The Efficiency Point

Episode 4: Greasezilla vs. the F.O.G. Monster!

Season 1 Episode 4

On a festive episode of The Efficiency Point from Modern Pumping Today magazine, we're joined by Ron Crosier, president and founder of Greasezilla, who's offering a new solution for fat, oil, and grease (FOG) removal. We also give a shout out to MPT's Top Products of 2019, look forward to a couple of industry events, and Richard provides a frightening movie endorsement.


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spk_1:   0:05
This is the efficiency point. A podcast for modern pumping Today magazine. I'm NPT editor J. Campbell, along with our producer,

spk_0:   0:12
Richard Counsel. We'd like to welcome all of our new listeners and remind you that you can find us online at MPT mag dot com. Please RATE review and subscribe to the show on any of your favorite podcasts. Apse, where you can also find our past Episodes from 2019 on Today Show we speak with wrong Crozier president and founder agree Zillah,

spk_1:   0:34
West Virginia based Cavity that's providing innovative solution. Betraying fats, Oils increase in munis boys water Also way. Take it early. Look, it's an upcoming issue of PT First. Some have limits. Herstory Ace 20. Registration is open today. Registration

spk_0:   1:07
is now open for the American Water Works Associations Annual conference and exhibition exhibition, or eighth. The event will be held June 14th 3/17 in 2020 and Orlando, Florida The theme of Ace 20 this year will be a future so bright so attendees can expect to learn leading edge solutions and exchange knowledge to help ensure that they meet the challenges of the next decade. Facing the water profession around the world the American Water Works Association knows that recent successes and addressing challenges and more effective water management are fueling the positivity felt around the industry. Yet many challenges in the water sector remain, such as infrastructure renewal, supply quality, water resiliency, affordability and application of the workforce. If you've never attended an ace event before, I highly recommend it, you'll find that water professionals or an optimistic bunch both about the health of their industry and its future. If your water professional interested in leveraging innovation, advocacy and new programs to address critical issues to protect the world's most important resource, you can register online to attend a SW 20 at a wood dot org's slash ace. That website is a W w a dot or ge slash a c e. So give him a check out on while aces a few months way. Another important industry event is right around the corner. Co sponsored by AARP, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute, and by Ash Rae, the HR Expo for 2020 will feature thousands of products in more than 770 categories. Additionally, the 2020 version of the exhibition will include two new special focus areas on the show floor, the first being the Building Automation and control showcase, which will be a special area of the show where you'll find B A C related products and service is some of those would be energy and facility management systems, climate controls, monitoring systems as well as entire network building solutions. Uh, the other special area would be the software center, which has a special area, the show floor design for all H back related software, both off the shelf versions and customizable solutions. Those would include project revealed service management, inventory control, GPS tracking, remote based on cloud based software and many other innovations. And speaking of innovation, this year's age are expert will be the first ever to include a podcast pavilion. Several industry podcast will be recording live sharing content with guests on the show floor, answering questions from attendees and all attendees. Air welcome have access to the podcast pavilion beating green, where they'll have ah, a chance to talk one on one with some of the industry experts and address some of their concerns on social media. A Jar expo will be held February 3rd through fifth and the Orange County Convention Center, also in Orlando, Florida. You can read more about HR Expo 2020 in the January issue of NPT in our trade show profile. Last stuff going on in Orlando. Richard, uh, maybe you and I should get down there on the podcast pavilion?

spk_1:   4:16
Yeah, we should definitely look into it. I know I am.

spk_0:   4:19
Yeah. Find out. Find out what it takes to get us on the podcast movie. Maybe we'll do a live episode hr Expo. Oh,

spk_1:   4:26
absolutely. Maybe we can show them what a real podcast sounds like.

spk_0:   4:29
Yeah, take him on head on there. They're not colleagues, their competitors as I We see it while we're in Orlando. Maybe we could also do that. Star Wars land.

spk_1:   4:39
Have you ever been a

spk_0:   4:40
Star Wars lean? Uh, no. Now I haven't either. Not just like Starr. Worse. I don't I don't even like star Wars. I just like the idea of Star Wars land. Maybe. You know, I could I could be like the Jew Baka and you could be Han solo that way. I wouldn't have to say much. Give us your best chibok impression. Okay? Uh, no. Okay. All right. How about that? that's that's the closest of impression you'll get at me. In other news, a recent report published by Persistence Market Research predicts that fog fat oil and grease removal equipment market is expected to grow in the first half of the coming decade. Report throws light on various raw material suppliers, vendors, manufacturers and market players in the value change of fog removal, as well as the economic and political scenarios of different regions around the world. Critical insights, including the included in the report Our AH review of the Global Fog removal equipment market during the past two years, as well as a forecast period going up to 2025 analysis of the marketing sales, promotional strategies adopted by different market players in different areas, and an in depth study of the supply, demand trends and different regions, as well as the manufacturing production capabilities of various players operating in the fog removal equipment market. The Competitive Outlook chapter of the report highlights business prospects of prominent players operating in the market, including their product pricing strategies, preferred market channels, proper full lives and market presence will be talking with one of those prominent players, Wrong Crusher the founder and president of West Virginia based Greece Zillah, later in today's show. Link to the full report can

spk_1:   6:24
be found in the show Notes for this episode and one more news item. A little bit housecleaning from closing out 2019

spk_0:   6:42
and some congratulations. Since 2001 the Submersible Waste Water Pump Association, or Swap, has awarded scholarships to students affiliated with member companies who are studying in the field of engineering. Charles G. Stolberg Memorial Scholarship is named after a long time swap. Executive director Chuck Stolberg and the 2019 award has a record number of Africans. Six applicants were personally interviewed by Swap. Administrative director Carol Stolberg and the executive committee reviewed each of these applications and interviewed them at the November 13th Executive Committee meeting last year. Honorable mentions were given to the following students. Laura Zelinsky, representing Asylum. Doug Schoenberger, representing Ohio Electric control. Allison Williams, representing Liberty Pumps, and Michael GSR. Ella, representing Run Focus. The winners of the 2019 Charles G. Stolberg Memorial Scholarship are Cole Swinson, representing Vaughn and Jacob Seaman's

spk_1:   7:40
representing Ohio Electric control. Congratulations to them and good luck to them in their future endeavors. We look forward to hearing what they have in store fat oils. Greece or fog ways is becoming a serious issue for many communities around the country. One company, Greece Zilla, has dedicated itself to solving that problem, and we're pleased to have their president. Ron. Grocer joints stay. I rock. How are you feeling?

spk_2:   8:12
I'm good. I'm good. J r. You

spk_0:   8:14
do well and thanks for taking time to join us today, Ron, tell us a little bit about Priscilla, your company and how it's set itself apart in handling growing mean for fog tree.

spk_2:   8:26
Sure. Uh, we started in the pumping industry in the sixties, and we began pumping grease traps in the in the early early eighties and disposing of grease trap waste has been a has always been an issue. I don't I don't know that it's ever been easy. And, uh, way used several technologies over the years de watering technologies, composting and, um, old. 10 years ago, 15 years ago, we were heavily into composting and using sawdust, a bulking agent. And that time we were we were paid all the way sawdust from from Seoul mills in the area. And then, with the advent of the wood pellets. That product that we were once paid to haul away became quite valuable and that that made the composting difficult for us. And then we started looking at other other messages of handling the waste. Using P. O. T. W was not an option for us in southern West Virginia. There were at the time no facilities that accepted grease trap waste. And, uh so we were you know, we were aware of the BTU content of brown. Greece has made clear to us from several compost fires that we've had over the years, and we begin researching a way to remove the brown grease from the grease trap waste. We realized that once the brown Greece was out of the mix, disposing of the rest of it wasn't a problem. We could blend it with cept ege. We could take it toe plants that accepted except ege. We could land a plan. We had a lot of options.

spk_0:   10:17
In the old days, it was hard to find places that could treat Fattal's in Greece.

spk_2:   10:23
Absolutely, we had we had no options in West Virginia. None of what we had to handle it ourselves. If we were going to be in the business, that large companies. Then you hold it facilities in other states. And, uh, you could blend a little bit of it with septic. And that was what many of the small haulers did. But you couldn't blend much of it.

spk_0:   10:43
I bet that got pricey, too.

spk_2:   10:46
Oh, absolutely, Absolutely. Uh, and, you know, you'd find yourself, find yourself in a bind very, very easily. So that led us to, you know, start, start our research and development of a way to remove Brown Greece from the grease trap waste. And after a few years of R and D agree, Scylla was the result.

spk_0:   11:09
So how does Greece a work differently than the old method? It whether you offering your customers out,

spk_2:   11:16
we'll agree, still is different from many of the other technologies that hollers used and that all of the technologies available really boiled down to toe one principle adding polymers, uh, two calls to Greece to coagulate one other solids and then filtering out the grease and solids. But when you were finished with that, you still had to waste streams to dispose off. You had the sludge and the water. The water was still very high and b o. D and sludge. I was just a goopy mess that he really couldn't do anything with. That landfill and landfill fees just just horrendous. And those technologies are just incredibly labor intensive, especially if you make a mistake with the polymer edition and bind your filtering system.

spk_0:   12:07
Plus, a lot of comedians cut down on landfill access overall are

spk_2:   12:12
yeah, absolutely. Yeah, So So, with with Priscilla, there's there's really no need to landfill anything. At the end of a once the brown Greece is removed, the the batter and the water are easily, easily disposed of.

spk_0:   12:26
So in that process, charge of the municipal wastewater system in my area. Who do you think? What are my options that I'm looking at? Dealing was followed. Going in. Where does re silica men to help me going forward?

spk_2:   12:41
Well, if you're in a municipal wastewater system, the technologies available basically centered around anaerobic digestion, and with that process, you just blend in grease trap waste with huge amounts of sewage sludge. The sewage sludge has a very little energy left in it at this point, and so there's not a lot of not a lot of profit in creating bio desk. Theoden Ishan of grease trap waste adds a lot of a lot of energy to the mix, but the brown grease in that in that mixture calls it's foaming issues, and you can shut down by gesture or the digesters for long periods of time. Digesters are incredibly expensive, and, you know, we we commonly see our allies of 15 to 20 years. One. This technology, when it's implemented at a P O. T. W and investments of $15 million absolutely

spk_1:   13:46
had absolutely

spk_2:   13:47

spk_1:   13:47
been a lot

spk_2:   13:47
of a lot of maintenance, a lot of maintenance on a system that's very sensitive to upset.

spk_0:   13:53
But Priscilla doesn't have that same. All right, does it?

spk_2:   13:56
Absolutely. With with a greasy system operating at 50% capacity, you can realize the return on investment of two years on, so it it makes a lot of sense. That's not a huge investment, depending on your current infrastructure, uh, anywhere from 3/4 of a 1,000,000 thio, maybe $2 million you're in business. And because there's a market for the brown grease that we produce a CZ, a substitute for bunker oil or Ah, feedstock for some of the new biodiesel technologies. You have no trouble reading your self of the brown Greece one? Sure. Once you've produced a

spk_0:   14:45
$1,000,000 a year $1,000,000 they're pretty soon. It adds up to real money, right? And absolutely,

spk_2:   14:51

spk_0:   14:52
go ahead.

spk_2:   14:53
Oh, I was just I was just going to say that, uh, for the smaller treatment plants that don't have money in their budget. You even spend a couple of $1,000,000 on a system to get into the grease trap waste receiving system. We're so confident in the profitability fire system and the low cost of operation that we're We're happy to partner with treatment plants and offer them options that basically zero cost to get into the business and then in just profit share for a few years to recapture our investment.

spk_0:   15:35
Alex, you mentioned earlier you got your start in West Virginia. But how far

spk_1:   15:38
do you see the reach and need for Greece still of going in the future?

spk_2:   15:43
Well, you know, we have trouble in this country with crease draft waste, and all developing countries are having that problem. We're currently working with customers in Asia, in Australia, in South America and Canada and the United States. And we we've had several enquiries from Europe where they have a great appreciation for the value of brown Greece. They're currently subsidizing the burning of brown Greece as a substitute for bunker oil in many European countries. So so we see applications all over the world. We currently have systems operating in Chile and the Caribbean and a swell of the United States.

spk_0:   16:31
If you'll pardon my misquoting John Denver, it seems like those country roads have led just about everywhere.

spk_2:   16:39
Well, uh, yeah, I guess that's, uh, I guess that's true Way certainly certainly do have an international reach. There's no no question about that. In fact, we probably get as many enquiries from the rest of the world as we do from the United States.

spk_0:   16:58
That's great, Ron. If people listen to this one more about Sylar, get in contact with you when they find you online.

spk_2:   17:06
Sure. Www dot uh grease scylla dot com g r e a s e z l l a. I think I dated myself by saying www understand? Young people don't do that anymore.

spk_0:   17:19
Well, I think a younger role I think people are gonna buy a lot of value in

spk_1:   17:25
the products service's you're offering. So thank you for taking tap. Share with us today. Absolutely, absolutely. Having to talk to you. Thank you, Thank you. The first issue of 2020 is headed your way inside. Oh, in bets of in Protect Dr Shares how a hospital is optimized its water supply with their companies off to drive eco system. Also, Rob Martindale of Watson Marlowe Fluid Technology Group shows A new pump shows how a new pump system solves corrosion and viscosity problems for one town in Michigan. Lastly, we all know how corrosion can cause damage to non resistant metallic components. So Steven Wilde of Home a Pump Technology tells us how a pump Siri's made of investment cast stainless steel has increased the service life of their bombs with maximum efficiency. All that more can be found in the January issue of NPT. Richardson's It's January. Do you have any New Year's resolutions you like to share? Actually, I don't. Every year I failed to actually fall through with him anyway, so I just decided this year that I'm gonna not have one. That seems to be the way. With most New Year's resolutions, they always seem to be made, but never in fact, it seems like most news resolutions end up the opposite happens. So maybe maybe that should be it. Man, you know, we should see each think strategically about this. Okay, so my resolution this year is going to be a C. I'm going to, uh I'm gonna work out less perfect. I'm going Thio eat worse food. Okay, I'm gonna spend way less time with my family, okay? And just overall, um, you know, just just just try to be miserable. I think that sounds like a plan. Now, when I fail at any of those goals, I'll actually be happy on the other side of it. Actually spent more time my family and be in better shape in better health. Yeah. Reverse psychology on yourself. Yeah. Yeah, I'm playing 11th dimensional chess over here. That's right. Well, I hope your New Year's resolution is to subscribe to M. P. T. And

spk_0:   19:41
if you're listening to this, there's still time to sign up for a

spk_1:   19:44
free 12 months subscription so you can get all issues from 2020 by visiting in PT Mag dot com and clicking on the subscribe tab. This has been the efficiency point. A podcast from NPT magazine. Follow us on Twitter at Mod Pumped Mag for updates on our next episode and what we have down the road. Today's episode was produced by Richard Counsel. Until next time I'm your host, Jay Campbell, Thank you again for listening.