades down from senior leaders to all employees 
  • should create a workplace violence prevention program
  • must correct employee behavior before the issues become larger issues.

Contact Chris Bush at: or 803-645-7026

Note: Any reference to specific names, companies or characters in the stated examples are used fictitiously. The issues identified are experienced by millions of employees every year.