Christ Church Memphis

What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Have to Do with Me? | Rev. Paul Lawler

April 01, 2024
What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Have to Do with Me? | Rev. Paul Lawler
Christ Church Memphis
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Christ Church Memphis
What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Have to Do with Me? | Rev. Paul Lawler
Apr 01, 2024

Sermon: What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Have to Do with Me? 
Series: Easter
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15 (Selected Passages) 
Teacher: Rev. Paul Lawler

"What does the resurrection have to do with you?" 

What if Jesus's resurrection holds the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of existence? In his Easter Sunday sermon, Rev. Paul Lawler invites you to ponder the profound implications of life beyond the tomb.

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the veil of death? Are you searching for meaning in a world filled with fleeting connections and empty promises? In this sermon, Paul reveals the staggering implications of Christ's victory over death. As he navigates the complexities of faith and mortality, he paints a vivid portrait of a future infused with hope, joy, and everlasting fellowship.

Listeners are invited to embrace the gift of eternal life, offering a glimpse into a reality where the sting of death is replaced by the triumph of resurrection. Are you ready to embark on an expedition into the heart of eternity? 

Show Notes

Sermon: What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Have to Do with Me? 
Series: Easter
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15 (Selected Passages) 
Teacher: Rev. Paul Lawler

"What does the resurrection have to do with you?" 

What if Jesus's resurrection holds the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of existence? In his Easter Sunday sermon, Rev. Paul Lawler invites you to ponder the profound implications of life beyond the tomb.

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the veil of death? Are you searching for meaning in a world filled with fleeting connections and empty promises? In this sermon, Paul reveals the staggering implications of Christ's victory over death. As he navigates the complexities of faith and mortality, he paints a vivid portrait of a future infused with hope, joy, and everlasting fellowship.

Listeners are invited to embrace the gift of eternal life, offering a glimpse into a reality where the sting of death is replaced by the triumph of resurrection. Are you ready to embark on an expedition into the heart of eternity?