The Efficiency Point

Episode 5: Keys to Proper Valve Sizing

Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode of The Efficiency Point from Modern Pumping Today magazine, we speak with Brian Strait, Check-All Valve’s Business Development and Marketing Manager, about the value of proper valve sizing and how to stave off the damage of water hammer. We also look through the latest issue of MPT and dip into the archive for a connection to the Super Bo--,uh, the "Big Game."


MPT magazine:

MPT on Twitter:

Check-All Valves:

Call for BECC abstracts:

Global Industrial Valve Market Report:

MPT's up-close look at Levi's Stadium’s recycled-water pressure booster system:

spk_2:   0:04
This is the efficiency Point. A podcast from modern pumping Today magazine. I'm NPT editor J. Campbell, along with our producer Richard Counsel. You can find us online at MPT mag dot com and please rate reviews. Subscribe to the show on any of your favorite podcasts. APS. On today's episode, we speak with Brian Straight. Check all valves business development and marketing manager about the value of proper Val sizing and how to stave off the damage of water Hammer. Also look through the list issue of NPT and take a trip into the MPT archives to find a special connection that we have to the Super Bowl. But first, let's fire ups. Mad lines. The call for abstracts is now open for the behavior, Energy and Climate change conference. The deadline for abstracts is April 1st, and they should be 300 words in links. This year's theme of the conference is from Nudge to Leap. BCC brings together social science researchers and actors and business government, and not profit to discuss methods for taking action on climate change. This year's conference will be at the end of the year, December 6 through nine in Washington, D. C. If you're interested in participating in the 2020 conference, then BCC advice you to present your work and learn from others on how to encourage behavior. Change for energy and carbon reduction, evaluates such programs and understand why individuals and groups change. Finding ways to make these transitions fair and equitable is the focus of the B E. C C. Researchers, academics, businesses, utilities, governments and nonprofits come together to learn and network at this very unique conference format. Options for the presentations are individual presentations, either poster Orel and also panel or symposium topics. BCC will be accepting abstracts on eight distinct issues, and you can find them outline on the conference website. B E C conference dot or GE, will also include a link in the ship. Notes for this episode. A recent report published by FIOR Markets shows that the global industrial vowels market is expected to grow from its current estimate of $70 billion worldwide to over $93 billion by the year 2026. The growing demand for float float control equipment is expected to fuel market growth in the next six years. Some of the key findings in the global industrial valve market include factors such as an immense rise and the demand for power and developing regions of the world as they replaced manual valves with smart valves. A process worried manufacturing unit striving, Thio continues to increase their operating efficiencies, resulting in an increase in the demand of industrial valves, factors such as increasing smart city projects, industrialization and urbanization in areas throughout India and China, where there is population growth and expansion in the market due to new product releases from legacy companies based in the North American in euros sectors, industrial valves are built to handle high pressure or fluid or gas, and to last year's in harsh environments. Most utilities, from water to oil and gas, have a high requirement of heavy duty industrial strength valves. We'll talk a bit more about the role valves play in these operations later in the show with Checco Valve Manufacturing's Brian Straight. If you want to browse, the full report, along with his table of contents, will include a link to that in the show notes. If you're listening to this pot guest in Texas or anywhere around that area, then the hydraulic institute has a pair of training opportunities for you. Beginning the week of March 20th 1st H I teams up with Texas A and M Turbo Machinery Lab to present a course in Houston. Centrifugal compressor operations for the 21st century users were See cops. That's a mouthful. The three day course is worth 2.6 the use or 26 professional development hours and unsuited for both entry level and Maur experience compressor professionals. Entry level folks will accelerate their understanding of the technology and how it's used in oil and gas applications, as one would expect in a Houston based suppose you and experienced professionals will enhance their knowledge of current technologies with methods enabling a more effective project performance and their maintenance strategies. All participants lad to a network of industry professionals and be able to share some of their ideas and experience and also ask questions later That same week, on March 24th through the 26 in San Antonio, H. I will be offering his first piece at preparation course, an exam of the year. Energy efficiency and system optimization is the leading current and is one of the leading currents in the pop industry, so there's a growing need for pump system professionals with the knowledge and experience to perform high quality assessments to benchmark current systems and recommend system upgrades. We'll post links for more information about both of these courses, and the show knows over 50 years check. Old valve manufacturing Company has

spk_0:   5:05
been producing in line spring loaded check bells that serve a wide range of industries and practically every service application. Brian Straight is

spk_2:   5:12
check all valves. Business development, marketing manager, and we're pleased to have him join us today. How are you doing there, Brian?

spk_1:   5:20
I'm doing great. How are you

spk_2:   5:21
doing? Great. And thank you for taking time to talk with us. Uh, I guess the since I have you on the line.

spk_0:   5:26
And if I have anybody from a valve manufacturing company on the line, probably the first thing our listeners would be interested too, is, ah, the idea of valve side sizing. And how important is correct Val sizing for a piping application?

spk_1:   5:41
Well, Val sizing is very important when it comes to having a valve that works properly for a long period of time. Oftentimes there are applications where maybe a valve is improperly sized and then you have downtime paying mechanics toe come and fix the problem. Plumbing people, things like that.

spk_0:   6:02
So what? What could be some of the consequences if valves air oversized for the operating conditions?

spk_1:   6:08

spk_2:   6:08

spk_1:   6:09
their oversized, they can have their check mechanism do what they call rattle or chatter when the check mechanism rattles or chatters. First of

spk_2:   6:20

spk_1:   6:20
creates a noise a rattling sound. But it also can wear

spk_2:   6:24

spk_1:   6:24
the check mechanism as a whole so it can cause premature valve failure, which in turn requires valve replacement.

spk_0:   6:32
So this is a This is a cascading problem in the entire system.

spk_1:   6:37

spk_0:   6:39
and is that different from If Hauser undersized? How how does that affect the system

spk_1:   6:44
under sizing is different for sure. They when you undersize a valve, the valve will fully open. But it might what do what they call choke the flow meaning flow coming into the valve. The valve opens, but it doesn't allow enough flow to go downstream. That creates a pressure back upstream, which can cause other issues like Pump's not working properly or things like that.

spk_0:   7:07
So you get a backflow problem going into the into the pump and that could that affects the seals that affects the flow of the years. I flex pretty much the whole system, right?

spk_1:   7:17
Can you?

spk_0:   7:18
So now that we've got the oversized undersized got laid out, what would you know as a manufacturer? How would check all advise people to what were some of the main things you would advise him for? Ensuring that they get an accurate size on their pals?

spk_1:   7:33
Well, sizing on check valves is a bit different than sizing on, let's say, control valves or actuated balance control valves. Actuated valves. They have a mechanism that operates the checking part through either hydraulics, electronics or maybe a lever or a handle so they can. Often they can make that check mechanism open and close to a certain point manually or like say, through some other variable spring loaded check valves. On the other hand, or stubs like we manufacture require the media toe open and close the valve. So having proper spring selection is actually as important or even more important, than the actual size of the valve, although they still call that belt sizing.

spk_0:   8:22
So the valve itself is doing the work that an operator in the plant would be doing otherwise.

spk_1:   8:28
Well, the spring in the spring that's in the valve is yes.

spk_0:   8:32
Let's and correct me if I'm wrong. But check old valve, you guys, you're specializing in check valves. I mean, that's your entire product line.

spk_1:   8:42
We actually specialize in spring loaded poppet style check belts, and that is our entire line very focused product line.

spk_0:   8:49
So if if anyone, if a customer needed to find reference up in terms of finding the proper sizing check, all would be the place to go,

spk_1:   8:59
that's correct. We offer the widest range of spring settings, or what the industry knows that spring cracking pressures that's available in the industry. We literally offer thousands of different settings.

spk_0:   9:13
And how would how would I be able to choose between those different settings to find the right one for me? Is there a reference that check all provides air? Do you have a hotline

spk_1:   9:22
check? All provides technical support. We offer We have several qualified technical people as well as degreed engineers here that can work with the customer, get the application information that is necessary to determine flows and pressures and media that's going to the valve and then they can do what? Ah, calculation that confirms what kind of spring setting might be needed to assure that the valve opens fully and closes fully, which is what you want to have a check valve to do to have the longest life out of about.

spk_0:   10:01
So I suppose, with the you know, the level of specialization that you guys provide, there haven't been too many problems you haven't been able to solve for customers after,

spk_1:   10:11
Uh, that's correct. We have a return rate or what else a warranty claims that are less than 1/2 of 1% of all valve shipped.

spk_0:   10:23
That's a maze of

spk_1:   10:24
those warranty claims. Only about half of them are actual warranties.

spk_0:   10:29
So, uh, so the the other half are probably miss size ings or somebody that runs into a problem. Media. Something like that.

spk_1:   10:38
That's exactly right. Oftentimes, when we get that information, we could go back to the customer weaken, gather the application information, advise the customer as to why we feel this valve didn't perform like you'd want it, too. Then we would suggest they may be changed spring or the seat, or what have you to make sure the valve performs properly, and that's when we solve the problem. We make customer happy.

spk_0:   11:04
So when a check 12 is properly sized, put into the application and as running as everything should, it should have a pretty long life cycle, shouldn't it?

spk_1:   11:13
Yes, there are variables when it comes to life cycle that are outside of the sizing, such as corrosion, resistance and things like that. But removing those variables, it's not unheard of to get many, many years of life out of, ah, properly side spring loaded check valve and upwards of a 1,000,000 plus cycles of a valve opening and closing and still performing.

spk_0:   11:37
I imagine that's why they're so popular, because when I talk to people pump manufacturers or people that are operation in different treatment plants or processing facilities, the main thing they're always looking for is higher efficiency and longer life cycle.

spk_1:   11:53
That's correct. Oftentimes, check valves aren't even thought of until they break down, and that's when a customer needs him and they need a real quick And when they break down multiple times, that's when they really decide that. Maybe they need a valve that is more suited specifically towards your application rather than say a general checked out that you could get in a plumbing store, which those valves are perfectly fine for certain applications. Where are valves? Where we shine is when those applications with those valves don't work like needed.

spk_0:   12:25
I guess it's kind of like referees in a football game. You don't notice him until they make a bad call.

spk_1:   12:29
That's right.

spk_0:   12:31
Well, one of the issues that check males do encounter, though that I hear from people is about water hammer. It's probably most common problem that people associate when they think of Czech bells. What causes water hammer and how does it affect the entire piping system?

spk_1:   12:46
Well, water hammer is caused by a liquid, such as water that is suddenly stopped or goes in reverse flow, and that creates what they call a hydraulic shock or a noise. So when that shock happens and the flow stops or reverses, it reverberates up the system and can literally shake system components apart, cause leaks destroy equipment. It can get really bad, depending on how bad the shock is.

spk_0:   13:18
Yeah, I mean, we call it water Hammer, but I guess it really could happen in any kind of thin media good in it.

spk_1:   13:24
Yeah, it's normally happens in a liquid type of media.

spk_0:   13:30
So what? What? When you talk about hydraulic shock and these shock waves that go up and down, what kind of damage could that dude down the line? Components like flow meters or pressure sensors

spk_1:   13:40
it can do of all kinds of damage. I've talked to customers that have experienced water hammer, and they have literally said it can move buildings out foundations. Now, I don't know if I completely believe that, but I think that's kind of a fairly humors description of what they can do, what it can do. It can really destroy equipment.

spk_0:   14:05
Oh, I I I believe you. I mean, I've talked to people of the scene pumps pushed off of base plates,

spk_1:   14:13

spk_0:   14:13
because of water hammer. And when you think about house, how big some of those machines are, how solidly they're bolted down to these these base plates that they bolted down Thio. Ah, work floor. Uh, that's a lot of force.

spk_1:   14:29
Yes, and it's amazing what it can do.

spk_0:   14:32
So knowing that the danger is out there, how would you recommend some of the key steps that we prevent water hammer from taking hold

spk_1:   14:40
well. The main step is utilizing a spring loaded check valve, spring loaded check valves closed before reverse flow begins. They have that unique aspect to them, so they operate off a pressure differential. So while the media is coming through the valve, it hits the valve. It pressures. It hits against pressure, influence compresses at spring. So then, so when the pumps running that valve opens up allows flow to go one way, say the pump before the valve shuts down. Well, then, that pressure starts diminishing, a slow start to diminish once it gets to a certain point. That valve a close but will happen before pressure is gone and before reverse flow begins eliminating the effects of water hammer.

spk_0:   15:25
So I guess it all ties back into what we were saying earlier about proper sizing, doesn't it?

spk_1:   15:30
It does. Proper sizing also can help with that. If you have an oversized valves and it happens the opening and closing a bunch, it can create some issues. But normally it happens when the system shuts down and float stops and it stops before reverse flow begin, it stops and then reverse flow happens. And if you have an oversized valve that say locks open because it's prematurely worn, then it can't prevent that Reverse flow and water hammer can happen.

spk_0:   16:00
So they're the warning signs.

spk_1:   16:02

spk_0:   16:03
well, Brian, thank you so much for taking some time to talk with us today. How can people find check all valve online?

spk_1:   16:10
You can go to www dot check all that's all one word dot com

spk_0:   16:15
Well, Brian, thank you again for taking time to talk to

spk_2:   16:17
us. It's been a pleasure,

spk_1:   16:19
thank you. Appreciate

spk_2:   16:20
it if your subscriber, the NPT, than the January issue is already in your hands. And this issues Water and Wastewater Solution section Check out a contribution for our P. Adams Inc. Highlighting how growing number of municipalities air, ensuring superior water quality as well as membrane longevity. Utilizing low maintenance self cleaning pre treatment filters. Also go Bald Instruments Inc shares a look at the company's unique flow meter that combines I'll link with remote version design. We always like to put a spotlight on new products in the magazine, and this won't be a special interest anywhere. Accurate float measurement is a key component to your system. Running smoothly, whether it be in the pharmaceutical industry, water treatment or in food production. And longtime subscribers might recognize that NPT has a rooting interest in this weekend's Super Bowl between Kansas City and San Francisco. Richard, did you know that as a news program, we are not bound by those, uh, trademark restrictions in whether or not we're allowed to say Super Bowl? I actually didn't know that at all. Now. Well, it depends on you, since you're the one who post the Epsom website. Just make certain not to call this our Super Bowl episode. That would be a violation. Well, as long as I use the trademark, though, right, we should know now That's right, because ABC was a silly way would have to call it something like the big game episode or some nonsense like that. What if I wonder if I could hash tag? I don't know no anything that uses Super Bowl for seriously weaken weaken. We can talk about the Super Bowl. We can say the Super Bowl by name, but we cannot affiliate ourselves with the Super Bowl right now. We're just talking about it, right? So I can't say that this is the Super Bowl edition of the podcast. That would be wrong. That would NFL lawyers please recognize that? That is That is not what I'm doing. Nope. We just sneers. Please do not confuse. We were just simply expressing our, um, love for the Super Bowl. Well, actually, I am expressing, okay. You know, as much as we do love signal. It's America's unofficial second Christmas. MPD has a connection to this year's Super Bowl, thanks to the San Francisco 40 Niners. You know what that is, Richard? Uh, don't. A few years ago, Levi's stadium, home of the 40 Niners, was the subject of a cover story by Mark Cancel of Zion was Bella Gossett. So we'll link to that part of the NPT archive so people can read that case study about taking a close look at the stadium is recycled water pressure booster system. So I guess, uh, you know, I think the betting line now, right now, again, this is just for entertainment purposes. Do not take em. Pts. Wagering, Uh, for for any monetary guarantees. I believe the betting line right now is Kansas City is favored by one point. Is that right? You know. Honestly, I have zero clue, huh? Because I like football. But at this point, after I saw the you know it is Kansas City and the 40 100 souls, I was actually pretty surprised. That's That's the Super Bowl. This year, I don't think I've ever seen. It's all, you know, a CZ Long as I've been alive, it's always been, you know, like the Cowboys and, you know, the Patriot pain treatment. Actually, it's probably been the Patriots almost as long as I've been alive on. And so it's just it's just a non match up. So I really have been paying close attention to plus up like I'm more of a college football fan anyway. He's also my yeah, but if if if, if anything, I'm I mean, I like the Saints just because my family lives in Louisiana anyways. But But for the most part, the most information I've gathered from any kind of wagering during the Super Bowl is, uh, are you familiar with the rocket mortgage squares? I'm I'm not because they like their Super Bowl advertising is here. And I'm telling you, I can't even get gas without clearing on the Shell station It's just all the top rocket mortgage squares. $50,000 anyway. This'll episode is also not brought to you by rocket. Well, if if well, also, Richard, you're not You're not following the gambling cause. You're not too generous. So but But if you're a degenerate like, you know, people in the studio who will remain nameless And since there's only two of us, um, I believe that Kansas City is a one point favorite. I think a lot of the early money is coming in on them for whatever that's worth. But MPT our heart is with 40 Niners. That's right, until until Kansas City does, you know, pump, upgrade their stadium. Then we'll switch allegiances. You show up in the magazine will root for U. S. So look for that look, if your current subscriber, you'll already have that in your inbox. But if not, there's still time to sign up for a free 12 month subscription by visiting MPD mag dot com and clicking on that subscribe tab. This has been the efficiency point. A podcast from NPT magazine. Follow us on Twitter at Mod but mag for updates on our next episode. Today's episode was produced by Richard Counsel until next time I'm your host, Jay Campbell. Thank you for listening