Awakened Heart Ministries - Dr. Scott Engelman

What on Earth is God Doing? Part 1.2 - The Creator, the Cosmic Uprising, and the Great Divorce 1

AHM Season 6 Episode 2

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that something dark and sinister is happening today right in front of our very eyes. Truth has collapsed. Morality has been overturned. Once trusted social institutions are unashamedly corrupt. Western Civilization, informed by Christianity, is being systematically dismantled by powerful forces for the crime of being oppressive, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful. Everything “good and right” is now being condemned as “bad and wrong”—including all who still dare hold to creational reality.

As Christian men, we rightly ask: Where is God in all this? Why is He allowing this to happen? Are these the “Last days’” or just an intensification of “this present evil day?” More importantly, how should we as men respond to the spiritual battle raging around us?

If these are the questions you have been asking, please join us for our new four-part series, “What on Earth is God Doing?” as we seek to answer these questions from the context of God’s Larger Story. We think this series will be biblically enlightening, spiritually refreshing and personally encouraging as its purpose is to help men better understand how they can actively participate with God in this current spiritual battle in a more thoughtful and effective way.

To find out more about our mission to offer men hope and direction in a confusing world through Jesus Christ, or to learn more about our ministry please visit us at