Career Couch with Dr. Carole & Friends

Stepping Into Your Own Power (Self-Evolution)

Carole Isom-Barnes, PhD Season 4 Episode 51

Joining us all the way from Italy this week, is Dr. Barbara Dallay Pezze. She is an international leadership coach and speaker with 18 years of global experience inspiring  leaders and entrepreneurs to discover and reach their purpose via self-evolution. 

In this episode, Dr. Dallay Pezze explains the power we each possess and the importance of being aware of our options to have choices - especially when our circumstances may appear as if we do not have power.  She addressees what it really means to be empowered and waking up to the story we tell ourselves about who we are and what we are capable of. She also addresses: 

  • moments that interrupt our perfect story,
  • awareness of the (negative and positive) contributions  of the people in our lives (and how they impact our identity),
  • recovery of lost power.

Information on Dr. Dallay Pezze and  her book, "The Unexpected Gift" can be found here.