Too Old For This Pit
Too Old For This Pit
Episode 21 - Jason Roberts (Breaths)
Everyone knows that Bert from Mary Poppins is the earliest example of a one-man band - but that doesn’t mean he’s the best. Imagine if he was cranking out blackened, doomgazey post-metal, had a less confusing accent and didn't force innocents to dive into his chalk-based nightmarescapes. That's essentially Jason Roberts - multi-instrumentalist and sole member of Breaths.
Jason joins us from Richmond, Virginia to chat about Breaths’ incredibly good debut album, Lined in Silver. We talk about influences, juggling music with a full time job and family life, and Jason informs us, in the most relaxed manner, that he once opened for a band so famous even your gran knows them. No big deal.
Before Jason ushers the kids out of the house and psyches himself up for being on the world’s greatest podcast*, Graham and Kieran broach a broad range of enthralling topics - gardening, painting, cleaning and securing the future of this humble show by having babies within ten days of each other. Sometimes we wish we were listeners rather than hosts, so we could ride this audio rollercoaster unaware of the thrills that await us.
*subject to opinion