The Efficiency Point

Episode 9: A Conversation with SWPA's President and Executive Director

Modern Pumping Today Season 1 Episode 9

On this episode of the Efficiency Point, we speak with Lisa Riles and Adam Stolberg of the Submersible Wastewater Pump Association and its ongoing role in educating the current and next generation of pump professionals. We also check on the continuing effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the pump industry and look ahead to MPT’s annual products and services guide.


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spk_0:   0:09
This is the efficiency point. A podcast from modern pumping Today magazine. I'm NPT editor Jacob, along with our producer, Seth Saunders. You confined his online at MPT mag dot com m please Rate review and subscribe to the show on any of your favorite podcasts. APS On today's episode, we speak with Lisa Riles and Adam Stolberg of the Submersible Waste Water Pump Association, and it's ongoing role in educating the current and next generation of some professionals. We also checked on the continuing effects of the Corona virus pandemic on the pump industry and look ahead to M. P. T s annual products and service is got. So let's jump right into some headlines. At the time of this recording, there have been over 1.4 million diagnosed cases of Corona virus, with over 400,000 of those being in the United States. Shelter in place Orders have been enacted throughout most of the country, advising all but essential workers to remain at home. Hear NPT. We've set up a special section of our website to track code 19 news and how the virus is affecting the pump industry. Click the special tab on the NPT mag dot com site to see updates from different manufacturers, industry organizations and professional groups on how they're adapting to the ongoing pandemic will also include a directly in this episode. Show notes that Lincoln Full is modern public today dot com slash covad Dash 19 Dash News It's updated pretty much every day, multiple times today. As we get information from different people. We pass it along to you as best we can. As more and more people are working from home. The Water Environment Federation announces a brand new resource for water quality professionals. Access water found it. The Web address Excess water dot or GE in a statement announcing the site's launch, left notes as 21st century water quality professionals air working anywhere and everywhere on all kinds of devices. And to do that effectively, they must be able to instantly access and share technical content no matter where they are. As a content repositories accessible from any Web enabled device, access water organizes information and technical content critical to the water sector. In one single central location, access water provides on demand access to a constantly growing library, starting with almost 20,000 pieces of content are professionals can easily search site right share, discuss and learn all in one location. That Web address one more time. Access water dot org. In other industry news, private equity firm Warburg Pincus has completed the acquisition of Sunday. The acquisition was initially announced in January of this year. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. CEO Mark Sapphic of Sunday in is optimistic about the acquisition, stating in a press release that Warburg Pincus is and Sundays interests align perfectly. Warburg Pincus has launched a 90 day transition period to formally identify areas of opportunity for developing and funding strategic initiatives with the goal of broadening Sundays product offerings and enhancing customer service is globally. Hey, hey, Seth, do you wanna weigh in on Warburg Pincus? And on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a Star Wars character that sounds like?

spk_1:   3:28
Ah, I think that's around the seven range, based on my you know, Star Wars character knowledge. Yeah,

spk_0:   3:36
yeah, I'd say that. I'd say that is pretty High Warburg. If Warburg Pincus showed up and Episode 32 or on a new Disney plus show, I would not be surprised one bit and that's a high That's on the high end of the spectrum. Yeah, now John Smith would probably down with Lo in that zero. Yeah, absolutely. Well, what would be the probably XIV? Palpatine is probably have perfect Tim on the Star Wars names Spectra.

spk_1:   4:02
Well, sure. I mean, you use an iconic name right there, so that gives it a little boost.

spk_0:   4:10
We always like to share good news in the pump industry, especially about good people. And some of the folks we know right across the state line in Georgia is automation direct, and it's happy to see a news item come across my desk about them. Distributor Automation Direct was recently honored with the 2020 Atlanta Supply chain World Class Culture Award, which rewards companies possessing an empowering culture internally for team members, leadership approach that engages the entire organization and forward thinking and a commitment to engaging and giving back to the community. What makes this a war especially notable is that companies air nominated by their clients and business partners, Automation Direct, was nominated for the award by Fred Tolbert of Demand Solutions, a supply chain solution provider for automation Direct, who know that he's seen the company's culture in action throughout 20 years of partnership that he's done business with them. Automation directing captain Tim Carroll accepted the award, stating this award as amazing validation to all of our team members for their efforts of congratulations of them. There's some good news in these in these current conditions. This episode of The Efficiency point is brought to you by J. W. C. Environmental A Soldier Company J. W C. Environmental is a global leader in solids reduction, separation and removal systems for customers and a broad range of municipal and industrial applications. Register today for their free webinar on April 30th. No TP now wiped at modern pumping today dot com slash webinar slash j w C. Now in its fourth decade of service, the Submersible Waste Water Pump Association are swap is the industry's leader in providing accurate, up to date technical information about Submersible waste water pumps and component parts and accessories in lift stations using solid handling pump systems were pleased to be joined today by the organization's executive director, Adam Stolberg, and current swap a president, Lisa Rawls, who is also global director of residential on CBS. America's was I'll, um, thank you both for joining us. Thank you. Well, just to get our listeners familiar with the organization, can you tell me a bit of a brief history of swamp and its mission in the industry?

spk_3:   6:38
Sure, I'd be happy to. J Swab was founded in 1976 as Submersible pumps were already popular in Europe and in the sixties, they had started getting popular in the U. S. And there were four people sitting around a table having a cocktail, deciding that the U. S. Needed, um, an organization that championed Submersible waste water pumps. And it was started in 1976 and 40 years later. Two of those gentlemen are still very active within the organization and today swap. His mission is to enhance the global wastewater environment by informing, educating and providing leadership in design, procurement and operation of Submersible waste water pumping systems,

spk_0:   7:26
and about how many companies air members of swap A and were there different makeups?

spk_3:   7:32
Sure, swap A has over 40 member companies comprised of pump manufacturer members, component manufacturer members and our associate members. So these these members are leaders in their fields. The regular members are manufacturers of Submersible waste water pump for municipal and industrial applications and our component manufacturer members manufacturer component parts an accessory products for Submersible pumps and pumping systems. Our associate members are consulting engineers, waste water treatment, facility operators, distributors on dhe, people like that.

spk_0:   8:17
And Lisa, you're the You're the president of swapping today, but you are also a swap a member for a long time. Oh, how would you say, Why do swap the members come to your organization and what to swap a look to provide them?

spk_2:   8:30
Yeah, I think the number one focus is education, and what swap a does is it allows manufacturers to come together and educate the industry, so waste water pumping is key. It's always been a critical area. I would say education is as important today as it was when swap a initially started decades ago. One example of how current things are with the pandemic that's going on now, things like shortage of toilet paper. People are flushing anything and everything down their toilets. It is causing issues with non flushable wipes and other materials, So SWAPO gives us the opportunity to educate the industry and really address on me of some of the issues that are going on. So it's we're trying to teach the latest technology and teach the best practices for the industry.

spk_0:   9:34
And with so many members in swap, there are a lot of business partners, but also competitors. How do you How do you find that balance to ah, get everybody working together? Well, I think Putin

spk_2:   9:47
and, um, you could maybe added as well. But you know what? The purpose of this the organization and sharing market trends, industry trend, things that are going on swap a brings in speakers like Vanessa Levy from Lima or Tom Decker. And it allows us to kind of forget about, you know, our individual companies and look Maura as the whole industry and how we can promote and educate the industry as a whole.

spk_3:   10:26
At least if I could just add one thing to that, you know, I'm always, um, I don't use the word amazed, but I'm always excited that when we have our meetings oh, our training seminars. We'll have a particular pump member company presenting topic on capitation, for example, and every every company has different types of pumps. Different types of impeller is different intellectual and technical properties that they find make their products unique or potentially more valuable to the end user. But when when swap us together as an organization, I've said this for years and my father before me. It's quite amazing how egos and sales goals get left at the door and a room full of competitors gladly work together to educate the industry. As Lisa said on best practices on latest trends on technology, on governmental regulations, and by doing so, the industry benefits as a whole and every manufacturer member will get their piece of that. But when we're together as an organization, it is not about the individual member of cos it's about the industry and how we can make the industry better not only for the people today, but part of our educational process is making it an exciting, an enticing field for people to enter into in the years to come.

spk_0:   11:50
So what does swap I have planned for the rest of 2020 and looking ahead to the coming year?

spk_3:   11:55
Well, we threw our training resource center on swap his website at S W. P. A dot or GE, we're going to continue to add topics. One a quarter on what we feel are beneficial topics, including H I test standard safeties veils in addition to probably the 10 or 11 that we already have out there, Um, we're gonna continue to expand to include smart wastewater solutions Storm waters, grinder, palms, chopper pumps, um, and really continue to expand our online presence for trainings and see you opportunities. In addition, we're working on potentially setting up a live training event at a 200 level. Where would focus on industry professionals who have maybe been through swappers 100 level basic training or who have spent decades in the industry and are looking for a little, ah, little extra training again? As Lisa said, focusing on hands on an interactive Andi. We're also working in some early stages with some local, um um local, um, regional shows to work on If Slava can potentially be the educational arm of some of those shows and exhibitions. So we've got a lot going on in 2020. The highlight of our of our program also is we've got a CZ long as the pandemic clears the way In the next several months, we do a summer meeting and plant tour, where a member company opens up one of their facilities and we invite all of our member companies to come into our their facilities their their their assembly lines, their plants. Um, and it's really a ah, interesting days worth of of tours and camaraderie, as as the members all get together over the summer.

spk_0:   13:56
Well, that sounds great. Um, what's that? Contact information again for people that want to find out more online.

spk_3:   14:02
Sure. Uh, SWA, The website is S w p a dot or GQ, or if they want to talkto me personally and have questions about how slop it can help their organization or what we provide. Um, the number of swap a headquarters is area code. 8476811868

spk_0:   14:23
Lisa Ross, Adam Stolberg. Thank you so much for taking time to speak with us. Thank you very much. J much appreciated. If it's April and that means in Pts, annual products and service is guide us here when we collect a range of offerings from the worldwide pumping industry and present them to you, our readers and this special issue a Williams parts suppliers distributors, important service operators come together to showcase their best and brightest. This year's Proxim Service's guide is doubly special because it only came together thanks to the dedication of the entire N. P T team, many of whom work from home and all of whom found creative solutions to the unique circumstances the pandemic has imposed. I'd like to take a moment to thank all of them for their hard work and commitment to keeping them and those around them safe. If you're not a current subscriber, please go to npt mag dot com and click the subscribe Tap. Your 12 month subscription will feature the Annals Prize and Service's Guide as your first installment. This has been the efficiency point. A podcast from NPT magazine. Follow us on Twitter at Mod Pumped mag for updates on our next episode. Today's episode was produced by Seth Saunders and I'm your host, Jay Campbell. Stay safe and thank you for listening