Christ Church Memphis

The Unjust Steward | Grant Caldwell

March 13, 2024
The Unjust Steward | Grant Caldwell
Christ Church Memphis
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Christ Church Memphis
The Unjust Steward | Grant Caldwell
Mar 13, 2024

Sermon: The Unjust Steward
Scripture: Luke 16:1-13
Series: The Parables of Jesus
Teacher: Pastor Grant Caldwell

How much more should we, as disciples of Jesus, live shrewdly and wisely for the eternal kingdom? In this sermon, Pastor Grant digs into the parable of the dishonest manager from Luke 16:1-13.

The parable tells of a manager who, faced with impending unemployment, cleverly secures his future by reducing the debts owed to his master. While his actions are dishonest, Jesus commends his shrewdness. This raises questions about our own stewardship of wealth and resources. Pastor Grant challenges us to consider whether we're living solely for this world or making decisions with an eye on eternity.

Drawing parallels between the manager's actions and our own lives, Pastor Grant reminds us of our status as stewards entrusted with God's resources. Just as the manager prepares for his future, we're called to live with an eternal perspective. He emphasizes that our ultimate loyalty cannot be divided between God and money, urging us to prioritize God's kingdom in all aspects of our lives.

Through reflections on the parable and the gospel message, Pastor Grant inspires listeners to reevaluate their priorities and live in alignment with the eternal truths of the kingdom. Join us as we explore the transformative power of living with an eternal perspective in a world consumed by temporary pursuits.

Show Notes

Sermon: The Unjust Steward
Scripture: Luke 16:1-13
Series: The Parables of Jesus
Teacher: Pastor Grant Caldwell

How much more should we, as disciples of Jesus, live shrewdly and wisely for the eternal kingdom? In this sermon, Pastor Grant digs into the parable of the dishonest manager from Luke 16:1-13.

The parable tells of a manager who, faced with impending unemployment, cleverly secures his future by reducing the debts owed to his master. While his actions are dishonest, Jesus commends his shrewdness. This raises questions about our own stewardship of wealth and resources. Pastor Grant challenges us to consider whether we're living solely for this world or making decisions with an eye on eternity.

Drawing parallels between the manager's actions and our own lives, Pastor Grant reminds us of our status as stewards entrusted with God's resources. Just as the manager prepares for his future, we're called to live with an eternal perspective. He emphasizes that our ultimate loyalty cannot be divided between God and money, urging us to prioritize God's kingdom in all aspects of our lives.

Through reflections on the parable and the gospel message, Pastor Grant inspires listeners to reevaluate their priorities and live in alignment with the eternal truths of the kingdom. Join us as we explore the transformative power of living with an eternal perspective in a world consumed by temporary pursuits.