The Efficiency Point

Episode 8: Eco-Reuse and the Future of Preventative Maintenance

Modern Pumping Today Season 1 Episode 8

On this episode, we speak with Gilad Cohen, chief executive officer for IDE Americas, to discuss IDE’s Eco-Reuse process, which incorporates a safe, preventive maintenance approach that increases system efficiency and minimizes environmental impact. We also discuss the impact coronavirus is having on the 2020 trade show season and MPT's spring tradition: the annual Products & Services Guide.


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spk_0:   0:04
This is the efficiency Point. A podcast from modern pumping Today magazine. I'm NPT. Edgar J. Campbell along with our Producerssets Saunders. You find us online at MPD mag dot com and please rate reviewed. Subscribe to the show on any of your favorite podcasts. APS on today's episode way. Speak with Black Cohen, chief executive officer for I D. America's to discuss ideas ICO Reuse Process, which incorporates a safe, preventative maintenance broach that increases system efficiency and minimizes environmental impact. We'll also take a look at the March issue of NPT and a look ahead to our spring approx and service's guide. But first, some industry news, Corona virus or covert 19 has continued to have an impact across the country. Our last episode we talked a little bit about breaking out in California and in denser population areas. But now pretty much every area in the U. S. Has put out precautionary distancing protocols closing unnecessary businesses, and the same can be said for the industrial pump sector. One of the biggest changes we've seen is the cancellation or postponement of a lot of industry events. Some of the more recent events that have put out information the offshore technology Conference ROTC, which was set for May 4th 2/7 in Houston, Texas, has been postponed in a statement. Organizers say the show will take place later this year, either August or September. Also in a press release earlier this week, the American Chemical Society has stated that it is quote inadvisable and impractical to hold the A C s Spring 2020 national meeting an expo in Philadelphia and has terminated the event. Thes Southern Gas Association has pushed back two of its conferences. The Spring Spring Gas Conference and Expo will now take place on August 4th 26 in Columbia, South Carolina, which I guess makes it more of the late summer Gas Conference and Expo. It's AH management conference has also been postponed, but the association has not yet selected a new date for that event. In Germany, Newman and Esther is postpone Compressor Day 2020 until October 8th of this year and originally set for early April. The Asia Turbo Machinery and Pump Symposium, a TPS, has also been postponed. The show will now occur from August 4 to 6 in Kuala Lumpur. No statement has been issued on the domestic version of the tour of Machinery and Pump supposing, which is held annually in Houston in the fall. EASA has canceled its Root Cause Failure Analysis Seminar, which was scheduled for March 27 3 28th and Dallas, Texas, and in a statement released today, says that they are continuing to monitor the situation for the Easter 2020 Convention and Solutions Expo Association also stated that the tenants fees will be refunded in full. If it turns out that ISA does not regime, it does need to cancel the event. Some shows have stated that they're going to continue. The National Fire Protection Association says that the N F. B A Conference and Expo will be held as scheduled. On a statement released March 16th e n f p N f p A. Said that there are no changes in the Conference and Expo schedule in response to the Cove it 19 or Corona virus, but they are monitoring the situation with the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other local health organizations. As developments may change in the future, she changes be made, they will be communicated by the organization's website will include a link to that in the episode show Notes. Also, the American Water Works Association still plans on holding its upcoming annual conference in Exposition. Aced Winnie. June 14th 2/17 in Orlando, Florida The W W ay has created a resource page on its website for updates and will link to that as well. Seth, how, uh, how you been handling yourself? Quarantine and changes Thio Thio Day to day life as response to the Corona virus. I haven't changed my routine or anything too much. To be honest, I've always been pretty good about washing my hands and kind of keeping a distance away from people to begin with. So I had that down a path from the start. But yeah, I'm overall just being a little bit more conscious. Of whom, around or what? I see stuff like that. I'm right there with you, I think, for listeners who may be hearing set say that he's not changed his routine, that does not mean that he does not take your own advice Seriously. It just means that yeah, I'm in the same boat thinking when they tell me like a you can't go out to nightclubs and movie theaters anymore. Like Oh, I was I was supposed to be doing that right. Oh, okay, well, but I know that for a lot of people, especially people who do go out on a lot of people that are in what they classify as non essential employees, a lot of people having their hours cut. A lot of people are being sent home, even hear it. Our parent company, Hans Publications. Normally, we have about close toe on any given day, 30 or more, 40 more people coming in out of the building right now, I think we're down to seven. Most people are working from home. Normally, when Seth and I are not here in the pockets, I'm working at home as well. Eso it is, it is changing lifestyle, and we'll see how long this has to last. But I think we all pitch in together. We can get through it and get back to some something close to normal. Hopefully on the other side of it. Exactly. Uh, you know, just stay smart. Don't do anything outrageous. Yeah, we'll get through good advice. Let's turn now to some news within the industry. Be CCK holding company has named a new chief executive officer, the founder of the company, Clark Butts, and the company's board of directors. Have you naturally chosen Kevin Blount? Are you keeping Kevin Blunt as the organization's new CEO? Blonde, who Curly's serves as the chief operating officer of B. C. C. K, will succeed Clark Butts, the company's founder, who will be leaving the company and leaving day to day operations. Clark will continue provide some strategic oversight to the business, but we've focusing on technology and new product development. Based in Midland, Texas, be CCK Inc provides engineering, procurement, fabrication and fuel construction service's votes in midstream oil and natural gas processing applications. Another company, News Pulse, a feeder, has appointed a new leader. Their commercial efforts. A global leader in fluid handling technology has announced that Jesse Baker has been appointed their commercial leader responsible for all of pulse of eaters, customer facing commercial rolls, those air sales, product management, application, engineering and customer service. In this role, Baker's charter is to help pulse feeder sales and product magic teams accelerate growth across new and existing markets. Repulsive Eater is a subsidiary of IDEX Corporation in ah, acquisition news. Dover is that to acquire in Tech, which will extend their presence into the bio farmer market. Dover is entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Imtech, leading designer and manufacturer of flow measurement designs devices that serve a wide array of medical in bio pharmaceutical applications. Following the close of the transaction, Imtech will become part of the P S G business unit within within do overs Pumps of Process Solution segment and the addition of Imtech further expands divers reach into bio farmer and other hygienic applications. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed, but the transaction is subject to satisfaction of custom customary closing conditions, including a pickle regulatory approvals and will be expected closed by the second quarter of 2020 and other news. A VT Reliability has launched its first effort in the United States. A plant reliability specialist, A VT Reliability Inc. Has opened its first subsidiary in the US as part of a clear plan to expand its global reach on a recent acquisition of Van Given in the Netherlands. A B T Reliability, which is owned by rather than based A S Engineering LTD. Has established a base in Rockford, Tennessee, alongside its sister company A s Seal, the world's largest homogeneous designer, a manufacturer of mechanical seals. US. Customers will see a benefit from its machine century line of products, which is showcase for the first time at the mark on 2020 Maintenance and Reliability Conference. Glenn

spk_1:   9:08
Cohen is chief executive officer for I d. America's, a leader in the development, engineering, construction and operation of Advanced Water Treatment Solutions CEO. He manages the company's sales, marketing and business development activities, has also responsible for driving ideas, growth strategy in the North American markets and overall company's performance. He joins us today Discuss Ideas Hickories process, which incorporates a safe preventative maintenance approach that increases system efficiency and minimizes environmental impact glass. Thank you for taking time to speak with us today.

spk_2:   9:42
Absolutely thank you. And thank you for showing interest in the Korean technology of Ivy and our activity here in North America.

spk_1:   9:51
Most of our listeners air probably familiar with adding chlorine to treat water. What are the hazards of that process and what led I D to seek an alternative solution

spk_2:   10:03
that's so, uh at interest into water is obviously for the purpose of fish in traction, because the most. I think that I'm unused. That and with actor side effects that I think the public is less wear off information, different organic matters that with time and with investigation, has been identified to be potentially, uh and we're mostly talking about information. What gold? Uh, trust Odin, That's the lemon. And I hope I pronounced it

spk_1:   10:41

spk_2:   10:42
Or you sure Indian A

spk_1:   10:44
right. And what can you tell us about ID's Eka Reuse technology and what types of systems would be a good fit for it.

spk_2:   10:56
So we know idea. I ve always have the, uh, this little thinking out. Then we continuously increased water safety and fishes aliens and increasing inability and for our sustainability. And what a safety starts with reducing chemical footprints to be possible. Uh, and looking on those processes that are used today for which one of you we're coming for, you came to the conclusion that if we can reduce, uh, disinfection and posing for me outfront we can potentially increase the safety off the water. Career use is the process that was developed by I D, which essentially take the standard process German for wastewater. We used training essentially waste water into potable water and serene direct. We used mostly. Ah, and by modifying the process, we managed to eliminate the used off a coronation out front. The, uh, process essentially incorporates Ah, different logic. You have to Ah, Ron, uh, the domain of the core of the process, which is using the vs closest by modifying the logic. Ah, the logic of the process in a way that already embeds this infection capability. I can go a little bit more into technical Beatles if you're interested to explain how how it works.

spk_1:   12:35
Uh, yeah, in court,

spk_2:   12:38
Yeah, insured were, ah, modifying the way your investors most coming to use instead of running a continuous process. We're running it both with the process, which essentially means we create and modifications in pressure on the Brian side off the reversal most assistance in a way that modifies the pressure and periodically, and that causes the mysterious ah, to dehydrate or dehydration of the bacteria's and inactivate them in a way that essentially gives you the effect that the disinfection would be without using.

spk_1:   13:26
And does that Does that change in pressure and without using the chemicals, does that mean that echo reuse can help me improve system efficiency.

spk_2:   13:37
So absolutely, it's essentially what it allows is, uh, simplified the operation. It produces a chemical footprint on the fact that even need to handle some of the chemicals or have chemicals on your site. Uh, it makes the system to be more available for review, get more up time off the system, and in certain cases, then the right configuration. We can even increase recovery. Increasing recovery means you get more, uh, front of water out of the system than you would get with a regular system or, in other words, to stay. Six simple words. Doing more with less.

spk_1:   14:14
So in a place like in the West Coast, where water recovery is such a huge issue, are up in the in the North Atlantic region, where there's very high population density. That kind of sustainability would really make ICO reuse a boon to them, wouldn't it?

spk_2:   14:32
Absolutely. And your ah, you see very interesting attractions by a lot of the consulting groups on the public facilities are interested now in extra views. Obviously this is a very conservative market, and everyone would see the fruitful cooperation before adopting and new technology that we're taking all the right steps and working with all the right, uh, utilities and experts in the market to introduce this technology and help them of them embedded in their designs and essentially introduced. Um, the impact is not just like the fact that you're able to do more with less, or that you're able to eliminate chemical process. Also, you generate less Brian attention, which means you send left Brian less isolated distribution back into the ocean. No, that also has its own effect off reducing environmental impact. In addition to that, when you look on inland still places that don't have access necessarily to be Brian Outlet back into the ocean, Brian handling becomes becomes an issue or a barrier for the size of the system, or even the ability to implement this thing and by by being able to provide a system that generates rest. Brian, we're making more of these projects or helping more of these projects. We come by

spk_1:   16:03
and you bring up a good point that municipal treatment markets are a pretty conservative market. Does Zachary's require a new installation, or would I be able to apply retro fitting to my plant if it's an older one,

spk_2:   16:17
so we're able to retrofit their facilities. Uh, course, it depends on what the old system consideration, and sometimes how old is the system? Technology does eventually time and not every system is Risa credible, but this is certainly an option and that we're Richie's first before before going to the new installation stock offering. Sometimes, however, reflection system and would become more economical than just doing the retrofit. Right? Um, the conservative side of it is Maura and about adopting the change changing logic. Even though most of the companies are exactly the same, it's still there is a change and a logical process of how the process is run. And that's where we're in country, most of the conservatives and have to come or force to overcome that dairy. We're doing a lot of the field testing as field work to demonstrate the technology we have, Ron. It's just them for a number of months in, uh, in the waste water facility of this video is no beach. As part of ah program, the number of agencies have put together to test ah use technologies, and one of one of the technology was the idea. Careers, technology. Um, we also have another system is told already in the city of Montecito. Ah, demo system that has been running. There are a number of months, and we're now moving forward toward looking on a bigger system to provide my needs. So it's a process A six time, But where we feel very committed to the process, as this was part of what we think on the way to increase the resilience, assistant ability and essentially support better the communities we work with along the whiskers. Okay,

spk_1:   18:24
well, it sounds like I d has big plans for ICO reuse.

spk_2:   18:29
We do, definitely. We think that part of the smart water strategy for every utility, every district, every region incorporates the combination off, wasteful to reuse be awarded Desire Nation and other natural sources. Uh, by balancing the different sources, you create more resilient system. It's been thrown future droughts or changes and draw out the changes and, uh, Indian conditions that impact your water system and in generally the security and the safety off the product that you delivered through the system, which is eventually quarter. Uh, do every domestic or industrial use, um, and we think that the more, uh, safer, the more sustainable solutions are the better service way. We as an industry and offer every user of water which essentially water is everything right that the basic ah, off any domestic and industrial development on earth

spk_1:   19:50
and and a lot of people mistakenly think that water is ah is an endlessly renewable resource. But potable water is not

spk_2:   20:02
You're absolutely right. And the, uh, the fact that, uh, potable water is obviously subject is planet ages. Ah, uh, different. Uh, and it takes time to build the stack of infrastructure that were that we're talking about. And, uh, that's why calls for more strategic planning and understanding off diversity and the potential development of the meat over time and also district and extended the risk of direction. Now, many, uh, claim and we hear it's, uh, continuously that water is becoming warm or because you go to more advanced treatments, incorporated waste, whatever use you incorporate. He wanted the assignation or brackish water desalination, which are all treatments that, uh, that obviously I cost Maur, uh, then just simply taking out water out of the river, uh, and simply put Indian However, um, I would like to remind people death the cost of not having water would be significantly higher and, uh, the cost of preparing ourselves for that point. And if you look at the past, I mean places like South Africa. Uh, we've reached, uh, who reached what they call back then the bureau capacity days on. And you looked on places like Israel, uh, where the company is originated from, uh, where, without relying on those advanced treatment, we wouldn't be able to sustain their an economic or are the community. Um, when you look in those dishes, you realize that with climate changes and the less predictability of the lower predictability we have for a natural resource is renewable or re occurrence. Uh, we have to prepare our stuff when we have to invest into those, even though originally Boston

spk_1:   22:21
look a lot, that's an important message. And I hope that everybody listening to us, we'll take a take it to heart. Uh, if listeners are interested in finding more about a re use or on I d in general, how could they find you? Well, obviously

spk_2:   22:36
you can go

spk_0:   22:37

spk_2:   22:37

spk_0:   22:37

spk_2:   22:38
website, which is I D dash dot com or reach out to us directly in the different conferences and that we visit for water and way would be happy to answer any question and help. And more people get educated about what they can do to be part of the solution. And this the solution the resilience of ah water resource is a solution that we are all involved in and be a start by everyone's awareness from the personal Yeah, to conservation of water. Ahh to ahh uh, before the development of the larger infrastructure that provides us down a waterfall.

spk_1:   23:25
You're exactly right and glad. Thank you so much for taking time to talk with us today.

spk_2:   23:31
Thank you for showing interest in i. D and an idea Korea solution for waste water.

spk_0:   23:38
It's our pleasure. Take care. If you're a subscriber to NPT, then you know the March issue is out. I have a copy here and from me. And however, if you're not us current subscriber, you can go to M p t bag dot com, click on the subscribe tab and get a free 12 months subscription. And now is the best time to do it. Because the next month's issue will feature our annual products and service is guide. The NPT proxy service is guide comes out every spring and features a range of offerings across the breath of industrial pumping landscape. And if you're interested in having your company's brought, consider for inclusion will include a link to that. In the description for this episode, this has been the efficiency point podcast from M P T magazine. Follow us on Twitter at Mod Pumped mag for updates on our next episode. Today's episode was produced by Seth Saunders. Until next time I'm your host, Jay Campbell. Thank you for listening.